Voice acting?

Posted by Noir

How would you feel about the addition of VA to the Zelda series? A welcome change that should have happened a few years ago already, or something that should not belong in the franchise?

Personally, I really, REALLY want to see it. Please. Text boxes were cute a million years ago, but Twilight Princess has showed me how much the lack of voice acting hinders the overall presentation of the in-game cinematics.

Posted by Prince Shondronai

I'd prefer less voice-acting, personally. The grunts and other noises that characters make in the Zelda series get annoying sometimes.

I don't know. I think I just prefer to be able to hear the characters' voices in my head as I read their dialog on the screen as opposed to trusting actors to not screw it up.

Posted by Dexter

I'd vote for voice acting. I don't usually even give them voices in my head. I just read text insipidly. Voices give characters more personality and I feel Zelda characters could use some more of that, especially our hero, Link.

Posted by Omni

I'm all for voice acting, provided that it's done properly.

Posted by Dexter

I'd take them even if they're bad at this point.

Posted by Sk2k52

I think the charm of the zelda series is the giggles and grunts the characters makes w/o the voice acting. It just makes the game feel like a faerie taile imo, voice acting while not against (if done properly), the style works with no va quite well. This is in contrast to some games wehre I'm annoyed over there not being voice acting as they hte kind that really need it (cant remember a example on the top of my head but was thinking about it with a game i was playing the other day).