Happy Birthday Bulb

Posted by Mystic Hero

I got you a Plow Fish :cool:

Only 2 hours until its officially Tuesday on the East Coast, but in other parts of the world its already Tuesday, so you're practically another year older already. (And I won't be able to wish you happy b-day tomorrow anyway) Hope your Tuesday is full of lots of wave dashing and short hop laser action. Till then man.

Posted by Arcadios


Posted by Corrupt

Hey, happy birthday Bulb. Have a great one, and go kick the asses of some unworthy Melee players while you're at it, eh?

Posted by Xero

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Happy Birthday Bulb :)[/COLOR]

Posted by Pit

haappy birthday etc birthday present once I get that m&m job etc dont worry Ill pay like 300 of that ds when I get that job :(

EDIT: Wii, not DS.

Posted by Dark Bulb 4.3

wii bother, no smash

oh man I'm good, I'm shocked people remembered

to look at the bottom :cool: k thx guys :-*

edit: so who's jamming with the blood brigade?