Red Vs Blue

Posted by pwNation

Red Vs Blue.

I love this show, makes me laugh my butt off. Anyone else here have it/seen it?

(Situation: Church, a ghost, has possessed a robot, and they're trying to find a button on it to stop a beeping noise)
Church: You see anything?
Tucker: Yeah, it looks like a switch
Church: Why don't you flip it?
Tucker: Cause it's in a weird place.(Looking at church's mid-body)
Church: Ah, man, you gotta be kidding! Just flip it.
Tucker: No, man, I'm not fooling with your dick.
Church: Just do it!
(tucker wiggles the switch)
Church: from around here baby?

Posted by Red

I've seen a few episodes via friends. pretty **** funny, does this thread belong here? it's not reallly a tv show :S

Posted by pwNation

Oh....well it said Movies and TV....and they are on DVD...So I figured it went here. Sorry.

Posted by Red

haha it's okay I don't care, I guess you're right anyway, I didn't know they were on DVD. but don't they have like over 100 episodes?

Posted by Oforia

I bet it would be funny if I enjoyed 13-year old humor.

Posted by pwNation


Yeah, they have something like 150, I think, if I had to pick a favorite season, it'd be 2. If I had to pick a favorite episode, it'd have to be the one I quoted in the first post.

Posted by Creedence

Vlargh Vlargh, Humph. Wait I think hes saying, his kitty apples is stuck in a tree, we need to call the fire department.

There are some very funny moments on RvB episodes, and if you like these you'll like Res. Evil 4, Days of our Lives 1-5 and still in the making.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Never actually seen an episode.

Posted by Echo

Season 1 was excellent. Season 2 wasn't bad. Season 3 wasn't good. I haven't watched it since.

Posted by RandomizeR

I have episodes 22-whatever the newest one is

I cant find the first 20 or so WMP files

Posted by pwNation

Well, if nothing else, you can download the first season off Google Video.

Posted by Tiptoegecko

1st season was fantastic, then after that it just got really stupid. Except for in the 3rd season when Sarge and Caboose are on Beaver Creek. MY NAME IS MICHAEL J. CABOOSE, AND I HATE BABIES

Posted by veritas

Funniest ever! Man hes so retarded but its so funny

Posted by netman

it was funny and fresh at one point

but as things go it was overdone and now this is really the first time ive heard or thought about it in maybe 2-3 years.

Posted by Klarth

red vs blue is like
"But hey Rick! That isn't funny at all! My twelve-year-old son writes better stuff than this."
"By Jehovah, Rick! You're a genius!"

Posted by Slade

I've gotten some good laughs out of it(no idea which series), but after a while it's just not nearly as funny anymore. I'd say overall it's kind of like a sucky TV sitcom. You watch it sometimes when there's nothing else on, but you never feel the need to go watch it. That's how it is for me, at least.