Create a ability.

Posted by The Blaziken Master

I made popular thread on GameFAQs and I loved it, so I made one here too, the rules are simple, follow the link to read them:
Have fun! ;)

Posted by Morag2

The link to gamefaqs didn't work... said the topic was expired or some such thing. I'll just make up an ability here since I couldn't read the rules... if I'm breaking any let me know.

Ability Title: Lethal Chill
Pokemon: Can be the ability for pretty much any ice-type pokemon that actually has a cold or ice-covered body.
Description: When an opposing pokemon directly contacts the pokemon with the ability "Lethal Chill", the attacking pokemon takes damage equal to a quarter of the damage done to the ice pokemon.
Explanation: When the opponent hit's the cold body they get hurt from the extreme cold.

Posted by FavoJavo

Random attack
Does a random attack along with your first attack and Crap like that

Posted by Blade Weaver

Ability: Tainted Soul
Pokemon: any non-Dark considered evil. Ex. Shedinja or Typhlosion
Effect: grants Dark-like status. Similar to Levetate for Flying

Posted by Chronic

Ability: Kick in the head
Pokemon: All pokemon with feet
Effect: concussion