I think I sprained my ring finger :(

Posted by Crazy K

Yeah, of all days it had to be on the first day of school. During lunch I was playing basketball with some friends. I played on a horrible team on purpose to have more fun. I let the opposing team swat the ball out of my hand, which in fact hurt my finger pretty **** bad. It didn't hurt much at all during the day since it wasn't so bad.

Well it started to hurt when I put some kind of Mueller tape on it (used for sports like wrestling and such). Anyways it made it worse. So yeah I have a numb, painful ring finger. It sucks, but I can live with it.

Laugh out loud.

Posted by Xero

So is it hard to type ?

Posted by Crazy K

No. It doesn't hurt anymore, it is just somewhat numb, and I can't move it a certain way. But at least it isn't broken.

Posted by Xero


Posted by junior senior

lol its ok, i got my period on the first day of school!

Posted by Xero

Great timing

Posted by Crazy K

I sprained my middle finger about a week or so ago. My friend was being an idiot and he kicked a volleyball with his crutch, so he hit my finger.

Posted by TimeSkipz

I sprained mine while getting comfortable with my hand, you should never get comfortable with it while theres a kitten in the room