Sony: "Importing our products is illegal"

Posted by Klarth
[quote]"The law is clear; grey importing PS2, PSP or PS3 into the EU, without the express permission of SCE is illegal. Therefore, we will utilise the full scope of the law to put a stop to any retailers who chose to do this," a Sony rep said to "Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty."
So, basically, their excuse is that they're trying to protect the buyer from blowing themselves up when they chomp down on the power cable while their consoles are plugged in - Very much worth the extra $50 or so EU residents pay for game consoles.

Looks like my PSP's technically illegal, then. UK residents: Prepare to be fleeced ****less.

Posted by GameMiestro

At first I thought this said "Improving our products is illegal".

Posted by Klarth

Certainly seems so.

Posted by TendoAddict

I dont even get half the sh!t that European players have to go through to get good gaming. It seems like they get the short end of the stick way to much.

Posted by Zeta

Just keep digging your hole, Sony. You'll burrow down into the asthenosphere and burn up eventually.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Quoted post: It seems like they get the short end of the stick way to much.

Because they do. Even though they're potentially the biggest market.

Posted by Bebop

I thought all importing of video games was illegal. Nintendo are certainly bothered about it too.

Posted by Prince Shondronai

Thank God I live in America, where it's generally understood that our products suck. That way our government doesn't care when we buy stuff from other countries, and thus the corporations who make said stuff cannot whine about it in this fashion.

Posted by Hyper

I got some emails about this last night from Lik-Sang. I thought they were just bull.

Posted by Aioros

Quoting Prince Shondronai: Thank God I live in America, where it's generally understood that our products suck.

[COLOR="Yellow"]I don't know about that, my George Foreman grill works wonders and it's American. It knocks out the fat![/COLOR]