Change of Scenery and Meeting New People

Posted by Kamek

I know a lot of you guys out there have felt this way too. Sometimes I just feel like I need a change of scenery. It could be as simple as just being with a different crowd, or it could be just going to explore a new place. Lately I find myself tired of many of the same people. There are the few friends that I love being with, but as I think of my return to school, there are a lot of people I just really don't care to see again. Sometimes I just feel like I want to get to know new people, get to have new experiences with those people, and have them see me and get to know me. I think it would be interesting to see how they'd few me as opposed to those who already know me.

So how do you guys go about having a change of scenery? How do you meet new people?

I've been to a lot of new places and I love doing that, but for the most part, my gripe comes with being tired of the same old people time and time again. I get tired of them sometimes and just feel like change.

I'm usually good at making new friends, but I'm curious to know...How do you VGCers go about this change of scenery?

Posted by Xenos

As pathetic as this may sound, when I want a change of scenery, I usually rearrange my room, change between paper folders with prongs and binders - another trademark for me is to change my handwriting. The latter is never happens, oll. Well, what do you all expect? I'm just an old *****.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

I have issues with people, I let them come to me. For example, I moved from Absecon to Cape May right after 5th grade after living there and going to the same school for about five years. So, I sat in my class without saying a word, I got my lunch first so people would have to sit around me, and I said nothing during gym class. People hated me and others found the mystery intriguing and became friends with me.

Pokemon cards actually helped me get a few of those friends, sadly enough.

Posted by Raptor

Save up enough money for an airline ticket and spend a few weeks on the mainland. New people, new scenery; it's such an incredible contrast from home. If all goes well, I want to take a trip to Germany next summer, just to experience firsthand how much better a country it is.

Posted by Klarth

Germany rocks hard. It's nice to spend a day in Berlin and just wander around gandering at things like the numerous things dedicated to the Wall.

I've recently been given an oppurtunity to head stateside and see my father - I'm considering it not because the ratbastard invited me, but because I'd quite like to get a change of scenes in my life.

Posted by NeXidala

Well, I just recently moved and had a change of scenery. I went from living in a polished sub-urb town to moving 3 minutes away from the beach. It was extremely refreshing for me since I had been living in the other town for 8 years. At first I thought everything would go horrible and that I wouldn't be able to cope. But, it's been really relaxing and I'm enjoying myself a lot more. A change of scenery is a must, every now and then.

Posted by Hammered On

I definitely could use a change of scenery.. I'm bored with everything. XD And I think change and wanting it is normal.

Posted by Lord of Spam

Taking loooong road trips with friends is the best way to get a nice balance of familiarity and new things. You get to meet new people in new places, but you get the comfort and guaranteed good times of having friends there with you.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

I agree with LoS. Plus, roadtrips are pretty much guaranteed to be d[COLOR="White"]a[/COLOR]mn fun.

Though, for me, I definitely need a change of scenery. I've been in this town for at least ten years, and I'm hoping to move out soon. Maybe somewhere around Calagary if I can afford it, or out in North Carolina.

Posted by Skitzo Control

I had a huge scenery change when I left Utah. Scenery, lifestyle, and other things changed, actually.

Posted by Arczu

Change of scenery? I would not mind it at all. I don't exactly long for it (seeing how I can't really afford to go anywhere right now), but once in awhile, you get a refreshing feeling.

Posted by Ch

Change of scenery. I grew up in a boring little town in central Massachusetts and then I get fully thrown into Boston. I have a Boston crew but I loved my old group of friends so much that I only live in Boston at my sisters place on the weekends.

I manage to meet new people here in Central Mass and I just do it by going to parties and socializing, making plans, then hanging out.

You say you're good at making friends, Kamek, so try it.

Posted by NES Queen

New people, places, things, and experiences come by your way every single day. You just have to be open and receptive to them.

I've headed into Manhatten more times than I can count, and everytime I go I can easily talk to 100 random strangers if I wanted to. Sometimes I run across a jerk who's too busy trapped in their own little world to notice or care about me, and othertimes I've run into some interesting (or entertaining at least) folks. Or I could have just walked from Penn Station to wherever it was I was going without looking at the faces around me, or smiling at some of them, or saying hello to some of them.... and I would be so trapped in my own little world that I missed out on it all.

Granted, Manhatten is a unique (sorta) place where you can walk the same route daily for 10yrs straight and see something different every day, unlike in East Bumble**** Idaho where its just Farmer Ted on the corner of the only main road through town. But still, I think you see the point.

I find it fun to play little games with myself where I try to make a conscious effort to either do something nice for someone (hold the door for them), walk around all day smiling (that one's the best, everyone always ends up coming up to me asking why I'm so happy - as if there's something odd or wrong about smiling), or say "Hi, how are you doing?" to random people on the street or in stores just to be nice/polite. It's amazing (and amusing) the different reactions you get from people. Also kinda sad I suppose when being nice to someone comes as a big shock to them, when it should be the norm.

Posted by Kamek

Quoting NES Queen: New people, places, things, and experiences come by your way every single day. You just have to be open and receptive to them.

I've headed into Manhatten more times than I can count, and everytime I go I can easily talk to 100 random strangers if I wanted to. Sometimes I run across a jerk who's too busy trapped in their own little world to notice or care about me, and othertimes I've run into some interesting (or entertaining at least) folks. Or I could have just walked from Penn Station to wherever it was I was going without looking at the faces around me, or smiling at some of them, or saying hello to some of them.... and I would be so trapped in my own little world that I missed out on it all.

Granted, Manhatten is a unique (sorta) place where you can walk the same route daily for 10yrs straight and see something different every day, unlike in East Bumble**** Idaho where its just Farmer Ted on the corner of the only main road through town. But still, I think you see the point.

I find it fun to play little games with myself where I try to make a conscious effort to either do something nice for someone (hold the door for them), walk around all day smiling (that one's the best, everyone always ends up coming up to me asking why I'm so happy - as if there's something odd or wrong about smiling), or say "Hi, how are you doing?" to random people on the street or in stores just to be nice/polite. It's amazing (and amusing) the different reactions you get from people. Also kinda sad I suppose when being nice to someone comes as a big shock to them, when it should be the norm.

I do that sort of thing all the time especially on trains. I've met comedians, musicians, people from all walks of life. Today in the midst of that crazy storm I was caught in in Central Park (long story:)) on the dripping wet 100lb water weight gain train ride home, I spoke to an aspiring guitarist and we talked about tips/techniques. The other day I got advice on life and what to do in college from a 20 year old engineering student. I think I always used to take the train, and I met new people that way. When I stopped for a while for whatever reason, I seemed to be feeling more bored. I need more trips to the city for sure. I used to go everyday after school. This job thing is really cutting into my city time. I love love love love LOVE the city.