2v2: Necro & Nido Vs. Sean and Lunairetic

Posted by Forgotten Soul

Alright guys, if we're all in, lets do this. Sean or Lunairetic, call heads or tails for the arena.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

Since Luna hasn't replied yet, I'm just going to go ahead and call 'Tails'.

Posted by Forgotten Soul

Tails.....Alright, you guys get arena. Lets do this.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

As soon as I can catch Luna on AIM we'll get that done, unless he's already amidst doing it and then it doesn't matter! I'll try PMing him later if I don't see him on.

Posted by Forgotten Soul

Alright, well I'll wait on that, and try to get in touch with Nido to so everyone is ready to go.

Posted by S

Go ahead Sean, I've got nothing in mind.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

OoC: I’m just gonna take a stab at this and say we’re fighting Unorthodox right? Mmmkay, it’s not much but here’s the arena, and as expected, same sort of place I always fight in.


A sky in midst of metamorphosis. As the day blue begins to fade into the night black, the sun loses its grip on the ocean and dissolves into nothing, the moon rises to take its position for the time being, when the children return home, when the adults finally leave, when all good things come to an end, and the bad things just begin; that’s when this battle was to take place. Those ever changing times, colors, people, all representative of our true nature. Change and adapt. Adapt to change. Adapt to live. This was our calling, this was what we’d do, though among us, there were those resistant to change; we’d call them rebels, anarchists, blasphemers, demons. One of them is among you right now, can you see him? Towering above the city with his dark locks blowing in the gentle wind, perched on the edge of a building like a gargoyle, carefully watching all with his hazel eyes like a hawk. There he’d stand, he’d wait for the opportune moment, and than fall. Fall. Fall. Now. Falling. Falling.

The streets roared with activity, the nightlife was one which you could not drain lifelessly, it was too full of life, vivacious and energetic, the colors were blinding to foreigners as the multicolored lights powered on and the neons let go throughout the city. The people would flock here, they’d flock there, drinking this, drinking that, flirting with him, flirting with her, cheating on that one or this one, who cared what happened to life at night? But once they were done, once the dawn came they’d retreat to their little holes like mice and sleep it off. Their party had ended and it was back to the office. Back to white collar and black suit. Back to cubicle and water cooler. Back to being ruled over by some prick who’s daddy ran a big company. Sean hated those people.

Three thousand pounds of steel barreled past Sean’s face as he stood too close to the road on the sidewalk. That was close. Didn’t want to miss this chance. Not in a lifetime.

The streets were crowded by Sean moved like a nimble thief, making use of that dexterity of his to swiftly dart in and out of the people. His arena wasn’t much, now that he thought about it, but with a place like this...they had all the background they needed. Four poles craned to the sky and arched into the road from opposite sides, lights blinked. Green. Yellow. Red. People crossed. Cars zoomed by. All in all, the middle of an intersection really wasn’t the best place for a battle...but Sean was willing to compromise, lifting his katana in sheath onto his shoulder and tapping his foot.

Posted by S

Such a frantic life filled with mindless vices and heart wrenching emptiness, how can people live like this, Sar wondered. What compelled people to lay down their weapons, so long ago, and live a life of peace? Was it the silver tongue of tyrants or idealism that spawns revolution? Or maybe... just maybe, I have lived too long and become stuck in my ways. Maybe this is more enlightened. "
Ah... but how I miss the simplicity of back then," Sar muttered to himself just loud enough for him to hear.

I am a rebel. One bound to death by my own hands and another's. My blades are merely extensions of me, their sullied edges as stained as my very palms. Wanted by neither HEAVAN nor HELL, my only salvation is death by the very means I have been condemned. Look not at me and cringe, look not at me and weep. I am a Warrior.

Sar motioned his left hand towards Sean in recognition of his arrival, their eyes meeting just as Sean felt Sar's presence. "
'Ey," Sar said aloud.

Posted by Chiaroscuro

Sean really didn't like a man in a suit, and as Sar arrived, he couldn't help but greet him with a disgusted look on his face. It wasn't displeasure at his ally's arrival, but rather, something he caught in the not-so-far distance. A suit. And another suit. Side by side, seeming to mock him. By now, Sean was so disgusted that Sar had turned to observe whatever it was he was looking at, and the two suited men had begun to cross the intersection, talking amongst themselves. Their long flowing hair seemed to match aside from the fact that the stockier man's was green and the taller of the two blue, but their attire was obviously coordinated quite well; black suits, white shirts, white gloves and what looked like ridiculously expensive sunglasses across both of their faces. As they drew closer, Sean was almost certain he had seen the one with the green hair before, and once they were within earshot, then, he knew.

"...he does that to me, he better paralyze me, cause I'll kill him, you know what I'm saying?"

[b]"I ain't saying it's right, but you're saying a foot massage doesn't mean anything, and I'm saying it does. Now look, I've given a million ladies a million foot massages and we all act like they don't mean anything but they do, and that's what so cool about them."[/B]

It was about this time that Nido and Necro had reached the other side of the crosswalk as they continued their debate, and breaking their gaze from each other, they looked forward and caught site of Sean and Sar, poised in very different attire, ready for a battle, one with sword already drawn. Nido looked from Sean, to Sar, and back to Necro, who had done some sort of similar rotation; either way, the two friend's eyes met again, and somehow they knew they had run into another fight.

Posted by Forgotten Soul

Without speaking a word to each other, Nido and Necro took off in unison towards Sean and Sar. Perhaps the two were not out for a fight, but it was going to happen now as Nido and Necro made the first move of aggression.

The two colided simultaneously into Sar, Necro's right fist connecting with the left side of Sar's face and Nido's shoulder into his exposed chest, causing him to tumble backwards into the arms of Sean.

Both were now off balance, and this was certainly not an opprotunity to pass up as Nido quickly reached out for Necro's forearm, and with ***like strength slung his partner towards Sar and Sean. Necro flew through the air like a rocket in a tucked position, allowing his body to spin around several times before he straightened out, both feet extended, planting them into the once again exposed chest of Sar. The two were sent crashing into the nearby brick wall and slowly slid to the cold concrete sidewalk as Necro gracefully landed right back and Nido's side.

OoC : Sorry if this isnt up to par, but uh, it always gets better as the bout progresses.

Posted by S

Taking out several pedestrians as Sar rocketed backwards with Sean behind him, an ecstatic grin could be seen forming across his face. Smashing into the face of a building on the southeastern most side of the four-way intersection, it cracked and splintered up the side. “
Aha,” Sar choked out as the two collided with the wall, his words a mangled mix of a laugh and his breath forcefully escaping him. Civilians fled instinctively, screams and yells of fear as they ran. Something so human, something so possible, to them was considered impossible. Ignorance truly is bliss.

Seems they got us, eh?” Sar said with humor in his tone as he looked back to Sean, who was still pinned between him and the wall.

Yeah,” he scoffed back.

Well then…

Pushing off of the pavement, he pulled his weight off of Sean and stood up. Lowering a hand to help Sean up, he waved it off as if offensive and pulled himself to his feet. Shrugging, Sar dusted his clothes off. Motioning his head towards Necro, Sean got the idea. Follow my lead.

Raising his hands in mockery of a boxer, Sar eyed Necro eagerly. Rolling his sleeves up a bit, Necro exposed his gloved hand and motioned cockily with a two-fingered taunt. Snapping his fingers to give the go ahead, Sar dashed forward towards Necro. Jumping several feet from Necro into a leaping axe kick, Necro moved forward and easily parried, then threw a quick jab into Sar’s rib cage. Blocking it with his right elbow by ducking his center of gravity upon impact with the ground, Sar followed through with a left hook as he tried to catch Necro on his blindside.

Catching the fist, Nido struck Sar in the face with a quick jab. Reeling back but recovering quickly, Sar rotated his fist, broke the grasp, and took hold of Nido’s wrist. Pinned by the two fighters, Sar dropped his weight and caught Necro with the bottom of his elbow as he tried to weave under him for a strike to the fulcrum of his knees. Crushing into the ground face first, Necro’s head snapped back and glasses shattered as he fell back to the cement. Catching himself abruptly by using Nido’s wrist as a balance, Sar tried to pull himself up but Nido wouldn’t allow it. Drawing his fist up for a devastating downward strike, Nido’s face was smashed in by Sean’s head. Head butting him with his forehead, blood spurted from Nido’s nose. Using this moment to catch himself, Sar reachieved balance and rotated slightly with his upper torso. Dragging Nido back behind him like he weighed nothing, Sar launched the man into the air with his left hand. Quickly hooking his foot under the recovering warrior beneath him, Sar drew back his leg and sent it hurdling into Necro’s collarbone. Both men were thrown in opposite directions, and it was just the perfect setup for Sean.

Both men ready to relentlessly attack again, they readied themselves for it.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

We Come Out At Night

Sit back.

A slight hop and Sean was face-to-face with Nido.

“Sup pal.”

As Nido began to counter, weapon fist and target Sean’s face, he felt himself suddenly restrained.

“That could be a problem.”

Sean landed softly back next to Sar and Nido was suddenly pulled out of the air, Sar leaned back and let his fist fly into Nido’s left shoulder, and he was airborne once more. This time Nido slammed into Necro, causing the two to roll out into the middle of the street just as the local transit bus ran a red light. Tough luck there.


Sar watched closely as Sean hopped from his position up to meet Nido, a fine tactic and all, but would it really accomplish...after blinking a few times, Sar realized that Sean wasn’t just Sean anymore, a vibrant black...growth? Sar couldn’t even think of the words as he watched this black monstrosity slither around Sean’s abdomen and shoot upwards in a curved fashion above his head to latch on to Nido’s feet like a bungee cord. Amazing. Clearly the...creature, if one could call it that, was an ally of some sort, but of which Sar could not imagine. As Sean landed next to him, tilting his head slightly and giving him a sly half-grin, Sar turned his attention back to their foes.

Nido, momentarily levitating was sudden pulled with the momentum of his drop towards Sar! Muttering some curse under his breath he balled his hand to a fist and stepped forward into his punch which connected into Nido’s left shoulder and upon impact made a terrific crunching noise. Damn if Nido wasn’t airborne once more. But what was this? The black creature was still latched around his ankles? Suddenly Nido wasn’t finding himself rolling across the ground, but he was slapped into Necro’s face like an out of place jigsaw piece that just wouldn’t fit.

Rolling, rolling, rolling...lights began to flutter from the many shutters of cameras as a couple tons of steel barreled through the red light. A blaring horn echoed throughout the city then as a desperate hush rushed over the crowd as they went into so-called thought. “Someone else will save them.” “I’ve never seen anyone die before.” “I need to get a picture of this.” “If I wasn’t so old I’d help.” “Crazy kids and their silly games.” “I wonder if there’ll be blood...” “I hope there aren’t any children watching.” “I always wanted to watch someone get hit by a bus…”

Again, again, again.

Posted by Chiaroscuro

Nido and Necro tumbled into heavy traffic as the wail of frantic horns filled the air. Slamming into Necro had somehow jarred the phantom grip around Nido's ankles, but for the time being, they weren't in much better shape with thousands of pounds of metal whizzing around them at high speeds. Buses, trucks, sedans and coupes of all colors, makes and models were either slowing down to watch the flames, or frantically trying to do so in order to avoid a collision.

Nido was on his feet before Necro was, quickly pulling his friend up with so much strength he was literally thrown in the opposite direction-- out of harm's way, at least. Unfortunately for Nido, he was in harm's way, because he still considered a speeding bus harmful regardless of how durable his body may be.

The city transit bus had too much momentum to swerve from the collision is such short time, and resorting to primal instinct, Nido put his best foot--or fist-- forward. A sudden burst of reserved strength flooded his veins with a rush of adrenaline fuel, and what would have been a normal punch suddenly became a hellstorm of pure strength. The bus ran into Nido's punch at a good thirty miles an hour or so, but the impact was horrendous nevertheless; the larger of the two objects involved nearly bent backwards from the front, the windshield shattering to bits and spraying Nido with broken glass.

The hordes of people watched in silence, their cameras refusing to flash as instinctive shock gave way to their curiosity of watching what appeared to be a man nearly dismantle a bus with his bare hands. The vehicle was now rolling backwards slowly, the engine obviously damaged enough to halt any further progress on the morning commute to the office for several passengers aboard.

Nido, trying to wring the aches from his knuckles and wrist with a few good shakes, only now seemed aware at all that any civilians happened to be nearby.

"What...the hell...are Y'ALL lookin' at?

It didn't take much for the mobs to begin to scatter, and a sudden panic swept the now chaotic streets as Nido's focus returned to the battle, leaping over Necro as he was picking himself up for the second time within a few moments. Nido shifted the weight of his jump and used the momentum for a flying kick, snapping his right leg outward as he achieved proper range and lashing the side of his boot against Sean's face. The jaw clamped down and teeth bit the tongue as blood filled Sean's mouth, only to exit it along with a wad of saliva as Nido made landfall and came forward with another punch-- not a bus-breaker, but something strong enough to rattle Sean in his boots.

Sean stumbled back, momentarily stunned by the set of blows, and Nido caught him with a sharp knee to the abdomen, doubling him over and bringing him to all fours. Raising both fists above his head, Nido wrapped his hands and swung them down in a crude axe-handle smash atop the better part of Sean's now vulnerable spine, blasting him to a face-first stop against the cement of the city street.

Nido turned, and noticed Necro had been holding Sar away from him during this assault. It was a good thing they were traveling as a pair this morning...

Posted by Forgotten Soul

OoC: Forgive me, I had to go home to the parents house for the weekend. I am back, and will edit this post when my reply is ready. Thank you for your understanding *waves hand* you do understand...

IC: Necro was quick to recover when his ally had removed him from the path of the oncomming bus. Rolling over onto his knees and jumping quickly to his feet. Sean and Sar had not seen his quick recovery, allowing Necro to come up behind Sar and put him in a choke hold as Nido pounded his way through the bus and then through Sean.

"You know those were five hundred dollar sunglasses as*hole!"

Necro felt the adrenaline rush through his viens as he held the struggling Sar in his grasps, choking the very life out of him as his breathing started to slow down and the color of his face began to change. However death was not a card to be dealt so soon, not this early in the battle. The night was still young, much more blood needed to be spilled before a life would be taken.

With this thought in mind, Necro allowed himself to tighten his arm muscles as he lifted Sar from the ground, and with one quick motion slung the foe into a nearby brick wall. His body smashed into the red brick, splintering into tiny pieces as the outline of Sar's body left its mark as he fell from the wall and back to the cool concrete sidewalk.

Sar lifted himself to his knees as he began to gasp for air, not yet recovered from the intense choke-hold Necro had just held him in as Nido pounded his fists into Sean. Yet Necro was not done, he was still quite ****ed that his sunglass had been broken; it wasnt easy to find a pair that fit so well as those.

Dashing towards the kneeling Sar, Necro let his right knee fly, fly it did, into the unsuspecting face of Sar. Blood shot from his mouth and sprayed across the sidewalk and wall as he fell into a faceplant onto the ground. Did it hurt? You bet your as* it hurt!

Posted by S

OoC: Sorry for the delay on my part, between a busy work schedule and an emergency, I really didn't have time to post.

Blood tore away from Sar as the force of the blow pushed him backward into the wall and the taste of iron filled his mouth. However, trickling onto his taste buds only brought him to awareness. Gasping for air the moment he collided with the wall, he caught his wind. He fell to the ground but he did not land face first. Curling his body into a ball and forcing himself forward with his weight, he rolled onto his back and pushed off with his hands. Extending his feet into Necro's face as he vaulted forward, the man's neck snapped back again, this time inducing whiplash, and his body followed unwillingly as his spine dragged it along.

Manipulating his weight again, Sar landed on the ground just as Necro began his ascension into the air. Lunging forward and grabbing the man by the face with his right palm, he redirected the upward force into an arc to the ground. Slamming his skull into the asphalt, the ground gave way and the earth conformed to the shape of his head. Falling limply behind him, his body fell onto the sidewalk at an odd angle because of the two different heights his body laid on. Reeling back his fist just enough from his standing crouch, Sar focused all his energy into a single focal point on his fist. Unleashing the first 'Solemn Promise' strike of the fight, he bore it down into Necro's chest. Completely shattering beneath them, the asphalt and sidewalk seemed to be sucked inward as if ebbed away by time being accelerated. Power raged through Necro's body, the strike making contact with the middle of his sternum; forcefully pushing his organs aside and tearing through his body completely as it damaged tissues and bruised bones, Necro's breath was not only forced out of him but closed his lungs and trachea from minor shock.

Energy snaked off of the strike and rose upwards in enigmatic amber haze until the earth finally reacted to the stress and erupted around the epicenter of the blow; dirt and sedimentary rock spilling out of the perimeter of the indent that encircled the two men. "
I'd worry about your life, not your glasses," Sar snarled.

Shifting his gaze from Necro to Nido, the two met glances.
Lucky for me, they were traveling together.

Hurling himself at Nido, he flung himself in a clockwise motion for an airborne roundhouse.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

OoC: Sorry this took so long guys.
Bottom of the Death Valley

Darkness swept around Sean’s body as his face collided with the cement roadway. Black mass erupted from within his body, sweeping through him as fast as his blood, as fast as energy, as fast as raw power. Fractured bones smashed back together and cut skin stopped bleeding. But the pain was still there. Sean still felt the pain. He struggled against himself, lying face down on the ground, he wouldn’t lose control this time...he couldn’t! Groping at the ground Sean began to spin like a break-dancer, slowly turning his body upside down and then leapt and rolled to put some distance between himself and Nido who had just broke his concentration away to Sar. “This isn’t over.”

Initiate: Thundermaelstrom

Thunder echoed and roared overhead like wild animals of the savannah, hungry for a meal. Lightning rocketed back and forth, back and forth, a dazzling display of all colors of the light spectrum. Sean arose to his feet, his eyes glazing over with anger...no one touches him...no one ever does what Nido just did to him. Balling his hand into a fist so tightly that his nails begun to dig into his flesh, Sean took his free right hand and used it to grab the pocket watch which he always carried around. With a look of rage, he yelled good and loud to get Nido’s attention as he parried Sar’s roundhouse, “Shuurai shoshi uchitomeru!”

A ferocious explosion of thunder just overhead allowed the clouds to give way. As the clouds begun to party, a torrent of lightning cascaded downwards in a spiral fashion, wrapping around each other like the threads of a grandmother-knitted sweater. Curved as the bolts descended into the city, Sean pointed at Nido, and so the light went as fast it could, blindingly fast and intensely hot directly into Nido’s chest with the force of the cosmos.

Searing flesh could be smelt for a near half mile upon impact, and the amount of electricity being thrusted into this conduit would kill a small army, but Sean knew Nido was more powerful than that. The lightning finished in a flash and sent Nido’s body soaring past Sar at amazing speeds and smashed into Necro, causing the team to fly headfirst through a convenience store window and through a couple shelves of candy and food. Sean wondered how much they liked getting thrown through walls...

OoC: Shurrai shoshi uchitomeru means “Lightning strike (all of) them to kill!”

Posted by Chiaroscuro

OoC: Sorry this is taking me so long, guys. I've been viciously sick the past two days or so for unknown reasons and haven't had a steady enough head to write decently. If any of you even read this before I edit in with an actual post, then I'll definitely have it done by Friday morning.

Posted by Chiaroscuro

Beneath a Wonderbread display, Nido cursed under his breath. He always had a general disliking for electricity ever since that time Necro bet him $5 he wouldn't stick a fork in the toaster, and this was most certainly a much more displeasing situation.

People struck by ordinary lightning usually have something of a chance to live, but no one should have been able to withstand such tremendous force behind this most unnatural elemental blast. Regardless, Nido knew it would pass; he had tramautized his body enough times to be in good touch with such knowledge.

But that didn't make him feel any better as he clawed through a load of cereal boxes and began to regain footing. He wasn't injured, but he wasn't unharmed, either; and that made Nido an angry person.

Deciding to give his physical side a break for the time being, Nido resorted to another weapon in his arsenal, and began to summon psychic force. He usually wasn't a fan of this maneuver in battle, but with his adversaries a good distance away with Necro to cover him if need be, Nido didn't think twice about engaging in the concentration needed for such purposes.

It wound up being easier than he had remembered. Funny to think Nido was sure he was actually going dumber these days.

A faint violent aura began to crawl over Nido's body, as well as the majority of the debris scattered around him and his partner. Within a few second's time of this initial connection between mind and matter, matter began to come into play. Wood, metal, glass and cardboard filled with everything from pickles to cereal began to take flight under psychic influence, flinging themselves through the open shop window at terrific speeds.

Necro stayed down and covered his head as the storm of debris and junk was fired across the street, pelting Sar, Sean, and innocent bystanders with unnatural force. A glass jar of some random condiment smashed against Sar's head with considerable speed, coating him in mayonaisse. Sean avoided the first wooden beam thrown his way only to fall victim to the second as he tried to dodge the worst of the barrage, resulting in him being slammed backwards and into a parked truck regardless.

Broken glass, twisted metal, split wood and Shredded Wheat scattered the intersection in a horrible mess, and as if to summon a grand finale, the heavy metal cash register was hurled like a javelin, smashing heavily into Sar's chest with promises to damage something internal. The register broke open on impact as Sar was tossed backwards and down a set of subway steps, showering the street in free-flowing cash for whoever dared come within the crossfire of the four fighters.

There weren't many takers, it turned out. Not to anyone's surprise.

By now, Nido had loosened his psychic hold, and the aura of purple disapated around his body. He reached down and tapped Necro's shoulder to give him the all-clear, offering the same hand in assistance once Necro had decided it was safe to drop his cover.

Posted by Forgotten Soul

OoC: Just not feeling it this go around...maybe I do better next time :-p


Necro stood up as Nido finished tapping on his shoulder, given him the signal that all was clear. Slowly rising, seeming to favor his right leg, Necro turned his head from side to side, noticing the window the two had crashed through just moments ago. Also the mess the two had made inside the store when they had plowed through shelves of assorted foods and beverages.

His attention was soon drawn once again to the outside street, no longer filled with life; all the innocent bystanders had cleared out after the pair Necro and Nido had been thrown through a glass window, and after Nido’s physic barrage of attacks. What a skill that green haired man possessed, but Necro was not about to go unnoticed.

Poking Nido in the side with his elbow, Necro signaled for his friend to watch. Slowly Necro brought his hands together, palm against palm, each finger pressed against its counterpart on the opposite hand.

“What the hell are you doing? Praying?”

A smile stretched across Necro’s face as those words rolled off the tip of Nido’s tongue, and in one swift movement Necro lifted his hands into the sky and then sent them rocketing down into the cold tile floor of the convenient store. Visible energy began to flow instantly from Necro’s hands and through the earth, tearing through the store and out into the street with a force that seemed to have purpose.

Energy connected with battered cars and busted walls, erupting in a violent explosion around the masses of Sar and Sean…

Posted by S

"...He hit me with mayonnaise?"

Sean chuckled painfully as he pushed the wooden beam off of him that was pinning him between the earth and a pickup truck. Slamming into the ground as it fell off, Sean tried to realign himself with his surroundings. Pulling himself up by the side of the massively dented truck, he caught a glance of Sar walking up the stairs, trying to clean the white substance off of him with a piece of clean cloth he'd found. "
You look like a bald eagle just took a crap on you!" Sean yelled out, humorously.

Sar's eyes narrowed and he shot a cold glance at Sean, while still cleaning the gook out of his hair. Raising his hand to speak, he abruptly stopped as he noticed Necro slam his hands into the ground and a surge of power transfer into the earth. Jumping at Sean and landing right next to him, the air erupted into an inferno of devastating heat around them, laced with malicious energy being exuded by Necro. Exploding upwards and inwards, the perimeter of devastation and explosions were sucked inward with a spiral motion as the heat and cold air met. Debris and a violent cacophony of energy slammed into the two men, a crushing sound belting outward from the collision of energy and mass.

Standing motionless, Necro and Nido looked on as the energy swelled into a single focal point, while at the same time ready to erupt into a massive cloud of smoke and ignited fuel around their foes. However, not entirely to their surprise, a wave of energy cleaved through the impending mushroom cloud, abruptly stopping all motion.

Sar smirked. "
That's it?"

All three warriors felt it simultaneously, a spark of energy bordering the concept of baffling. Sar pulled his right hand in front of him, and as he was surrounded by an aura powerful enough to keep the debris away and leave him and Sean some arm room, snapped his fingers. Billowing outwards, a ripple of raw power sent the airborne debris away from him and Sean like rockets, the rock and random articles of food flying into the sky and smashing through several windows at least four stories up of the surrounding buildings. Encompassing Sar completely, a tense power vibrated upwards and gleamed in the sunlight. Tendrils of energy licked at the blue above as they rotated around him, tearing at the ground and tossing dust into the atmosphere. "
Cut the small crap. Let's get to it," he yelled.

His body vanished, and as Necro felt a surge of energy to his left, blood flew into the air. Staring at Nido, he saw no wound, only Nido's body lift off into the air as his sternum cracked from a quick strike. Looking down, he felt a slight twinge of pain as he realized his collarbone had been cloven in two at its edge, just beside the shoulder cuff. Blood spewed from it and everything seemed to slow down as his realization finally took hold. Gripping his wound and turning abruptly behind him, Sar’s boot connected with his face and launched him directly out of the old grocery market, where he crushed through the asphalt and into the sewage system just below the street, at the exact same time that Nido was vaulted through the roof of the old market.

Taking a split second to take in his surroundings, Sar let out a sigh of delight and then sheathed the Tyrfing. Minor first degree burns scathed his skin but not enough to even make note of. Running out of the shop, he jumped excitedly into the sewer after Necro with an emphatic grin stretched across his face.

Posted by Sean the Wicked

OoC: Sorry guys, I meant to do this right away, but I got into a bunch of crap. I'll try to have it done tommorow because my friend's birthday is on Monday and I will not be the least bit coherent to do anything.

Posted by Ed Wuncler III

Your good man.

P.S. - Me and Chiarscuro went and got new names, so you guys are aware

Posted by Chiaroscuro

Quoting Ed Wuncler III: P.S. - Me and Chiarscuro went and got new names, so you guys are aware

Well that didn't last long...

Posted by Forgotten Soul

Sure didnt.

Posted by S

Bump, ****it! Bump!

Posted by Forgotten Soul

I think we're done for man. Sean seems to have left this here to fade away. Perhaps another time.

Posted by S

Two on One?

Posted by Chiaroscuro

No thanks. I've got nothing left anyways and that's no secret.