Superman Returns, On IMAX!!

Posted by Cloudstud

I dont know how many of you have heard about this but the new superman movie will be released in IMAX theaters along with the normal theathers. If you dont know what IMAX is, its a huge theater about 8 stories high and if you live near one this will be the only way to see superman returns!! Its going to include over 20 minutes of special 3D sequences just for IMAX. They will provide you with the 3D glasses and a little icon at the bottom of the screen will indicate when to put them on. Its going to be amazing! Anyone out there also going to see it at an IMAX?

Posted by maian

Eight stories high? Lie. We have IMAXes, anyway. Either way, if I see it, it won't be in IMAX. Somehow, the 3D thing sounds fake. Source?

Posted by Crazy K

I probably won't see it in theaters but I will rent it once it comes out to dvd. Im more awaiting Pirates of the Carribean then any other movie at the moment.

Posted by Jonnymovgamer

I've never seen a movie on an IMAX screen, but I might for this movie. Here's a link for the 3D info:

Posted by Bendehur2008

well i saw it the movie was relly good but not better then the old star war esp,s and not as good as lord of the ring's esp's so the rate i would give it is probly 3 star's star war all esp's got all 5 star's as for lord of the ring's also 5 star's what i hear from the movie rater's club.

Posted by candycab

Unfortunitly most if not all the IMAX theatres in my area are the Dome theatres and they leave alot to be desired. The format is stunning in a good theatre and the IMAX DVDs are fantastic on big screens or in home projectors [ I use an Infocus X1a myself @ 130inches 16 x 9 ]

Im not real reved up to see this movie and will most likely wait for it to hit Netflix but I would probably see it in IMAX if I ran across it.