ITT I speak entirely in code

Posted by Klarth

eipliesauyei lwieasmsh cr a o i!envaseka lehlodrns dacd fyucncakti esg ilgv o pca rz!

- 864213579, 732684159, 546372819 and 123456789 are some numbers you may find useful.
- The first three numbers rank in order of encryption. The final number is not encrypted at all.
- The first message is encoded in the manner of the first number.
- I am hideously bored.

Posted by Slade

I think to break that code one would have to be about 5 times as bored as you are.

Posted by Klarth


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = zxvtrpnljhfdbacegikmoqsuwy