Rumsfeld Resigns

Posted by Lord of Spam,2933,228173,00.html

$5 says it was to avoid and government inqueries.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

What a wiener.

Posted by Bebop

Wieners are sausages. Sausages aren't ex-presidents. Stop messing with my head!

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

What a sausage.

Posted by Boner

Quoting Lord of Spam:,2933,228173,00.html

$5 says it was to avoid and government inqueries.

Yeah, more like fired. He seemed almost in tears at the moment it was televised. The best part is that Bush even did this against the advice of Cheney. I'm sure Bush would let him go at this point too if he could. I like how Bush also belittled the general public by refering to his war as "little understood". As if we can't see the real picture by now and that there are still little hidden "important" agendas to take care of. No doubt, Bush is going to be a busy man in the next couple of years. Let's see how many vacations he takes now, haha! It's going to be very interesting to see what unfolds in the last two years of his term as President.

Posted by Fei-on Castor

Honestly, I'd resign if I were him too. I don't like Donald Rumsfeld, and I don't think he's an honest guy, and I don't think he's very good at his (former) job.

But there is no amount of money you could pay me to have me do what he is supposed to be doing. Because honestly, that guy takes so much cr*p from everyone. Quite frankly, he's just a "yesman" for President Bush, as is most of his cabinet and other White House staff.

When Tucker Carlson was talking with Tony Snow about a few things, Tony Snow kept making rather grand statements about the Bush Administration and all the things they're doing. Tucker said to him, "Jeez, man, it doesn't seem that way. I mean, I know you have to say that stuff, but I wish you could just be honest." And of course, Snow responded, "No, I really do feel this way."

Rumsfeld was responsible for managing and coordinating the military mess taking place in Iraq, and I'll bet it wasn't really his idea to go after Saddam Hussein. You can bring up quotes where he said why they needed to, but truthfully, I doubt it was a big thing for him, but he wasn't allowed to say that because of his job. He had to nod and smile about stuff he probably didn't really agree with, because that's why he was there.

Is it just me, or does Bush change cabinet members a lot? I mean, I wasn't into politics enough to know much about the Clinton Administration, but didn't he have almost the same group of people with him his whole 8 years?

And not just cabinet members. They get a new White House Press Secretary every 3 months, it seems. I guess no one wants the job of telling the media how smiley everything is in Iraq. I remember when Ari Fleisher was the Press Secretary, he never smiled or seemed genuine. Then he stepped down and they brought in some other guy, and now it's Tony Snow. I wonder if I ask really nicely if they'll let me be Press Secretary next...

There's speculation that U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will be stepping down as well, probably having something to do with his moustache. And his haircut. That's not exactly the image we want representing us to the rest of the world. I mean, when other UN Ambassadors think of the USA, they're thinking of that guy and his robust moustache, when honestly the only moustache that compares to his is that of Burt Reynolds.

In all seriousness, it will be quite expected if Bolton steps down. I mean, he's been railing on the UN since the 90's, and somehow a job fell into his lap that involved the UN. It's kind of unsettling to know that our representative in most diplomatic matters to the world as a whole is a guy who has spoken out against the institution that provides a forum for such matters.

Posted by mis0

There is a ***!

Randi Roads was talking about this last night on Air America. Some Republicans are actually really happy about this, it seems. Randi also likes the replacement, Bob Gates. He seems sane and with it.

I was really ****ed that they were saying that the war was "little understood". THEY don't get it.