Halo 3 Party

Posted by Pit

need two more to get a co op game on legendary 3rd mission.

Posted by Fate

Tomorrow morning will be my first venture.

Posted by Vampnagel P. Wingpire

I'll be on tomorrow night.

Posted by Xeones

beat it already...sorry pal

Posted by Roger Smith

I won't have any ****ing internet until Monday :(

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

I'm down.



Posted by Vampiro V. Empire




Seriously though, if we can arrange a nice open period of time soon to blast through Legendary campaign, consider The X on your list. :cool:

Posted by Pit

need gamertags, im on the third level
i just wanna get legendary out the way


sabredaigo is mine. It can't be that hard. I'm on Heroic and I only seem to die as a result of poor driving on the part of my teammates. There was a really annoying part near the start though, with all the Jackal snipers. I died a couple of times then.

Perhaps COD2 has made me numb to dying twenty times per checkpoint. :(

Posted by Pit

I like playing with people dude. Makes the game more fun.




Posted by Fate

Mel Gear Solid over here.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

already on your list

Posted by The underground

im down for around 5:00 tonight est.
just look for Systemofshadows.

Posted by Pit

K, co op campaign on legendary, who's up for Sierra 117?

Posted by Vampnagel P. Wingpire

I'll be on in a bit. Less than an hour.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

I'll join after you beat Crow's Nest.

Posted by Fate

I want to do Legendary with someone. :(

Posted by Pit

I just beat the game, i'm gonna do the skull hunt now.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Have fun with the last silver skull :cookie: It sure wasn't fun to get.


I should probably go hunting for them, too. Do they show up on every difficulty? Bungie seem to discourage playing on Easy a LOT.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Normal and up. I'll help you dudes out if ya want. I've done it for just about everyone else on my list.


It's cool, I won't force you to go through it all over again. As long as I can find a decent guide to do it with.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

IWHBYD skull:

Start at mission start on the Covenant. Get all the way to the end where you kill Truth. Proceed to wipe out the flood, all of them. See the Halo rings? See the one that's red? That's 4. The one near Truth if 7, the one near the lift is 1. Jump through the rings in this order:

4 5 6 5
7 6 5 4
1 2 3 2
7 2 1 3
4 6 7 5
4 6 5 4
5 3 4

Do not let anyone kill you, do not let anyone else jump through a ring once you start. If done correctly, the rings will flash very brightly. Go over the the bridge near Truth. Sitting there is the skull. Make sure everyone is alive when you grab it. That's it. Done.


How the hell did people figure this out - am I jumping through the fourth ring, the fifth, the sixth, the fifth, then the seventh and so on? What does IWHBYD stand for?

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Rest of the skulls:

Name: Iron
Effect: Co-op reverts to previous checkpoint on player death. Solo restarts mission.
Level: Sierra 117
Location: At the end of the level when you cross the dam with the hammer brute, climb to the ledge on the building at the very back behind all the enemies (the massive warehouse), follow this ledge to the left until you come to a dead end it will be on the ground to your right. This is directly behind the building where Johnson is being held.

Name: Black Eye
Effect: Your shields do not recharge, you must melee enemy to gain shields
Level: Crow's Nest
Location: In the Ops Control Room (starting room), there is a huge pipe above you. Just use the huge box above the staircase and jump to the red bar and then jump to the pipe.

Name: Tough Luck
Effect: (NEW) Enemies always make every saving throw, always berserk, always dive, never flee
Level: Tsavo Highway
Location: In the area with a curved highway and a pipeline to the left, climb up the yellow ladder and walk along the pipe a little way to the right. Then you will see a yellow gate, jump over it and look down-left. You will see a landing, fall down to that landing and walk to the end. Now you will have to make another jump to the left again to a smll cliff ledge.

Name: Catch
Effect: all enemies have 2 grenades, throw more grenades
Level: The Storm
Location: Go through until you go outside again. when you go outside look straight across there is a round building straight out there, the skull is on top. In order to get up there you must either use a warthog as a platfor or grenade-jump. To grenade-jump just toss a grenade and use the explosion to propel you up, then crouch at the top. Try to time the jump to that the explosion goes off half a second after you jump.
Do not destroy the wraiths.

Name: Fog
Effect: (NEW) no radar
Level: Floodgate
Location: In order to get this skull you must kill the single flood at the start of the level. When it dies, it drops the skull. First, head towards the ramp near the missile pod. As soon as you start up the ramp, it triggers the flood to jump from the roof to your right. Try to shoot the flood while it is in mid-air so that the skull falls into your reach. Alternately, you can toss a grenade up to the roof so that it explodes just in time to blow the flood down to you.

Name: Famine
Effect: all weapons found have 50% less ammo
Level: The Ark
Location: Past the area just after your first battle with vehicles, keep going until you come to a large drop. From here turn right and you will see a large bridgelike structure. Continue under the structure and you should see a large rock to the right past the shadows. Jump from the rock to the sloped cliff to the structure. Then head down to the third pillar extension and you will see the skull out in a little space in the extension to the pillar. you will need to grenade-jump over to get to it.

Name: Thunderstorm
Effect: all enemies will be at their highest rank
Level: The Covenant
Location: Once you get the Hornet, fly to the second barrier tower which is the elite's tower. Land in the middle, then go up the ramp going towards the ocean. The skull will be lying out in the open on this platform.

Name: Tilt
Effect: (NEW) 'what was resistance is now immunity', damage is modified*
Level: Cortana
Location: Go to the large room near the pelican. When you make it to the purple circle look up, the skull is just above you. In order to reach there, you will need to look to the right for a small purple extension. Jump on that and you will see 2 platforms, you need to jump on both of them. Then hop to another set of platforms to your left. Then you will need to go across a slimy looking pipe and you will see the skull on the ground on the left.

Name: Mythic
Effect: double enemy health
Level: Halo
Location: Near the begining of the level, follow the right wall. Keep turning right and you should see it on the ground at the end of the path. This skull has been found on easy difficulty.

-Silver Skulls-

Name: Blind
Effect: HUD and first-person arms are hidden
Level: Sierra 117
Location: Near the first enemy encounter stay to the right. Follow the wall on around past the small building until you reach the cliff edge. The skull is on a rock right just over the edge.

Name: Cowbell
Effect: Explosive force increased (sputnik from H2)
Level: The Ark
Location: After Scarab, past sleeping grunts, in the spiral room with five stacked cubbies. Grab a portable grav near the scarab. Place it on the ramp, try to get in the top cubby. It's there. Let everyone in your party get a grav lift, if you **** it up, kill yourselves together to go to last checkpoint.

Name: Grunt Birthday Party
Effect: when killed with headshot, grunts explode like a pinata
Level: Crow's Nest
Location: After the first objective, in route to the barracks, you will fall down into a large pipe. There will be smaller pipes coming from the sides and Drones (insect-like enemies) flying out right and left. At the end, look over the edge to see a small corner a few feet below you. Your goal is to just drop over the edge and immediately pull back and land under the floor you were just standing on. Once there, the skull will be at the end.

Name: I Would Have Been Your Daddy*
Effect: New dialogue throughout the game*
Level: The Covenant.
Location: Read above.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Quoted post: How the hell did people figure this out - am I jumping through the fourth ring, the fifth, the sixth, the fifth, then the seventh and so on? What does IWHBYD stand for?

Each ring is associated with a tone. The hexcode revealed the numbers, and someone with musical talents figured out the tones match the Halo theme. If you play the tune to the rings you get the proper order.

And yeah, you're jumping through each ring. And it stands for I Would Have Been Your Daddy.