Speech-To-Text Software

Posted by Skitzo Control

I'm currently looking for a software in which I speek into a mic., and the text appears on-screen. Unfortunately, evrything I've seen happens to be rather expensive or ridiculously complicated. Does anybody know where I could find a decently priced and simple speech-to-text software?

Posted by Stalolin

Microsoft Word should have it, though most Speech-To-Text programs take a lot of time to learn to use properly.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

They're a waste of time. You can probably type quicker.

Posted by Trigger

Microsoft Word and the Windows Language Toolbar allows for speech-to-text recognition but you must have the appropriate hardware abilities to support the feature, and it takes a large amount of time to train the software to accurately translate your speech pattern. I stopped using it and went back to typing everything just because I didn't have the patients to teach it.

It translated a legitimate part of my backup report that I had written once and read aloud to it to instead say, "You may not begin backup until I have finished eating." Funny, but not helpful.

Posted by KoH

Vamp speaks the truth. My friend came to school holding 5 pages of a research paper that he "typed" using this method and he (was very stupid) and didn't bother checking it over. Needless to say the end result was hilarious and meritted an F from the teacher.

Posted by Trigger

I bet the only thing it would accurately say without any training is phrases about Microsoft - except negative ones, it doesn't understand those.

Posted by JonMB

Like others have said -- stick to typing.