
Posted by Crazy K


Anyways I got the info on it from Wikipedia:

The Condemned is a thriller film directed and written by Scott Wiper, and starring Stone Cold Steve Austin along with Vinnie Jones. The fights are co-ordinated by Richard Norton, who also stunt doubles for Jones on some scenes. The movie is being produced by WWE Films and released by Lions Gate Films.

The budget for the movie project is $20 million. It was being filmed in Australia, and has recently been completed.

The MPAA has given the film an "R" rating for pervasive strong brutal violence, and for language.

Plot (in case you want to see the film):

[Spoiler]The story revolves around a criminal (played by Austin) on death row in a Central American prison where he is "purchased" by a TV producer who is putting together a show where 10 contestants battle to the death for an online web show on a remote island." Hunted down by ruthless killers, his only shot at survival, and victory, is to hunt down and kill the nine other contestants in a plot similar to movies like Battle Royale and Surviving the Game.

The plot is reminiscent of The Running Man, that also features a show focusing on mortal combat involving condemned criminals. It is also reminiscent to that of The Most Dangerous Game, in which people are being hunted and killed like animals.[/Spoiler]

Anyways I won't be seeing this.

Posted by Bebop

Like a Western Battle Royale where Vinnie Jones is likely to die. Why is this bad?

Posted by Crazy K

I doubt it will be any good, especially since See No Evil, and The Marine both sucked horribly.

Posted by Raptor

Do they have to eat a lot of bugs, too?

[quote]Scott Wiper

For some reason, I laughed.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Japan America lol