playstation online

Posted by S0LID 5NAKE

i got my ps2 hooked up just recently and i was wondering what games people play aside from socom and the final fantasy stuff. i was looking what other games are fun and worth playing aside from the ones i entioned. any suggestions??

Posted by x.r0wney.x

umm it all depends what you are into. what kind of games are you into?

Posted by S0LID 5NAKE

Quoting x.r0wney.x: umm it all depends what you are into. what kind of games are you into?

just about anything as long as its not something like FF .anything else is worth it

Posted by Dexter

Tales of the Abyss. It's the game I'm currently going through. It's an RPG game that is far superior to Tales of Legendia. It's much closer to Tales of Symphonia. Great story that keeps you interested and motivated, amusing characters, and the battle system is the funnest I've ever experienced in any RPG game.

Then again, seeing how you didn't enjoy Final Fantasy and you appear to be a Metal Gear fan, you might not appreciate the greatness of Tales of the Abyss. Give us a list of some of your favorite games. It'll help give us a better idea on what to suggest to you.