Sources of inspiration?

Posted by Xero

What's your source of inspiration when it comes to writing or drawing?

Mine has always been music. Most of the time when the teacher asks us to make a poem or a text (any kind) I usually write about music bands I like. If it's a tale, I simply make up some terrible story that involves music in it. Can't help it. It's the only thing I always have something to write about.

I suck at drawing, but the few times I actually do it, I draw anything that the song in my head inspires me of.

Posted by Dexter

Music, nature, experiences I've been through, people, etc. It depends on what I'm getting inspiration for. I'm usually filled with it anyway and don't need a source to get more of it. If I'm writing something important or whatever I might play music in the background that will set the proper mood, but not necessarily give me inspiration.