
Posted by netman

A plumber; Only escape from his dead end job as an unemployed plumber (Its a recession after all) is drugs. Specifically, of the psychoactive mushroom variety.

I picture a fat man, still thinking that red overalls are fashionable, laying on the floor. He stares at the wall, a rather large grin on his face and saliva dripping from his mouth into a puddle on the floor. Various plumbing tools are in a mess all over his small red-brick apartment. Among the scattered tools are some hammers and some pipes. At one time he had some pet turtles, their dead carcasses have finally stopped smelling now.

As a youth, he always had a crush on his next door neighbour, who he nicknamed Peach. He always regretted that one incident in the car after which she never spoke to him again. Growing up he loved dinosaurs, and always wished he could own one.

But then he turned to the shrooms. And the more he took, the more spaced out his visions would get. Eventually he pictures himself jumping from planet to planet. One day he's going to jump, and not have anywhere to land.


Posted by coromoro

That was beautiful. :cool: