The Emey award winning Star Wars Clone Wars

Posted by Mystic Hero

Now I like Star Wars as much as the next guy and when this series came out I thought it would be dumb. After watching a few of the episodes I started to realize that the show wasn't all that bad. I don't mind the length of them either. Anyway, this series is well done indeed, the animation is fantastic from my standpoint and the story is great. It shows what is happening during some battles in the War. Not only that but they do a few things that probably couldn't be acomplished int eh movies such as when Master Windue takes down that army of droids. Such detail in a movie would lengthen it and would probably take more time in the making. Clone Wars gives you a more in depth take of the war going on and shows how Anikin is slowly starting to turn to the Dark side. I think it's a fantastic series. The new episodes ahve been lengthened to ten minutes to show more of the story. To me it clearly deserves the Emey. Your thoughts?