me your worth...

Posted by UncleYaris

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]
Jayke Kryger looked aimlessly at the dark void through the giant screen of the glass-like substance before him. He stared at the darkness, and saw the stars zoom by as the starship, The Revenge, drifted through space. The large capital ship was a battered and old war vessel, and it was empty. Jayke turned around and faced the great bulk of the bridge. There were no pilots, no was a ghost ship. Jayke himself wondered how it was moving, but that was of no importance at the moment. All he knew was that he needed to prepare for a battle...he sensed it. He knew that an enemy was near. He crossed his arms as he paced the bridge.
[COLOR="Yellow"]"Where are you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]he called out to the emptiness. He then snorted. It mattered little where his opponent was. All that mattered was that there was an opponent. Jayke continued pacing as he waited[/COLOR]

OoC: Its basically a star ship. The battle can take place anywhere, but I'm waiting in the bridge. You're more than welcome to change the setting mid-battle, just incorporate it into the move. Ive left out a lot of detail to leave it up to the imagination during the battle, to have some fun ;)

Posted by Strike

OOC: Oh Goodness, just wrote up a dashing reply and had it vanish when the power outed. Here's a rushed attempt at recreating the original.

OK seriously. I was floating along, minding my own business, drifting peacefully about space when the hull of a starship up and slams me in the back of my head. For rude! I ruffled my preverbial feathers, and took on an astral form, flitting silently through the thick hull and materializing on deck in the ship.

[color=navy]"All right, who's in charge here.... oh,"
the wind was taken out of my sails, all my indignation deflating my posture like an untied balloon. It was hard to rant and rave at a crew of incompetent space navigators when they were all dead.

The scene was made almost more grotesque by the lack of gore. No entry or exit wounds, no wild slashes, puddles of blood, decapitations, or head-shots. Just dead people, littered at almost every work-station as if they had fallen over dead whilst in the middle of working. Odd... very odd indeed.


My broodings were cut short by the sound of footsteps in the outer hallway. Eager to follow up on this mystery, I ran to the door, which opened immediately at my approach, and I found myself face-to-face with Jayke the Cyborg.

"Oh, hi." Okay, I know this response was weak, but all the righteous fury and vengeance that burned within me as an angel of wrath had not yet had enough time to build up - and I was still a little off-guard from the scene I had just found myself thrown into. Jayce leaned in order to see past me into the ugly scene beyond. He immediately drew one of his laser-pistol-thingies. (1)

"You, what did you do to them???" he demanded.

"What, ME? That should be MY question - I just got here! What about you?! From what I can tell, you're the only lifeforce here since I arrived just now!" I retorted indignantly.

"It is I who just arrived, to catch you red-handed at the scene! What have you done?"

Tsk, so demanding. I am convinced that my face at that point was the purest portrayal of annoyance, though I didn't have a mirror handy to know for certain. (2)

"Look here, man...." I was put short by an abrupt bolt of plasma, which zoomed ominously past my ear. I felt my jaw clench in frustration.

"Allright, I don't know what's going on here, but I won't add to the body count, of that I can assure you!"

I drew my sword, (3) and attacked. He was quick, dodging to the side with the aid of the back of his armored gauntlet, deflecting it rather than blocking - wise on his part, as a direct hit from my blade would more than likely shatter most substances.[/color]

(1) Well, I've made it a point not to take too much notice of modern weaponry since my mortal days in the early 1900s. When you face the enemies I face, bullet, mortar, and laser are to them like bugs to a windshield. But something about this enemy, and this gun barrel, gave me the feeling I shouldn't be too confident around it... I watched it warily.

(2) This isn't the case for all of us demi-g0ds... most supernaturals are quite the narcissists. Mirrors suit their tastes, and they carry them around constantly, as well as cameras, in order to get good views of poses, stances, faces... you name it.

(3) A katana, The Order of the Rose, a silvery blade made to perfection for speed and a keen edge. Indestructable, signifies a portrayal of my warrior spirit, and cannot be permanently separated from me so long as I sustain the will to fight. Oh, and the drawing and slashing of the blade are all one motion - battojutsu - a flash-of-light thing. First it's not there at all, and next my hand is at my hip, gripping the handle which was not there until I gripped it. All at once, it is brought into reality, and splaying blood in it's wake in the blink of an eye.

OOC (again!): I kind of made some changes to the scene in order to create a fight. As an avenging angel, Strike will not attack someone for no reason, especially if he does not know them. (Friendly sport between common acquaintences is one thing, attacking a stranger totally different.) Therefore I kind of created a confusing situation to cause our characters to begin combat. Because of that, I didn't have much juice left for the actual attack, so I'm afraid the first real attack will still go to you. =)

Posted by UncleYaris

OoC: Sorry about the confrontation bit, I didn't realize your attack policies and all that.
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
[COLOR="Blue"]Jayke glanced quickly at the figure who just whizzed by him.[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]"You're quick,"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]he said,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]"But that won't save you"[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Jayke placed his Wolfhowl .66 blaster pistol back by his side. There he stood, unarmed, staring at his opponent. He looked oddly at Jayke's visor, faintly seeing his green eyes on the other side. All of a sudden, Jayke lept into the air and adjusted his body horizontally, and flew headfirst into the demi-***. He gave a grunt as his back cracked, slamming into the control panel near the front of the bridge. Jayke stood up and kneeled over the fallen body and began to punch the face several times, beating his face until it was swollen and red. Jayke got up, satisfied, picked up the body and threw it across the room, quickly drew his rifle from around his back, and unloaded a clip into the body of flying across the room. It landed with a loud bang into the wall. It crumpled over and fell down. Jayke placed the still smoking rifle back on his back.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]"I'm not gonna waste my time with you, you don't have a contract on your head. Means that I don't get paid. Your best bet is to just stay down. Next time, I a'int gonna be so nice."[/COLOR]

OoC: I don't know if you bleed or not, so I didn't bother beating you to the point of blood.

Posted by Strike

Jayke turned around, and felt a strong grip around his neck.

[COLOR="lightgreen"]"You pathetic curr," [COLOR="navy"]this was me,[/COLOR] "All these people died because of your bounty? Is that what you're TELLING ME???"[/COLOR]

I yanked backward on Jayce's neck, bending him in two over my knee, which rocketed upward into the middle of his spine. There was an uncomfortable crunch, and I released his neck, only to wind my arm upward and slam my elbow down into my opponent's exposed neck, shattering his esophagus and putting intense pressure on his arteries. Undoubtedly he whited out, and I took the opportunity to toss his body pell-mell into the air, like a rag doll, and fire a detonation (1) at him.

He let out a deep grunt as he smashed, smoking, into the corridor wall. The automatic door closed behind me as I advanced, leaving him a couple feet of ground with which to recover. I whisked my sword up, point following his neck, allowing him to stand but not to take me by surprise again any time soon.

(1) A fire spell, like your typical fireball, but with a more definitive "BOOM" characteristic.

Posted by UncleYaris

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Jayke remained laying down, under the Order of the Rose, staring into his opponents eyes. He smiled, but of course, Strike couldnt see that through Jayke's visor. Spikes, normally reserved to grip onto slick surfaces shot out of boots. Jayke retracted his leg and dug the spikes deep into Strike's right calf. Strike roared back in pain and Jayke jumped up and punched Strike in the face, knocking him back slightly. He then reached down to his belt and drew two steel cylendars. He flipped the switches, and a blue and red beam cracked to life.

Jayke swung his left arm but the blade was parried by Strike, however he didnt see Jayke's right fist strike him in the abdomen with the hilt of the beam sabre, knocking him through the automatic door back into the bridge.

[COLOR="Yellow"]"You're tough, I'll give you that much,"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jayke said as he continued swinging his blades, striking Strike on his right arm. Strike screamed in pain,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]"But youre a world away from me!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jayke deactivated his blue sabre, and placed his left arm up to Strike's chest. Suddenly, a burst of flame shot out, and a missile hit him, sending him into the side trench of the star ship, landing on several bodies of the dead crewmen. His ribcage was shattered, and he groaned as he hit the wall.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Yellow"]"I didn't kill these men. I was supposed to, but then you beat me to the punch."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jayke sneered as he stared at the smoking body.[/COLOR]


Posted by Strike

[COLOR="navy"]I smirked, despite the pain in my chest.

[COLOR="lightGreen"]“You haven't even seen tough yet.”[/COLOR] I spat, coming in close, gripping onto Jayke's arm and twisting it behind his back, one of his beam sabers clattering to the floor. [COLOR="lightGreen"]“I beat you to the punch, eh? Was that your alibi for when the ISSP (1) arrived? Well, I'm sorry, but I won't be your scapegoat today.”[/COLOR]

I heaved upward, a sickening pop signaling a dislocated shoulder. Jayke grunted, and I released his arm, allowing it to fall limp and useless at his side. Meanwhile, I delivered a crushing hammer-punch to his neck, which put him into the air horizontally and ground his already shattered esophagus (2) into powdery pulp.

Still facing his back, while he hung suspended horizontally in mid-air, I used that split-second to deal a repeating side-kick to his lower back, popping vertebrae and mercilessly throwing him face-first into a control station which shattered into a spray of sparks and debris. Jayke flopped around a bit in a pathetic display; electricity coursing through his veins.[/COLOR]

(1)Interstellar Space Police
(2)Meaning... Jayke cannot breathe.

Posted by UncleYaris

OoC: Hopefully I'll be able to make a move tonight, I have been just a wee bit lazy and busy at the same time ;)

If I don't answer by tomorrow latest, you can make another move if you want.

Posted by UncleYaris

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Jayke slowly got up gasping for air. He supported his body using both arms, halfway up on all fours.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]"Pretty...good,"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]he panted.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"] "But...I;m not...done...yet!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Taking a single immense breath, he sprang himself up and landing an uppercut to Strike's chin, knocking his head backwards. But in the split second that Strike's head jolted back, flames shot out of the two circular tubes resting on Jayke's right wrist. Using his flamethrower to blind, sear, and burn Strike, he landed his left fist into Strike's gut, knocking him backwards, using the tubes on his left wrist to fire bolts of electricity through his body. Jayke gave a final push, knocking him backwards.[/color]
[COLOR="Yellow"]"I'M NOT DONE YET!!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]he screamed out, using all of his strength, pulling the heavy blaster rifle from his shoulders and aiming it at the flying body of his opponent. His finger squeezed on the trigger, sending bolts of energy towards his opponent, tearing through his flesh, his exposed chest (as his hands were clutching his now blackened face) hit over and over again. An entire magazine was unloaded by the time the body hit the ground, and Jayke pulled the empty shell out of the gun and dropped it on the ground. Falling down to one knee and using the rifle to balance himself up, he struggled to draw another breath:[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]" him..."[/COLOR]

Posted by Strike

I erupted into flame. Every time I do this what is most strange about it is the sensation. It's hard to describe really, first you feel as if your whole body is burning up, and then you KNOW that your whole body is burning up, but no longer in a bad way; because you become fire. Just as the last two beam-shots hit me, I absorbed them, and used the remaining energy (plus some of my own stores) to seal my wounds. This didn't full heal them, but kept me functional without having to fear for losing too much blood.

The carpeted floor of the deck beneath me blackened and curled, as I got to my feet and crouched. Breathing steadily, I rocketed forward, propelled by a jet of flame which exploded from one fist, which was held behind me. My right, however, was held forward.

I tackled my opponent with a clothesline of flaming inferno (my arm, of course), smashing him into the wall. This dealt a crushing blow to the top of his head, rattling his scalp, and weakening the structure of the wall behind him considerably.

Following this, I released a blast of built-up heat in the form of a beam. This came from my left hand, which had previously been doing the whole "rocketeer" thing behind me. I brought it forward, and from blank range erupted a large beam of white-hot heat, which blasted my opponent through the wall into the corridor, through the wall of the corridor into some private quarters, through the opposite wall of the quarters into another private quarters, and into a bathroom, smashing his face into the toilet bowl - which shattered and began to leak over his head.

A large gaping hole smoked in his chest, sizzling as the toilet water ran over it. I slowly advanced on my opponent, taking very little care to step through the holes made by my opponent as he was thrown back by my beam; but rather melting my way through them as the aura of heat surrounding me grew more and more intense.

Posted by UncleYaris

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Yellow"]Again, time constraints are stopping me from posting an attack, and I'm in the middle of creating a new character as well, so I'll post as soon as I have a chance![/COLOR]

Posted by Strike

Looking forward to it =)