I want a co-mod for Xbox

Posted by Klarth

I own an original Xbox and I know a lot about the hardware and the games available, but seeing as I don't have a 360 yet (and don't plan to buy one for at least six months), I'd like a bit of help taking care of the board - someone who actually knows a little more than the basics I've got as far as the new console goes. As I recall, Pit said he wanted to be demodded a long time ago (hence he does nothing), and I wouldn't mind someone who's on frequently to take care of this stuff. I've been thinking either Fate or Wings, but I'm open to other nominations - Thoughts?

Posted by Fate

Actually, I wouldn't mind. A lot of people think I'm a modding nazi, though, so it's probably going to be Wings.

Posted by Shin-Ra

Is Wings especially active in any other particular gaming boards?

Posted by Klarth

He posts quite a bit in general gaming, Wii and future systems.

Posted by Shin-Ra

Cool, then I vote for him to mod X-Box, Wii, and Future Gaming Systems. Those boards need mods, he has apparent interest in the boards, and he has experience. I'm not voting for Fate because I don't like to see people modding 5 or more boards at once, because if something happens (nazism or whatever) then too many boards can be effected. Plus, if we do that, she might as well have a super mod position.