Recent scenes that have left you in awe

Posted by deftdelivery

What are some recent movie scenes that just blew you away?

For me, seeing the end of Fight Club, with the buildings blowing up and the Pixies - where is my mind playing....ahh does it for me every time.

Also Bateman going the speach about Huey Lewis and the News then going after Paul Allen with the axe...

"is that a raincoat?"
"Why, yes it is!"

Posted by mastachief

how bout, the battle scenes on LOTR and the yoda fighting scene

Posted by Mystic Hero

I much liked the fight scenes in Kingdom of Heaven. A lot of action and I thoght well done. I also thought the way they made Magneto fly in X-Men I was pretty cool. The battle scenes in The Last Samurai were also done real well. They all had great fight scenes.

Posted by Y4kMISFIT

Kung Fu Hustle, It had an amazing action scene with the 3 martial artists fighting about 100 people in the axe gang. It was the most entertaining fight scene I've seen in a martial arts film. The action was directed by Yuen Woo Ping, if you know who this guy is then you'll understand what i'm talking about.

Posted by Dexter

The scene in Sideways between Miles Raymond (Paul Giamatti) and Maya (Virginia Madsen) in which they speak about their feelings for wine, yet they are revealing their innermost secrets was a powerful, inspiring scene.

Posted by Jak Pattinson

i scene that i remember that was the coolest was the one in torque. besides the whole movie being rubbish, the ending was excellent. the way the bike was leaking and all the speed and cgi. it looked super when the trail of leaked petrol was set alight and blew the motorbike up. that was amazing. i also liked the magneto scene in x-men. the bodyguard having too much iron and all. that was cool.