PS Board

Posted by Skitzo Control

The Playstation Board is still without a mod. I'm not sure if Rayd--Err... Big Boss still visits it as often as he used to, but there are currently three "Favorite PS2 Game" threads, and I'm pretty sure that's a bit of a sign that it isn't as well-taken care of as it should be. With that said, I'm throwing up a nomination thread for possible mod suggestions, even though I'm not really a mod and still have access to this board.:cool:

Posted by boomstick

Skitzo, I believe once modded that board, so I think you yourself would make a good nomination for the job. I'd take it as well, since I go there often and the Anime Board doesn't take up too much of my time here since it's not very active, but I doubt I'd get it by nominating myself, so I'll say Skitzo if he's alright with it.

Posted by Dexter

Skitzo should Control it. ;)