Ice Creature 14

Posted by Ant

[Quote=Ice Creature 14 in riolumasters profile]Hi,you there? Or is this website already dead? I have to tell someone my plan...I have a theory for world domination. You know how practicly everything in the US is made in china...All one needs to do is control china or at least its electronic companies.Control electronics control China control the world. Hahahahahaha! So simple, so easy, why hasn't anyone else thought of this?! Anyone can control a contry,But why not The entire World. I know how.But need to know what you think. DEATH TO INDUSTRY!

lol. this guy seriously cracks me up.

hey ice creature if you read this you're a faggot!

Posted by Lord of Spam


Posted by fnool

this is amazing

Posted by Tyler Durden

China doesn't even control China, what an idiot.

Posted by EL Poco

can we not forget his magnum opus "shadows have power"

Posted by Lord of Spam

man someone needs to archve3 that ****

Posted by Linko_16

I got an idea just control chickens. Every nation in the world eats chicken so if you control chickens you control the world.

Posted by Stalolin

okay i got a theory guys

everything runs on atoms and molecules and nucleus and stuff right

okay well you are like absorbing those things all the time so we should just poison all of them and then people will get the runs and they will dehydrate and dye

Posted by Tyler Durden

Now you're just thinking too far ahead into this lolin.. take a few steps back.