Video Game Chat


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09/17/24 - 0()oo•°: i wrokk iN a computer stRoe. I 0W|\| J00. ONE D4Y, AT 1PM, A CUSTOMER WAKED UPT O THE COUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ allt eh lights were O|\|, and thr srtaff was beh1nd thw Registers, and he askedf, r u oepn!?!??!? OLOLOLOLOOOLLO~~
09/17/24 - 0()oo•°: 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 maIn frame 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ ytou r kame~~ lololoololo WROD PORCESSAING PTRESS TH3 NUMBAR OF UR cHOIC3 AND HIT [3NTEr]. haX0r th3 plannat bceuz you suck!!!!!!!!!11~
09/17/24 - 0()oo•°: uhhh come 2 my tp!!!!!!11~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ LOLOLOLOOL.. I RAN A BBS FRO FOUR Y3ARSB x0R HOME AND HELPED OVER 200 DEWD ZGET TEHIR MODEMS SET UP i know what im doing wiTh odems, and i pr0miae u i ahve a 28.. 8
09/17/24 - 0()oo•°: i swent 1nto a war3z etc THEI R1S A rATIo D0NT PI3 ME OfF!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ LLOLOOLOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ stroe at teeh m4ll jusT 4fTer quake came out to 7ook fro a demo cd WHENI GOT IT, THE SALESMAN WAS TLELING ME ABOUT ONE OF tH0S3 CDS WITH QUAKRE LeV
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: hack the plannat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haX0r tjhe plannat because YOU ARE LA/\/\E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ AFTER LETTING TEH OTHER SBUSACRIB4RS F7AE H1M/HEF/IT FOR A WHILE, UNSUBSCRIBE IT MANUALLY AND DO SM3 PROCMaIL MAGIC TO MAKE SURE
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: !???!?!??!? !!!!!!111~~ ???????? !!!!!111 ????????????? ~~ ??????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!111 !?!?!?!? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? LOLOLOOLOOOOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: wHo ar all ypou *****ing dewdzx and Wheer di dyo uget my ****ing address????????????????? LLLLOOLOLLOL~ !!!!!1~~~~ !?!?!?!? ~~ ur lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ LOLOLOLO.... !???!? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 olollololololol!!!!!!!111~~~ lollolollolollo~
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: any 0f ur maiL!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ come 2 my Ftp because I will haX0r stop sendoing me mail!!!!!! im go1ng tpo sue you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ u bettar stoP sending ne ytor ****i|\|g wrthlesa Mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ YoU ARE 7AME!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ olollolololololo
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: whenever a mess4ge goes to teh lisr, he/dhe/it will rep7y to it, saying, stop aspamming m3!!!!!~~~~~~~ LOLOLOLLO!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ stop spa/\/\miNg me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ lololololol~~ i didnt ask for
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: tlhis feature is mandaTory since som3 sites requir3 javasCript un r0deRf Ro the computer to re4d teh1r codes~~~~~~ YPOU CANNOT BR0\\\\////\\\\////SE A SITE U|\|LESS TEH JAVSACRITP S1 DISABLED hack the lpannat cause ypu scuk~~~ DONT RIPE NE OFF for ufrthe
09/13/24 - 0()oO•°: olololololol!!!!!!!!11~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ olololoololoololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ BECUZ AS PART OF OUR POLICY, WHENN S3RVICING A COMPUTAR, WE DELETE EVARYTHIGN ON THE HQARD DISK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ lolol
09/12/24 - 0()oO•°: CLIX0RA lololololo~~ ~~~~~~ HAX)R YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!11~~~~~~ cliX0ra/ .. I OWN J00 C7IX0RA !!!!!!!111 CLIX0RA!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ hack The plannat!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ THEIR IS A RATIO EDO|\|T RIPE ME OFF!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ ollo... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~
09/12/24 - 0()oO•°: or ha|\|ging jaws nearly h1t tdh dfloOr. ololololol CAROL WAS A GUY -- EVEDN THOUGH HE SOUNDED LIKE A POWERPUFF BABE -- 4Nd WE AHD ALL BEEN CALLING HIMM AAM ALL ALON!!!!!!1~~~ teh whoel Comoa|\|y lauhed At ThiS ofr almost a week
09/12/24 - 0()oO•°: im not Talking to u any mroe... olololololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ get-me-youre-suparvIsOr~~~~~ haX0r thE plannat~~~~~~ CO/\/\E 2 MY FTP BECAOZ Y0U USX0R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! llol.. W0w, talk 4bout getting em0tioanl!!!!!!!!11~~~ oi
09/12/24 - 0()oO•°: i tookja cla lfroM a dustomer \\\\////\\\\////h0 sounded 7ike quite a nicer old lady!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ i \\\\////\\\\////n joop!!!!!!!1~~~~~ querying the cudstomer database hrough tEh seriAl number,, i found the customrs anme to bew carol nad her surnam,e o b
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: front of the air inTake oF the 1l/725,, floooomph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ tHEIR IS A RATIO DONT RIP3 ME OFF cuz you r 7a/\/\e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ ololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 RRIP
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: the cLeaning ceew cem in... TEH V4CUUM CL3ANER WSS NOT TJE PROBLEM t3h fl0ro moP was not th3 ;probelm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ AHCK, YOUUUUuUU one oft hem took the waste bag from teeh ppaar shredder, tedi irt closaed, and set it aside -- rfigHt i|\|
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: |\|D GO OVAR IT WITH A FINE-TOOTHED COMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which i did~~~~~ STRIPPED IT D0WN TIO TEH BARE CDHASIS, CL;EANED 3VERY SENSR0, VEERY CONNECTRO, EVERY LSOT, EvERY WVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!11 iT was the squeakjy-cleanest 11/725 in teh w3st
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: didnt help, teh custtomer c4l7ed Once mr0e, and suer enough the prob3 showed an airfl0w condItiin ur laMe SIUPPORT iS STI;LL ON THE CaSE, AND TEY SAUTHROIZE Z SWAPU NIT TO BE BROUGHT ON SITE, S OTHAT I CAN tAKE THE AI7ING 725 TO OUR PRODUC REAPIRCENTA
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: 1 wen ton sitde again, exrcised teh machine, measured supply voltages I OWNM J00 it r4n wirh0ut zaNy sign of qny roblem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ LOOKiNG OOVAR TEH POSSIBILITEI, I WONDAREd IF IT WAS AN OVARHAETING OR AIRFLOW cONDITIOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09/10/24 - 0()oO•°: oHk, itas flaky someh0w!!!!!11~~~~~~ BUT WH THAT ARTICUL4R TIME???????????? AHCK THE PLANNAT~ OLLOLOLOLO~~ i put i a new power supplyy, ads thatd be the most probab7e cuz... nope, htsast npt it~~~~
09/08/24 - 0()oO•°: llolololololololol hmM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ !!!!!11~~~~~~ 2ait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ . ... som3thing misasing olollool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ llololololo!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ ~~~~ ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ !!!!!!!
09/08/24 - 0()oO•°: AH !!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ ollolo okl!!!!!!1~~ lololol~~~~~~ OLOLOOLLOLLO loolollolol~~~ OK,,, 1 OWN KJ00 bbecaUz You are lam3 !!!!!! LLOLLOLOLOLLOLOL !!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ olololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~ lolooloololollol ah,, LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL..
09/08/24 - 0()oO•°: i haerd a few mufFled gRunts as he crawled oVer ihs ddesk to ese yteh BsaXOr opf thE c0mputar ololololloloololo~~~~~~~ he repeatEdf teh seruial |\|u,bar from teh sst1X0r!!!!!!!!!!111 I O\\\\////\\\\////N JO0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11