50 Years

Posted by Philsdad

So I was sitting here thinking about what computer and household technology was like 50 years ago, and how laughable it is compared to now. And it made me think because in 50 years, I'll be in my 70s and hopefully still alive. So I'll probably be around to see what technology will be like then. It'll make today's stuff look laughable for sure. What kinds of technology do you think will be around when we're old?

I think home life will be extremely lazy and easy in the 2050s...You'll be able to ring someone's doorbell from your handheld computer when you're 15 feet away so they open the door when you actually get there. Cool stuff like that would be fun but I wouldn't want life to be too lazy..But it will be for a lot of people I bet.

When I think about how far computers have come in 10 years, I can't fathom what they'll be like 50 years from now. It'll be pretty sick I'm sure. I can only imagine the stuff I'll be able to do and the power they will have. I think entertainment technology will be sick as well in the 50s..hopefully the content won't totally blow though. No idea what cars and air travel will be like, but I bet it will be pretty slick.

Posted by KoH

All I can say... is nanotechnology + computers = Insane power.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

All I know is, I just saw a commercial for self-closing drawers. I don't think I want to know what life will be like in 50 years... but who am I kidding, of course I want to know. I'm sure our technology will look primitive and ugly by their standards, but unlike 50 years ago, the kids of today should be able to adapt a lot easier. So the jump, I imagine, should be the same, but how people react to it should be completely different. How that affects anything I'm not sure.

Posted by Philsdad

Quoting Vampiro: sure our technology will look primitive and ugly by their standards, but unlike 50 years ago, the kids of today should be able to adapt a lot easier.

I think overall our generation will adapt to the technological changes that are going to happen better than older generations have. But I still bet a lot of people our age now will be completely clueless and will be laughed at by their grandchildren one day. "HAHAH, an iPod Nano! What a joke!"

But I definitely want to stay on top of things, even when I'm an old geezer.