
Posted by Tyler Durden

[URL=""]The wiki..[/URL]

[URL=""]The site..[/URL]

[URL=""]The trailer..[/URL]

[URL=",%2Bmovie%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den"]More background noise..[/URL]

Posted by Dr. Rockso

Just looks like an Escape movie without Snake Plissken

Posted by Ant

haven't heard **** about it until 2 weeks before it's release. gonna suck.

Posted by WillisGreeny

This movie has dumb**** all over it.

The male cop/whatever gets the **** end of the robe during the trailer, while the female cop seems to be the only one who knows what she's doing. The gadget **** is dumb. A rotating camera eye linked to a watch screen is more convienient than a mirror already in use by swat? There was plenty of light in the room to not need nightvision optics *slaps head*.

Male cop: Almost walks right into a shotgun blast from a naked female in the bathtub (naked women with guns... When will people stop copying Ghost in the Shell?)

Female cop: Without hesitation, blows the tub-***** right away.
Male cop: Opens the door and BARELY gets two shots off before the badwomen does--Shortly afterwards gets grabbed from behind with a gun pointed at his head.
Female cop: Women starts using a mechanical eye..
Male cop: tries to break from the bad guy's hold and ends up getting his head blown off.

Badguy: stares blankely at his actions so that the Female cop is sure to kill him...apparently bad guys have deep emotional problems for killing people...even though he had already killed two guys in another room.


Posted by Borealis

im unamused

Posted by Tyler Durden

Nigga, this movie is the balls.. eat one or die.

Posted by maian

I've seen the trailer before. Looks like an interesting, maybe even good idea...

...Done very badly.

Posted by Y2kMISFIT

Director of The Descent, count me in!!

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Black guy, white woman. Yeah, that's all I needed to see. Gonna suck.

Posted by Hyperactive Poster

The background music during the fight scene reminded me of the moartal Kombat movie.

Looks like fail, but ya never know.