IPs, Bots, and Scripts, Oh My!

Posted by Skitzo Control

Alright, I've a few questions I need cleared up. I know very little about computers, so anybody that can help me out, give it up.

First off: is it possible for two computers to have the same IP address, if these computers are not on a router, connected, or in any way shape or form related?

Second: if it is not possible for two computers to have the same IP address, is it possible for one of those computers to mask their IP and make it appear as another?

Third: Is it possible for there to be a bot/script that would run automatically if you went to a certain place? Explanations will be below.

Fourth: Does this signature make my *** look fat?
The story behind all this, is I was on Battle.Net (what Blizzard uses as their online server for WarCraft, StarCraft, etc. players), and I joined a channel. After a short time in this channel, a bot kicked in and started spamming the channel.
At the bottom is where I get kicked out. Ignore that. Now, the story behind this is that somebody "squelched" the bot, or, put it on ignore. When you squelch somebody on Battle.Net, it will also squelch everybody with the same IP, and coincidentally enough, these bots had the same IP address as me. Any idea what could have gone on?

Posted by Fiindil

why'd you play DOTA, it sucks :P :)

[/end useless reply]

Posted by Hyper

If the bots were based on PHP, then the script could automatically set the value of their IP as your own. Example:

$user_ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // This gets your IP.
$bot_ip=$user_ip; // This makes it so the value of the variable that contains the bot's IP is the same as yours.

mysql_query("UPDATE user SET banned=1 WHERE ip=$bot_ip"); // this really isn't the right query I'm sure, but just an example. It would ban any user with the IP that matches the value of $bot_ip, therefore banning everyone the bot got the IP of.

Sorry for the bad explanation, it's late :(