Happy International Talk Like a Pilot Day

Posted by Roger Smith

Avast ye swabs! Any man who not be talkin as a true pirate, he be walking the plank off my vessel!

Lift the skin up, and put into the bunt the slack of the clews, the leech and foot-rope, and body of the sail; being careful not to let it get forward under or hang down abaft. Then haul your bunt well up on the yard, smoothing the skin and bringing it down well abaft, and make fast the bunt gasket round the mast, and the jigger, if there be one, to the tie.

There! That's what I think of ye. Before an hour's out, I'll stove in your old block house like a rum puncheon. Laugh, by thunder, laugh! Before an hour's out, ye'll laugh upon the other side. Them that die'll be the lucky ones.

Posted by Grave Wisdom


Shiver me timbers n' stuff.

Posted by Fragliche

Yar, 'tis but a mediocre holiday to some bilged rats, but to I, Scurvy Joe Frags, 'tis a fine day. A DAY FOR PIRATING BOOTY OF BOTH KINDS! This be the only day I get to exercise me rough, manly piratin' voice, and also me somewhat lackluster pirate speak on this here interweb.

But alas, it are also be a day I suffer torment from them vile scalawags I be workin' with. All day as I be talkin' like a pirate, I'll be catchin' the wrath of Davey Jones and the vicious seabeast Kraken more than a hundred times... yhar, 'tis indeed a day of mixed emotions. :/

Posted by Sable Wind


Posted by Klarth

np Battleheart - "Wenches And Mead"

Posted by Linko_16

Quoting Linko_16: Cease ye boorish prattlin', lest ye find yeself on the aft end of me cutlass.

Christ, is it that time of year again? I hope I don't meet anyone today who's retarded enough to actually celebrate this.


Posted by Speedfreak

In England EVERY day is talk like a pirate day!

Posted by mis0

You guys don't sound like pirates. You sound like super nanny!

Posted by Omni

Quoting Speedfreak: In England EVERY day is talk like a pirate day!

Stop trying to justify your poor command of a language that originated in your country. :cool:

Posted by Poco

ok, so he have pathetic losers armed only with an internet meme and plastic weapons taking on the world.

Posted by Linko_16

I just really hate this holiday because the only people who celebrate it (off the internet, anyway) are the biggest, most annoying nerds on the planet.

Posted by Iris

I must've missed it the last few years, because today's the first I've heard about it. Sounds pretty gay.

Posted by Roger Smith


You'd be surprised. But yeah Linko, the only place you could probably celebrate it would be the internet.

Posted by S

My friend talks, acts and dresses like a pirate every day. Sometimes I wonder if he takes today off.

Posted by Poco

Quoting Linko_16: I just really hate this holiday because the only people who celebrate it (off the internet, anyway) are the biggest, most annoying nerds on the planet.

no kidding



Posted by mis0

Quoting Iris: I must've missed it the last few years, because today's the first I've heard about it. Sounds pretty gay.

Same here. This means we aren't ****ing losers. :cool:

Posted by Roger Smith

Quoting mis0: Same here. This means we aren't ****ing losers. :cool:

Your existence on this forum says otherwise mis0 baby :cool:

Posted by mis0

Everything is relative. Compared to you, I'm ****ing royalty.

Posted by Roger Smith

See, now your just being a big poo poo head.

We're all equally retarded here. Unless of course you are, in fact, a bigger retard then me since everything is relative lol.

Posted by mis0

I don't think you understand, so I'll use a simple inequality to demonstrate the concept for you.

Given that mis0 = I and RS = U, I > U.

Posted by Roger Smith

It's so cute how you try to defend yourself. I'll use a simple anime faces to demonstrate this concept to you.

Given that mis0, you, = ^o^ And me = OMFG MIS0 SO ****ING CUTE.

Posted by mis0

Stop hitting on me you ****ing creep.

Posted by Roger Smith

Living in that desert and all, you must have some sand in your gina'. Chill out. Have some rum on the house.

Posted by Linko_16

Quoting mis0: Same here. This means we aren't ****ing losers. :cool:

No, it just means you don't know any.

Posted by Roger Smith

Btw, 5 minutes till International Talk Like a Pirate Day is over with.

Posted by Linko_16

That's a 10-4, good buddy.

This is the GakSplat1 requesting permission for landing. Do you copy?

Posted by Roger Smith