Is it safe to overclock?

Posted by Klarth

I'm using Snes9x with 2.0 (fajima 0.7 loader) and I have to overclock to get the fps to look any good. Is this wise?

Posted by higbvuyb

It isn't really safe to overclock anything. You void the warranty, and some parts may be damaged. Also, it decreases the already tiny battery life and increases heat.

Posted by Wicked Sushi

I wouldn't do it.

Posted by Klarth

I'd like a response from someone who knows something about the PSP, please.

[quote=higbvuyb]already tiny battery life
...Do you know ANYTHING?

edit: alright, I asked around some other forums, and it turns out 333MHz isn't overclocking, it's just the maximum that the PSP can run at without voiding the warranty. whaahnjefnekferf.

Posted by Velvet Nightmare

Absolutely fine, and no, not overclocking. The PSP comes stock underclocked to 222MHz, so returning it to it's standard 333MHz will cause absolutely no trouble. I would in fact encourage it.

Posted by higbvuyb

Not really. THe PSP's designers designed it to run at 233MHz. The processor can run faster, but the rest of the system was designed with the CPU running at 233MHz. And like all other types of verclocking, you risk damaging your hardware, voiding your warranty, decreasing battery life, and makes it far hotter.
There is a reason it was underclocked to 233MHz. It isn't designed to run at 333.

Posted by Klarth
