This was wacked up

Posted by Electrical Hazard

So me and a few of my friends are attending a graduation party.

It was being held in a pretty nice place but that is besides the point

a few hours into the party one of my friends has to use the facilities.

So he goes into the restroom and walks up to a urinal and as he is about to start wizzing someone stands in the next urinal and begins masturbating

my friend then says " Fu
At which point he returns to the table and tells us what happened

Posted by s0ul

Quoting Electrical Hazard:

my friend then says " Fu

That is kinda fu

Posted by Omni

Yeah, so why did you bug your friend while he was trying to go anyway? Public masturbation isn't cool.

Posted by Electrical Hazard

*** hole I wasn't the one masturbating

Posted by Slade

Weird, I just woke up from having a dream where I couldn't stop masturbating in public.

So why didn't your friend get a number or something? Anyone kinky enough to masturbate right next to a stranger in public has got to **** like a tiger.

Posted by Electrical Hazard

He was pretty freaked out with the whole experience
He kept going on about how there was an open stall and why didn't the guy just use that instead of doing it next to him

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Posted by Xero

It happens to me a lot. There are many places where gay guys do this.

I never liked people masturbating in public. I just...don't like it...

Posted by Trigger

I love that he continues talking after "fuck this." Easily the best part of the story.

Tell your friend to quit crying - Big Brother is a show about people masturbating, for the most part. A real story from him to his friends about the ordeal would have been about how he turned and peed on the guy, then sliced his dick off and said, "LOL DILDO!" and left the bathroom, returned to the table and explained the whole situation.

Posted by Poco

if your friend asks i was jerkin it to him