do you think halo is getting old

Posted by cjs

halo has been around for a long time and being played all the time. do you think its getting old.

i have the game and still enjoy playing it still but not as exciting as it was before maby people need to move on to a new game. or i could be wrong. it could be come a national sport. (if not already).

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Quoted post: halo has been around for a long time and being played all the time. do you think its getting old.

A long time?

The series just came out this generation?

Posted by Sapphire Rose

I highly doubt it'll be a national sport, and if I remember right, it didnt come out but a couple years ago.

Posted by Random

Old... that Depends.. Halo itself isn't old. The Story as of thus far is getting old. The Games are easily getting old after playing them for a while. So yes and no... Sporting...? If gaming is a sport. I feel that I wasted my time here..

Posted by MichiyoYoshiku

Yes, Yes it is.

Posted by Pit

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