Xbox Go Boom?

Posted by Sean Fury

I've heard that if you don't get some special power-cable for the Xbox, there is a 1 in 1000th chance that it could blow a fuse and die. Is there anyone that can verify this?

Posted by Skitzo Control

It's not true. What happens is the soldering will wear out and the connection from the cord to the Xbox will burn away. It's a fairly simple fix (I've done it myself), and isn't really worth all the hype people are putting behind it.

There was also a rumor that if you left your Xbox on and plugged in for an extended amount of time, the heat in it could cause a major nuclear reaction, turning your Xbox into literal hydrogen bomb. Although this is unverified, I can assure you that it wouldn't matter, because whoever/whatever you decided to hit with your new WMDbox, they would die instantly, explosion or not, thanks to the Xbox's massive size and weight.:)

Posted by xboxchamp

yes this is true because I had to get a free replacement cable from

Posted by xboxchamp

the heat and nuclear thing isn't true because the xbox will turn it self off after 6 hrs of no play and there is a fan that constantly runs to keep it cool

Posted by Axis

Quoting xboxchamp: the heat and nuclear thing isn't true because the xbox will turn it self off after 6 hrs of no play and there is a fan that constantly runs to keep it cool

I thought you had to set that manually.

Posted by Sean Fury

Quoting Dyers Eve: I thought you had to set that manually.

My fan has always been on by itself Oo

Posted by Skitzo Control

Quoting xboxchamp: the heat and nuclear thing isn't true because the xbox will turn it self off after 6 hrs of no play and there is a fan that constantly runs to keep it cool

You actually think I was serious? I think I like you, already.:)

Posted by crimsoncinder

I think it's untrue. Why would a company market something that would kill their own product?

Posted by Mini Rebew

i got a replacement cord for mine. It was really simple. I've heard of the "xbox blowing up if its on too long rumor, but if it was true some idiot would have tried it, they're xbox would have blown up, it'd be on the news, and xbox would get recalled. Just like those people who eat pop-rocks and coca-cola to see if it will explode their stomach. I say, just dont leave it on, either way it cant be good for your xbox.

Posted by TwilightPrincess3

your xbox will only blow up if you are in a small room with it, you masturbate so much that the room heats up and your xbox explodes

by the way i masturbate to chubaca the hairy dude from star wars

Posted by the arbiter

I`m new to this WEBSITE and I`m 9 years old. I got my XBOX for christmas a year before it came out and it`s FINE