Why you do what you do, and much more.

Posted by Sterling

Pretty cool, you just have to have a good attention span.

Posted by Linko_16

Determinism, or more specifically, Fatalism. Not new, not a secret, not a horrible discovery that can only be found hidden away in the dark depths of some closet in Anytown, USA. And how that he glorifies Heisenberg for the origin of his entire argument when the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, stating that the placement and velocity of subatomic particles are uncertain at any given time, that is the most outstanding problem to the philosophical proposition of Fatalism!

Also, how convenient that everyone he's in a debate with degenerates into a blithering fool. Plato would be proud.

Posted by Sapphire Rose

Read it. Shrugged. Sounds like any other rant by someone who thinks they have all the answers.

Posted by O.T.L

its easy for him , he's asking the questions.

yeah life is pointless so what. my nuerons are telling me to eat , so I'm gonna eat , i dont give a f*ck. I get pleasure from doing things so I'm going to do them , i could care less what anyone else thinks.

Posted by Bebop

A fun read if nothing else. Now Im hungry.

Posted by Speedfreak

I believe things can be objectively good, despite not appealing to everyone, so quite a few of those paragraphs didn't phase me. The rest of it is disproven by quantum physics, which basically means that stuff can, will and does happen for absolutely no reason at all.

Posted by Shade

Well, it was an interesting read, anyway. Though I kinda want my time back.