Riigion Frii or not?

Posted by Drewboy64

So is Wii going to be region free? Perrin Keplan of NOA said it would be, but some UK dude said it wouldn't be, so... Well, I hope it is region free so we can get great Wii games like Ouendan 5 or whatever.

Posted by Prince Shondronai

Nintendo's own Wii games are reported to be region-free, but 3rd-parties have the option of encoding their games for specific regions.

Posted by muffla

In spite of rumors (and confirmation) to the contrary, it turns out that the Nintendo Wii will not be region-free as had previously been reported.

A Ninteno Spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz this afternoon: "We are region-locked," and said the US arm of the company had made a mistake in saying otherwise. So no importing crazy Wii games from Japan for you, son.

GamesIndustry.biz: Wii is region-locked - Nintendo UK

http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/TheFeed/index.html <--link


Posted by Klarth

This just in: WII IS REGION FREE.


No DVD playback, though.

Posted by s0ul

Yeah, that's where the debate came from in the first place. We're going in circles!

Also, did anyone else detect absurd amounts of sexual tension throughout the interview? It totally starts like internet-porn. Throughout the duration of the interview I was expecting it to go silent then have Perrin go "so... where you gonna put it"


Yeah, definitely not. You should know better, Klarth, we talked about this at length yesterday.

Posted by Bebop

I see what you mean Soul.

"Did you like what you saw?" heh