Segata Sanshiro

Posted by Aioros

[COLOR="Yellow"]Every thread on here is mainly about gaming news, and particular games so i thought I'd do something different. The following video is a brief history of Segata Sanshiro, Sega Saturn's iconic mascot (in Japan) that was created to boost the system's popularity, i assume.

It may be silly, but it's fun to take a look back at the history of gaming and find things like this:

P.S: The podcast that created the video is hilarious too and i recommend it to anyone who loves games and has a sense of humor.[/COLOR]

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Haha, man, those were actually some pretty great commercials. Bad, but funny. If only commercials were still like that and not just fancy CG...

Posted by Corrupt

Added to my favorites. Thank you.

Posted by Prince Shondronai

I remember seeing this a few years ago on GameFAQs, I think. Funny stuff.