Reported Post by Lunairetic

Posted by S

[url=]Lunairetic[/url] has reported a post.

Reason:[quote]Trolling. And why exactly am I unable to infract Klarth, when to my knowledge he's a mod of nothing?
Post: [url=]Infringement Custom Characters in MK Armageddon!!![/url]
Forum: Fighting Games
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: [url=]netman[/url]
Original Content: [quote]

Quoting Angerion the Brave: If any one here has played MKA, and caried anything for the "Kreate a Fighter" as I do, you've probably come up with any one of the countless infringment characters. (some vaguely resemble a character, others look almost bang on):D

've seen the potential for many others, but so far I've only made a
Sailor Moon and a Paul Phoenix from Tekken

And the Kreated character, whom is my pride and joy, (not to mention un-breatable in Kombat) looks 95% like Cloud Strife, esspecially with Sunglasses on. The only thing he's missing it the shoulder guards.

I made him fight like Cloud as best I could, and came pretty fudgin' close.

Anywho, I'd like to see what other cheap infringments you guys can come up with!:D:D:D