The End: Once Again

Posted by Wally The Weird

Here we go, lets try this one as a new the end for the Empty Book. Epilogue enclosed, and I think its my longest work EVER.

Empty Book: The end of ends.

"Cydney, you go left, I'll go right. We'll beat this sorry exscuse for a chimera into the ground!" Alex charged hard left, and Cydney oposite him. Alex had grown up a lot in almost seven years, he was no longer the little boy to afraid to defeat even a dusk. Cydney was even stronger. Both were among the last of the resistance against the demon king Vecks, and both had very little to loose, other then each other.
Alex was now a hot-headed red mage with matching hair color, one red eye, and one green eye, the mark of a master of two worlds. He was tall and lean, with only small amounts of muscle on his body. Like traditonal wizards, he specialized in a certain field of magic, his being fire based spells. However, he also had an uncanny affinity for fire and its oposite of ice, being able to manipulate the two almost flawlessly.
Cydney on the other hand was a martial artist. Like old style monks, she didn't use melee weapons, preferring to combat without them. However, that is not to say she is unarmed. She lost both her arms in a battle against the silver demon Anara nearly five years ago, and now had mechanical limbs. Being short, she was at a disadvantage in reach normally, but she was dense and built like a house, being stronger then most people normally, not taking into account the additional strength of her artifical limbs and martial arts techniques!
"YAY! You fight, make fun! I kill later, not sooner!" The twisted girl proclaimed. Choosing Alex, she charged for the red mage before either one realised what was happening! She lashed out with both claws at once, a two pronged attack. A wicked smile spread across her face and her attanae twicthed in anticipation.
"Double Cast!" His right hand glowed bright red-orange, his left bright yellow. From both came a spell of equal level at the same time, Firaga and his own variation of a spell, Boltiga. Instead of calling thunder down on Anara, he fired it and the flames from his palm in a jet of raw power. Anara avoided both spells and closed the gap between her and her prey.
"I don't think so." Anara had leaped for Alex, and suddenly jerked back, Cydney had grabbed her tail in mid-jump, and pulled her back hard! Anara was pulled from less then six inches within claw reach, and thrown very hard all the way across the small cavern into the wall, slamming into and making a dull thud, and a sickening cracking sound.
"I always go right and they always go for me! Why am I more threatening then you!? I mean, come on, I practically a pencil! I even have the d@mn eraser on my head." Alex complained, dusting himself off as he rose to his feet, and drew his rapier (Traditional Red Mage weapon) and shook his head, marching towards the downed chimera.
"Maybe it's because you're taller? People look at eye level, and they see you, and if maybe me if they're really short." Cydney opened up her arms on-board control panel and fiddles with it, boosting her power to maximum. "Y'know, I think these things might be making me shorter." She rolled up her hands and cracked her knuckles-Special feature she personally added- and followed Alex.
"Barrier." An invisible wall was conjured infront of Alex and Cydney by the former, protecting them from the barrage of rocks Anara threw at them, crumbling into dust and making an effective smoke-screen. Alex quickley shaped and expanded the barrier to surround them before they were cought up in the dust.
Sparks from all sides one right after the other started flashing, signaling that Anara had gone berserk, exponentially increasing her speed and strength. Each blow was deflected only because Alex was now doing his absolute best to keep the barrier up.
"On my signal, drop the shield." Cydney ordered. Alex nodded in agreement and prepared to do just that. A moment went by, and then Cydney's arm beeped. "Now!"
"Haste!" Using about one half of his time spells, Alex cast a red aura on Cydney. By her eyes, everything began to move *much* slower, and she could see the silver blur that was rapidly closing in on them. Even faster now, Cydney focused all of her power into her fists, and slammed them into the ground, channeling her 'ki' into the earth.
"Shock Wave!" a siezmic tremor pulsated and expanded. Essentialy, she sent out a mini-shockwave from around her and Alex, which hit Anara and caused her to 'bounce' off the ground, and slam into the cieling.
"Double Cast!" This time, two fireballs eroupted from Alex and struck Anara dead-on, causing a massive explosion several times that of a regular fireballs destructive power, shaking the whole cavern and causing dust to fall from the cieling.
"Anara too fast." Cydney cried out in pain at these words. Anara had recovered far quicker then they expected, dashed over unseen, and appeared behind the girl, stabbing her in the back with her tail-knife! Cyndey had moved before even her instincts could act, saving her from a fatal attack, but she was still in bad shape.
A rage flared up from inside Alex, and he silently and uniwllingly conjured a jet of fire from his hands that struck Anara and burned her badly, with enough force to slam her deep into the far wall-again- but not before more damage had been done. Her tail had stretched out, and struck him too, giving him a large dose of poison. Cydney had recieved a bad blow, but she had a monks resilance to poison-Alex didn't.
Alex watched in horror as his vision began to fail rapidly, and his body went numb. The last thing he saw was the dimmed vision of the silver Anara rising to her feet, the wounds on her body regenerated almost instantly by the back magic that had forged her body over a decade ago.
"C-cur-......" Was all he managed to say, before he completley blacked out.

No where, yet someplace else

"Such a wonderful fantasy, wouldn't you say?" The solitary figure mused. Alex was alone, yet there was someone else there? Everything became clear again, and at last he could see once more. He was standing alone, bound in endless chains and restrained to a wall of burning fire. Alex couldn't move, and felt not helplessness, but rather great anger at the person infront of him, even though he had never seen him before!
Alex tried to speak, but his mouth would ot move, and no air would leave his mouth.
"My name is Lucem, the traveler. I am unbound, and can go where I please." The man turned to him, and revealed himself to be something even a child couldn't consider threatening. He was tall, over six feet, and looked to be emaciated or even anorexic. Yet, if one looked, one would be surprised to see muscles all over him, although he hardly looked strong. He had short, light blonde hair, and two bright blue eyes. He was wearing a red robe, and carried no weapons.
"You are a very special child, and that is why I have bound you as you are Alexander." Alex tried to move, but the chains only grew heavier. "I am a very powerful being, almost an entity, but I have my limits. I can walk in the darkness and in the light, and become one with either, and one with both." Lucem sighed, and untied his sash, tossing it and his robe aside, revealing himself to be wearing silver armor.
Lucem held out his right hand, and a blade sprung forth! Composed of pure light, it was white and glowed brightly. From his back, six angelic wings came into being, and his armor changed to white, much like his blade. His face became clear and fair, his eyes shining a brilliant shade of green, and his hair was bleached white like fresh fallen snow. Alex looked upon him, and was absolutley terrified.
"On the other hand," Lucem boomed. He held out his left hand, and this time, a blade of untainted darkness formed! His wings melted away to become two wings of draconic nature, his armor was stained black, his right hand blade vanished, and so did his shrowd. His face was as white as chalk, and his eyes a burning red. On his head rested two long black, and he his aura alone bled power.
"Yet, there is still more. In either form and can kill one hundred of the most powerful magi, defeat any swordsman in armed combat, and can even tear down the dimensional walls themselves! However, they are both only a flicker of light, and the palest shadow, in comparison to true divinity."
Lucem cought fire, and burned with golden flames. His blade remained, and the light returned, as did his six wings. Everything about him was golden, and he shone much like the sun! When the fire cleared, Lucem stood tall, his form having become larger, if only a little. A golden shrowd appeared over his head, covering it in a blackness that was pierced only by two lights that were his eyes. His armor was gold and black, and on his back were six rays of golden light the floated in the air as if they were in oil.
"I show these forms to you Alexander, because my time had ended, and my will must be passed on." His voice echoed and reverberated, causing Alex to remain still in awe.
"You, Alexander, are the next, and as powerful as I am, you are infinitley more so. As I am the incarnation of a unity between darkness and light, so are you an incarnation between an endless and infinite barrier." Alex was straining himself to listen to every word, and he felt something inside him, something he never felt before, a fire that burned with the intensity of h3ll its self.
"Alexander, you are a hybrid like myself. You are someone who is half something that should not be. One man was half dead, and should have been frail, but was instead half crossed between the realm of life and death, and wielded unyielding strength. Another was half light and half dark, as I am. You, however, are far greater even then I, for you half exsistence, or dark and light, and hald Oblivion!" Lucem leaped after speaking these words, and stopped infront of Alex, and stared him down.
"You are half everything and half nothing! You exsist and yet you do not exsist! you are unbound as I am, and more powerful even then I, or Vecks, or Ryth, or anything else! You have no destiney beyond what you forge, and yet are still bound to forge one!" Lucem took his blade, which burned with golden flame, and was forged from the steel of the other two, and plunged it deep into Alex's chest. Alex let out a scream of pain as the fire consumed him, and burned his very soul!
"You are not bound! You can be what you will, do what you will, and cross freely between everything and nothing, between light and dark and all points in between and beyond! These chains are your own limitation! Cast them aside, and become one with yourself!" The flames burned hotter, and Alex felt them burn into his very being! The chains shattered, and Alex felt as he never had before, he felt everything that was, everything that wasn't, and could see all that was.
"Go back now, and find what you seek, but do not become consumed in revenge. Use only your fire and your might, until that time when you can control not only yourself, but everything." Alex locked eyes with Lucem, and nodded. There was a great flash of golden light, and both were gone, nothing remaining where they had been.

Five minutes ago, yet still five minutes later

"Get your hands off of her you d@mn dirty demon!" Alex rose to his feet, and stared the chimera down. Cydney was in her grasps, and taking one h3ll of beating. Anara looked puzzled, especially when she saw her previous victim standing, when he most certainly should have been dead and decaying even now, thanks to her poison.
"Why? You not beat good? You want more pain?" Anara taunted, smacking Cyndey a few times more, just for good measure. "I kill her now! Say bye!" Anara reached way back, and plunged her claw deep into Cydney's chest, finishing what a little longer of her injuries and poison would have done anyway!
Or, at least, thats what she meant to do.
"Because I said so." Alex had either teleported, or moved with unseen speed! He now held Anara's wrist firmly in his grasp, and had stopped it completley. Without even a shread of remorse, he snapped her arm quickley and without mercy. Before her body could even realize she was in pain, Alex's other hand burst into fire and cut her shoulder clean off! He then placed his foot on her chest and pushed off, forcing her into the far wall and grabbing Cydney, getting her away from danger. This all happened in a split second.
Anara let loose a deafening roar of pain, but Alex didn't care. He couldn't care about her anymore, even if he tried. It was her that killed Kayne, who died to save his life and Cydney's. It was her that killed countless others, and it was her who wanted to kill Cydney and even his own mother, who had been her best friend when Anara was still truley alive. Anara let loose another roar as her flesh broke through her coughterized wound and rapidly regenerated her arm back, causing her a great deal of pain.
"I KI-" She didn't even finish. Alex HAD teleported, and he had done so once more. This time he grabbed her neck, crushed her windpipe, and then released his hand, before slamming it into her chest and letting loose a wave of fire into her body. Fire bled off from her eyes, and she fell to the ground, unmoving.
Alex walked to Cydney, and placed his palm on her chest. She was bleeding, very badly too. Her face was beaten and bruised, and she was barely breathing.
"Hang in there Cyd, I'm here, I'm here." Calling on his red magic, which almost seemed to be forgotten, burried beneath the fires at his command, he produced a baseball sized ball of light in his palm, and gently forced it into her body, beginning the healing process.
"S-since when did you-" She coughed slightly, and took a deep breath. "-g-get so strong?" Cydney asked, hardly able to even talk. She still managed to force a geniune smile though. Alex returned the smile, and continued healing her.
"He gets it from his father I'd bet." Alex looked up, and then unintentionaly blinked his eyes when a beam of crimson flashed and pierced Cydney in her chest, severing her spinal column and killing her instantly. She died before she even realized she was dead. Alex stopped, and couldn't even move. There, floating above him, was the demon king Vecks, a smug look of self sastisfaction on his face. Vecks looked up, and began to clap when he noticed something.
"And here comes the cavalry!" Fera and Aurie rushed in, and stopped when they reached Alex and saw Cydney laying there dead before them.
"Cydney..." Was all Alex could mutter, all he could do. That single name.
Fera tried to fight Vecks, but he merely brushed her aside with a single wave of his hand and a concussive wave. Aurie placed a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder, tears forming at his eyes as he stared unblinking at Cydney's dead body. Aurie rose to her feet, a determination of fire in her eyes. She held out her hand, and produced a small red stone. Vecks stared at it, and even as mighty as he was, gasped.
"Aurie, just what do you think you're doing?" Vecks asked, geniunley concerned. "Just put down the stone, and I'll leave." Aurie shook her head, and then turned to look at Fera, who stared at her with eyes filled with bottomless sorrow.
"Aurie, I gave up on ever achieving humanity the day my husband died. Without Kayne, I am just an ampty husk. You know what to do, and I strongly suggest you do it." Aurie nodded, and then locked eyes once more with Vecks, and a smiled spread across her face.
"Good bye." Fera said, as a blinding red light filled the area.
Somewhere with golden lights

"Alex, wake up Alex." Alex stirred at this voice. Who was it? he had never heard this before, it sounded like an angel was speaking to him. He opened his eyes, and thought he saw one.
"Hi honey." Aurie said. She spoke! Alex bolted upright and stared at his mother-She was speaking! NEver before had he heard her voice! This fact completley distracted him from where he was, which was essentially nowhere.
"Mom? But how did you-What did you-HUH?!" Alex was very confused. Aurie sighed deeply, and smiled.
"Alex, I used the philosophers stone. I activated its power to bring Cydney back to life." She said this, and her smile left her. "However, I had to sacrifice your 'Aunt' Fera to do it." A tear fell down her cheek when she said this. Alex looked at her with concern in his eyes.
"W-where is she? Where is Fera? And Cydney? Where is Vecks!?" Aurie placed her hand on Alex's mouth and shushed him up. She then pointed to the larged golden gates before them.
"Fera is inside there, her birthplace. However, Cydney is still dead son." Alex looked at her again with tears in his eyes. "I used the power of the stone instead of bringing her to life, to bring you here, and fully unbind you Alexander. Had I brought Cydney to life, she would only have been killed again by Vecks." Aurie placed her hand again on Alex and tried to comfort him, but he wasn't feeling to great either way.
"Listen Alexander, I don't have much longer, it's long since time I passed on." Alex stared at her and blinked in disbelief when she faded slightly before becoming whole again. She was an unsent! "I died giving birth to you, but something kept me here, and I found out what it was a decade ago. Vecks still lived, and hidden beneath the layers of demon and shadow, he still has love in his tainted heart." Aurie cried as she spoke. "But it seems I am never to see it."
"I know you have met with Lucem, and I know he has unbound you. But, I want you to use whats left of the philosophers stone to destroy Vecks!" She handed him a very small pebble that was blood red. That small rock contained enough power to level an entire kingdom in the hands of a child.
"What? But, if I was already unbound, why-"
"You'll understand, very soon." Aurie cried and hugged her son for one last time. "I love you Alexander." She kissed him on the forehead, and then she vanished, never to be seen, never to be heard from ever again.
Alex stood resolute, and walked away, back to reality, back to death, back to the demon king!

Posted by Wally The Weird

"Die you monster!" Alex slammed his fist into the chest of the demon king Vecks, but to no avail. His hand went no further then his skin, and Vecks did not even bat an eye.
Vecks smirked a wicked smile, and grabbed Alex's wrist, and clenched it hard until his hand opened up, producing what was left of the philosphers stone. Although it had been reduced in size and power, it was only by a small amount due to Fera's sacrifice. Vecks took a hold of the stone, let Alex go, and then stared at it with Avarice in his eyes.
"YES! At long last I finally have the stone! The stone of untold celestial power! Did you know that you can make an almost exact replica of this by sacrificing a ridiculous amount of human lives?" Alex hit the dirt and continued to stare at the demon king. Had he already failed?
"This however, is the true thing. This is a stone that is always in exsistance, but grows in strength for each life lost. When something dies, its soul passes through a kind of 'soul catcher' that absorbs the knowledge and expieriances of the soul, replicating them and recording them, in the end producing three copies. One for the soul, one for the book of ages-Which I hope to find soon too- and one for this stone. This is the composite knowledge of countless lives! No wonder it amplifies sorcery thousands of times over!" Vecks clasped the stone, and it began to glow brightly.
"Now, let us see how I can best shape the world!"
Seven years later

Alex let out a slight whistle at the sheer size of the building. This was what appeared to be an office building that reached high into the sky. No, now that he thought about it, this was more of a sky-scraper. The road was still dark, but it was always dark here, and it had a frequency of rain that popped up more then once a week.
Still, that didn't stop him. He had gone out of his way to prepare an entire pack of tooth picks with a water proof spell. He just liked to keep them on hand at all times-after all, you never know when you'll need a good tooth pick.
Alex had changed his look over the years. He wore perfectly round sunglasses that were pitch-black, he had cut his bright red hair so it was much shorter, but was still kind of spikey. He had adopted a brown coat and blue jeans, and a common black shirt. He didn't really stand out that much, except for maybe his hair. He still wore the sneakers, and happened to be carrying an umbrella today. It was a rainy city after all. Alex cracked a smile, and gently opened the glass doors into the main lobby.
The main lobby was huged and floresently lit. As he entered, he took note of the clerk behind the desk, a man with long blonde hair and a nobody coat. As he entered, he also took note of the alarming amount of shadows that popped up in every direction imaginable. He took note, sighed, and then withdrew his hands from his pockets, and dropped a small glass marble on the ground.
The glass hit the ground, and let loose a brilliant flash! Thousands of rays of light shot out and pierced very single heartless in the chest dead-on. He casually walked forward and confronted the clerk, who was a nobody. He knew he was. The nobody drew a katana and charged, when he suddenly stopped. Alex vanished and appeared in the blink of an eye right in front of the man. He placed his hand on the mans chest and smiled.
"You were innocent. You are forgiven." He drew back his hand, and something happened. A heart appeared in his hand! He forced it into the nobodie and pushed him backwords into a portal he had conjured. The man fell into the endless pit, appearing somewhere safe. Alex smiled at his handiwork. He had just given a man his heart back.
Alex walked back to pick up the umbrella he had dropped when he had teleported, and cloased it, walking with it and using it like a cain, if for no other reason then he liked to. With no clerk to direct him, he decided to take the stairs to the top floor.
He opened the door, walked up a single flight of stairs, and opened one more door. He was now on the top floor! He had cut through over thirty levels, by traveling only a single flight of stairs. He entered another large room-magically expanded- this time filled not with heartless or nobodies, but demon chimerahs. Alex sighed lightly, and took the toothpick from his mouth, and lightly flicked it.
The tiny piece of wood cought fire and exploded into hundreds of burning wooden shards. Half of the entire rooms occupants were killed instantly, the other half wounded or untouched. Several demons charged him with claws and blades and talons and tails, but not a single one touched him. Each attack missed, and he did not move, even once. Bringing his hand out, he lcasually snapped his fingers.
The room flodded with flame, and everything was incinerated. Everything except for two figures standing resolute. They had remained untouched by fires too hot even for the deepest abyss because Alex did not want them to burn. The first was himself, the second, was a very familiar figure.
"I must admit I am surprised you endured out last encounter, silver beast." Anara stared him down. How she had survived can be guessed, but Alex had a pretty good idea that Vecks chose to either save her or revive her.
"You strong last time! Now I strong too! Master make me resist magic! Only powerful magic hurt me!" Anara charged with a blur. She could not teleport, but over short distances, she did not have to. She met Alex head on, and slammed her fist into his face.
Alex moved his hands ever so slightly, and she stopped. He held up his left palm, and five blades of shadow shot out! Anara was pierced through each of her limbs, and one in her throat. Alex walked slowly to her, his eyes not leaving hers, even though she could not fully see them.
"Anara, your body has sinned, and your soul has been tainted. I redeem you, by giving you remorse." Anara tried to speak, but the blades were much stronger then even her mighty strength. Alex cloased his eyes, removed his glasses, and then opened them, staring straight into Anara's.
His multiple colored eyes were gone, and replaced with only blankness. Anara stared into them, and stared into her very soul, the soul she had long forgotten. She suddenly remembered everything as though a haze had been lifted. She remembered killing all those people. Kayne! She had murdered Kayne! Tears began to well up, when she suddenly remembered his name,
"Markus....." she croaked. She cried, and knew what she had done now. She felt a guilt as her soul was ripped to pieces by actions she did not want to have commited, yet still she had.
"You died once, and you were denied a peaceful rest. I now give you your rest, and assure you that you shall find peace." Alex replaced his sunglasses, and kissed Anara on the cheek. He then called forth a spike of golden light, and then plunged it into her heart. Anara, the silver beast, who was thought to be unkillable to even the strongest of spells, crumbled into dust as she let loose a sigh of relief as death finally washed over her, and granted her peace.
As her ashes cleared, a door appeared on the far wall, tall and made of silver. Alex walked to it, and knocked. He had annihalated every force that stood against him, weilded powers beyond total comprehension, and yet still felt it was common courtesy and proper to knock before entering. He knocked once, then twice, and then three times, and on the third time, the door creaked open just the tiniest bit, and Alex opened it the rest of the way, and entered.
Before him was almost nothing, and behind him was nothing, not even the door he had just stepped through. The floor looked to be made of flowing glass that stretched out into oblivion, under a blue sky. Before him was a man in black, at the base of what seemed to be an endless staircase of glass, supported by nothing, and winding up and up and up in a tight spiral. Alex saw the man, and smiled.
"I don't much like the ground plan." Alex snapped his finger, and a wave of light from his feet expanded endlessly, converting the flowing glass into pure, bright green grass. It became an endeless plane of simple life.
"He at last we meet, with grass beneathe our feet. We stand beholding the stairway to heaven, under the sky so blue." Alex mused. The man in front of him had been sitting in a chair, next to a table, sipping wine, patiantley awaiting his arrival. The man put down his glass, and stood up, removing his hood and uncovering his face. "Seven years today Vecks."
"Alexander. Never before that day, when I received the Philosophers stone and began to build this monument, had I met you. Yet, now it seems I know everything that has ever happened to you before that day." He held up a book, the title of which simply read 'Alex' "It's amazing what a little research spell can dig up. So that woman I killed, you loved her?" He opened the book and flipped to a page, and read the text there. "Cydney right?"
"No, I didn't love her. Rather, I love her. Present tense." Alex corrected him. He casually slipped his hands into his pockets and kicked at the soil beneathe his shoes.
"My mistake."
Vecks drew a long black sword, and Alex cloased the gap with a charge and his old rapier in hand. They both made sparks when the blades bit into each other, and Vecks backed away, beginning to ascend the stairway with Alex close behind.
"You know-" Alex began, casting a fireball with his left hand and attack with his right. "-This doesn't really lead to heaven, right?" Alex pressed the attack. Strike left, strike right, stab, and parry.
"Of course-" Vecks blocked Alex's left attack, his right attack, side stepped the parry, and slashed downward with his blade, only to be parried by Alex. "-It does! It leads to my heaven-OUR heaven actually. This leads to the source of all magic!" Vecks enlogated his blade and tried to cut off Alex's head, but Alex merely conjured a shield, and continued to battle.
"Interesting." Alex ducked down and avoided another decapitation, and when he rose, gave out a sigh. "This is too narrow to fight in, and I'm too impatiant!" Alex charged Vecks, but missed him completley, going right over the edge!
Vecks looked over, and Saw Alex begin to rise up! He was flying without wings, only a leviation spell. Vecks smirked, and followed suit. Both rose in hight very quickley and continued to battle.
"You can't call me Alexander you monster. To my friends, and to my enemies, I am simply Al." Al fired several bolts of lighting from his finger tips at Vecks, each one striking him dead-on, but causing no damage what-so-ever.
"What does it matter? Alexander or Al, either name will do-It's not as if I will do you the courtisey of a head stone!" They were now so far above the ground, they could no longer see the base of the stairway. "Flare!" Vecks fired the blast of white-flame directly at Al, hitting him dead center! Al grunted in pain as he skyrocketed even higher, not stopping until he landed with a dull thud at the very top of the stair way.
There, on the stairs, he looked and could see a door of elegant white-gold, and yet simple in design. Vecks reached the top, and landed between him and the door. He placed his hand on the door, and gently felt its surface. Vecks turned, and smiled, a red aura becoming visible as he stared Al right in the eye.
"I'm sorry 'Al' but I can't risk you following me."
"Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows. Burried in the flow of time, is where your power grows." Al looked up, and instantly recognized the chant. "I pledge myself to conquer, all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed, in my unworthy hand." Al tried to stand, but his arms failed him and his strength left him. "Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!" Al's eyes widened, as the spell was finished.
"DRAGON SLAVE!" The crimson beam had only to travel maybe five feet, and the Demon King unleashed its destructive force onto him at full power! The crimson beam struck Al, and then a massive explosion was released, destroying the wizard was killed instantly!
"Hey, look at that." Al said casually. Vecks stared at him, litteraly dumbfounded. His spell had gone off perfectly, and yet it was gone! Absorbed by the weapon in Al's hand! He looked, and saw Al was remarking the long, elegant, golden keyblade he now held. It had absorbed the spell completley, and Al was standing on his own-his wounds completley dramatised the whole time.
Vecks cracked. He just lost it and began to laugh. Al joined him! Laughing at nothing.
"OBLIVION!" Vecks conjured nothingness, and called it right over Al! The blackness consumed the young man and erased him from exsistence like so few before him!
-Only it didn't.
"Sorry dad." Al returned to the universe right behind Vecks. Vecks turned and saw the man standing behind him, but it was too late! Al casually forced the blade deep into his chest and then ripped it out again, the blood falling from the keyblade-It would not stick, as the blade could not be tainted by blood. Al then grabbed Vecks' sword and stabbed him right below his chest wound in his stomach, using enough force to burry the six foot long blade hilt deep into the supposedly indestructable stairs.
Vecks tried to speak, but he couldn't. He coughed up a little blood, and began to feel his dmeonic powers leaving him. Was he hurt? But, that was impossible. No one had hurt him since the day Eiyuu had died, and yet, something troubled him. He felt weak, and he hurt! he was in pain, for the first time in decades, he was hurting!
"Seven years ago, you acquired the philosophers stone, and used it to begin work on this stairway to heaven." Al sat down, and gently leaned on his keyblade. "Seven years ago, when you had the stone, I was at full strength because of my mom, the woman you knew as Aurie." al reached into his pocket, retreived a toothpick, and placed it in his mouth. It was a bad habbit of his.
"Seven years ago, I could have killed you with a thought, and when I walked into this building, I could have killed you with a thought. I could have erased you from exsistence and pretended it never happened. But I didn't, because I wanted you to build this for me." Al sighed. "You toiled endlessly to build this, even though I could have conjured it into reality in an instant, because I wanted you to be able to understand that you can be forgiven!" Al walked over to the dying man, and removed his glasses, then stared at him right in the eye. "Remember my mothers love!"
Vecks cried. Not because of pain, but because of rememberance. He felt remorse, he felt guilt, he felt humanity, but that is not what made him weep. He remembered Aurie, and how much he loved her. He remembered love, and cried because of its beauty. His soul was wiped clean, and the demon inside him was cast into oblivion, never to be seen again. All that was left was a man, a man with two holes in him, and was dying very quickley.
"They say no sin can enter heaven." Alex dropped his glasses, walked over to the door, and held out his keyblade. "That is most certainly true. Thats why instead of going in, I'm letting out a little light." A beam came from Al's golden key, and a faint click was heard.
The door swung open, and a light consumed everything! The world was blanketed in light, and every shadows that is, that was, or ever would be, was humbled by it.

Posted by Wally The Weird

The Epilogue: Somewhere seven years ago, and yet a few minutes after.

Cydney woke up.
The girl was under an apple tree. Her clothing was gone, replaced with a snow white dress. She leaned forward, she felt tired, but good. She rubbed her hand through her hair-she forgot again! Her arm usually had oil or greese on it, and hated washing it out of her hair. She sighed and let her hand fall to the ground, and felt the dull thud of it hitting th soft grass she was laying on.
Wait a second.
She looked. Her arms! They were hers! She had no metal, no steel no chrome no plastic no nothing! They were her flesh and bone arms! she looked at them, and admired her skin. It was perfect, no scars anyway. She checked her whole body, and not a single scar was to be found. Something was very different-but different was good!
This was when she noticed something. A small envelope just beside her. She picked it up, and saw her name on it, so she traced her finger along the edge with the blade out. Remembering she now had human arms again, she opened it the old fasioned way.
She read the letter. There were only three words on the entire sheet, and that was all that she cared about.
She knew in an instant what had happened. She knew who it had been sent, and she knew he would be back, sooner or later. Tears fell down from her eyes, and she smiled the most genuine smile she ever had in her hard life.
She stood up, and found the road, and right next to her were a set of boots, and travelers clothing. Even he knew she would not be content to sit still while he traveled to places that didn't even exsist. Again she smiled. She dressed herself, went to the road, and started walked, the sheet of paper not leaving her hand even once.
"I love you too, Al."
With the wind in her hair and the sun at her back, she picked a direction, and walked forward. She would find him. Maybe today, maybe tomorow, maybe ten years from now, or maybe even yesterday.
You never can tell with a wizard.

Posted by Arcadios

[quote=Mateo from a Myspace comment]Hey frank whats up man? wow its been a while hasn't it? sorry for disappearing. howve you been? im probably not gonna become a writer again i think im retired but ill still reead buddy and ill always be your guys's biggest fan! keep in touch buddy i till got your back no matter what.

I actually know what he means...I don't think I have the patients to keep this up....but I still gotta finish this last chapter.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Arcadios: I actually know what he means...I don't think I have the patients to keep this up....but I still gotta finish this last chapter.

[SIZE="7"]NO, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH WALLY![/SIZE] (Not that there's anything wrong with being alone with Wally, it's just that it's more fun when there's a whole buncha writers. :( ) *plays depressing music on itunes*
Oh, Wally, I'm sorry that I haven't gotten around to reading this yet; I just haven't been in the reading mood.

Posted by Arcadios

Can't blame you there.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, get around to reading it soon.

as for Arcadios leaving and Riku not coming back (Not much of a surprise... If at all) well....dang....

PLEEEAAAASE! I want to know if this is any better then the last one, although you do need to approach with an open mind.

Posted by Sak

Okay, I finally read your ending. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE OTHER ONE! I liked how you killed off everyone and granted them what Marvel constantly fails to give Jean Grey: peace.

I noticed one thing though; you refered to Anara as Anara, didn't you refer to her as Arana in the other chapters?

Posted by Arcadios

I don't care anymore.
Just you two do it since my guys are out.
So I'm not doing anymore.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Arcadios: I don't care anymore.
Just you two do it since my guys are out.
So I'm not doing anymore.

Oh so you tell us this now, after we've been waiting for you to finish it for almost a month?!?

Posted by Arcadios

Yea, sure.
Why not?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Hmmm, mixed reactions once again.
To Sak, I thank you for your wonderful praise. I really enjoyed working on this and especially this chapter :-D

To Arcadios.
Normally, your resignation would be fine. It would not fall on deaf ears and while I would hate to see you go, if you have truley lost intrest, I would encourage you to leave, and wish you the best.

However, since you decided to spring it on us suddenly after saying you were working on a new installment then I say good riddence you dispicable piece of trash that only loosely resembles a person! You left us waiting and waiting and then say you changed your mind in and told us in a way a stuck up punk tells off a teacher. I say go and good riddance.

You were a pleasure to work with, and it is kind of sad that I can't wait to see you go you sorry S.O.B

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird:
To Arcadios.
Normally, your resignation would be fine. It would not fall on deaf ears and while I would hate to see you go, if you have truley lost intrest, I would encourage you to leave, and wish you the best.

However, since you decided to spring it on us suddenly after saying you were working on a new installment then I say good riddence you dispicable piece of trash that only loosely resembles a person! You left us waiting and waiting and then say you changed your mind in and told us in a way a stuck up punk tells off a teacher. I say go and good riddance.

You were a pleasure to work with, and it is kind of sad that I can't wait to see you go you sorry S.O.B

Crap, I wish I had thought of something that good to say to him. You're my hero Wally! :D
So now that Patsy's leaving us, that means that we have to finish his character's stories. You wanna handle 'em since I'm gonna handle Riku's?

Posted by Wally The Weird

I fail to see the point, didn't all of his characters leave anyway?
Although, I suppose I could give them a more definate ending. As good as I am at killing people, I much more a sucker for a happy ending.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird: I fail to see the point, didn't all of his characters leave anyway?
Although, I suppose I could give them a more definate ending. As good as I am at killing people, I much more a sucker for a happy ending.

Nooo! Give them the most painful deaths that you can think of!

Posted by Wally The Weird

If it would please the court, I request to write an end to the blank page.

Obviously, if what I write isn't good enough, then I can re-write it as many times as it takes.

Just throwing it out there.
And I would put emphisis on the four originals, or at least try to.
If I get to, then please message me with requests, such as "Please tie up such and such loose end" and what have you.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird: If it would please the court, I request to write an end to the blank page.

Obviously, if what I write isn't good enough, then I can re-write it as many times as it takes.

Just throwing it out there.
And I would put emphisis on the four originals, or at least try to.
If I get to, then please message me with requests, such as "Please tie up such and such loose end" and what have you.

Go ahead. :p: Just don't kill off anyone! :mad: ('cept Patsy's characters, you can kill them)

Posted by Wally The Weird

I am almost tempted to pull a stranger then fiction by killing someone in such an absolutley perefect way that any other version is utterly meaningless.

Of course, I would have to have the skill to do that so I think you're safe. Well, tally ho.

Posted by Arcadios

They aren't in the story so you can't kill them.

Posted by Wally The Weird

One. I am bringing them back into the story, cause I like to tie up loose ends and I would rather Eiyuu's story conclude at least a little.

Two. You don't want me to kill them then I won't. The only characyers I will kill will be my own if any, or if I get permission and the story just kind of goes that way.

I am like my dad. I do not write a story all the time, sometimes I can just see something play out, and I just write what I see.

Posted by Arcadios

My characters.
My Endings.
I'll get to the next century or two.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Dude, I want to use Eiyuu, and I fully intend to.

I won't do anything jerky like screw him up, kill him, cripple him, or anything like that. I just want to use him because it would make the ending better.

Posted by Arcadios

Why him thou?
Why not...meh fine.

Posted by Wally The Weird

I won't say why Eiyuu, but just that I kind of need him.

And why the sudden attitude anyway?

Posted by Arcadios

idk...ending...I should be apart of it if I wasn't so **** lazy.

Posted by Wally The Weird

No not that.

I mean just leaving us hanging and then blowing off on us all of a sudden and treating us like yesterdays garbage.

Uuuugh, I feel like crap, I am gonna hit the hay. Tally ho.

Posted by Arcadios

Just **** happening I guess.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Arcadios: Just **** happening I guess.

Can you give us something more specific...?

Posted by Arcadios

Got bored?
Sorry. :(