Riku and Kairi we need your help.

Posted by Arcadios


Me and Wally were making consects for the new keyblades that well come into the strory vut we have a problem.
See Wally made a story for the chracter that will be the true weilder of the two new keyblade but since I didn't like wally's story much I did one on my own and I'd like to see which story is better in you opinon. Wally's first.

The Matrix
"So, it seems another freak has gone an' rolled inta town? Welp, I'ma figure tha's no good!" Greg, the local tough guy proclaimed one night. He was in a bar, surrounded by his lackeys he dubbed 'Crasher an Basher' both big, beefy men. Greg fancied himself as a cowboy, often wearing cowboy clothes, and using a 6-shooter, as well as a sword, as his primary weapons.
The town was known as 'Intersect' because of the fact that it was a semi-world. This semi world was actualy on the intersection of multiple full body worlds, so it has more then a few strange people coming to and fro. However, the majority of the populace is in fact human. Greg though, is a racist to the extreme, and hates everyone who isn't a human, or isn't normal anyway. He is also an idiot, considering he lives in a town that is a main rest-stop when traveling in between worlds.
This time around, he was referring to an unusal, and so far as he knew, unsavory character. He had rolled into town, wearing a black robe. When he entered town, people couldn't help but notice he was exceptionaly tall, and exceptional skinny. No one has of yet seen his face, but his hair was visible as it draped over his face. His hair was as black as coal.
"Bartender, what is tha freak there drinkin?" Greg asked, hsi two lackeys smirking and laughing behind him. Everyone in the bar turned to watch. While this was a peaceful little town, everyone who went to the bar always enjoyed a little violence to go along with their otherwise exceedingly dull days.
"Milk." The bartender responded. He was a large man, with arms that were enourmously huge, and a gut that was twice as so. He had slick black hair and a thin mustache, as well as a mug that he perpetualy cleaned, regardless of the fact that he cleaned it seven years ago it seemed.
"Milk?!" Greg responded, patting the man on the back. The man in the robe did not respond, save the fact that he finished his glass. "Milk at a bar? This man ain't no freak! He's a sissy!" Greg began to laugh like a hyena, as did his lackeys, and soon, everyone in the bar. However, Greg stopped laughing when something unusual happened.
The man in the robe began to laugh like a madman.
"HEY! What's so funny ya yellah belli-HRK!" Greg stopped midsentence. In a flash, the man in the robe had shot his arm back, and grabbed Greg by the throat. Everyone in the bar, particularly Greg, stopped laughing in an instant.
"I think you're funny." The man responded. He got up from his seat and turned, his grip on Greg just as firm. "I think you and your lackeys are real funny. Tell me Greg, why are you so funny?" He asked as he loosened his grip slightly so he could talk.
"How do you-HRK" The man suddenly gripped hard again, cutting off Gregs word midsentence.
"I asked why you're funny, not if you wanted to ask me a question. Lets try again." The man said, loosening his grip again, and allowing Greg to speak once more.
"Get em boys!" Greg responded this time. Crasher pulled his signature giant, solid steel club from his back, while Basher held up his fists, which had steel plated gauntlets on them. Crasher brought his mighty club down on the man while at the same time, Basher unleashed a single punch that had enough force to render a mans brain matter into a very fine paste from the inside out. There was a great clang, and then a sudden crash, and the battle had been decided.
While holding Greg's throat just as firmly, the man had raised his arm, and unleashed two blurs. One blur struck Basher square in the chest, and sent him flying into the oposite wall, his chest crushed by a ball of some black, unknown metal attached to a chain that had dislodged it's self from the mans robes. It appeared as though it were a wrecking ball! Meanwhile, less then miliseconds later, the man struck the giant club with a metal blade that shot from his robe with such speed and force, it actually reversed the direction of the club, crushing Crashers skull. Only Greg was left alive.
"Your time is up. Now that I think about it, you aren't that funny." Tightening his grip, the man watched with a sick pleasure as Greg suffocated under the sheer power of the man. As annoying as he was, the people in the bar could not stand as one of there own was kileld by an outsider. Everyone, men and women alike, drew their guns, and aimed carefuly at the man.
"So, you think you can stop me? Come on then!" Just as the man was about to raise his hand in order to no doubt unleashe another attack with unholy skill, the entier bar opened fire. Bullets rained like hail on the man, holes were ripped into his robe, and blood spurted in all directions. In the end, there was only a large chunk, as well as a lot of smaller chunks left of the man.
Then, the townsfolk shivered in fears as a sicking laugh was heard. Then, the blood, bits of bone, and all other sorts, began to ooze and reform together. Less then ten seconds after being litteraly blown away by a hail of bullets, the man rose up again, and stood. Even his robe was undamaged as he continued to laugh a sickeningly evil laugh.
"Ooooo, is that fear you're feeling? Yes, it is! My body cannot be destroyed by such meager, crude, archaeic means! NO! You shall now have the honow, of being my victims!" This time, the villagers wasted no time, and tried again. Another storm of bullets was unleashed on the man. There was a single bang, and then a flash, and then what seemed like an eternity of billions of bangs. This time at the end, however, the man still stood, an unusual blade in his hand. The towns people gasped in unison.
"What? Never seen a keyblade before?! HAH! Don't make me laugh! You're pathetic assault has this time been repelled, and you shall now pay for your sins with your lives!" Another flash and the so-caleld keyblade vanished. Raising his arm, the man unleashed another blur that crushed a small, yet fatal, portion of a mans chest. Upon looking at it, the villagers could see, it was not a solid steel ball, but this time, a bomb.
"Goodbye!" The man said as the bomb went off. The whole of the building collapsed in a huge pillar of fire, and everyone inside perished. The man however, stood amongst the wreckage, a crowd of spectators came to see what had happened.
"Let the slaughter begin!" He yelled, and withdrew from his robes, again defying simple laws of space, two enourmous guns, both of them unleashing a hail of bullets twice as fast as a minigun. Within a few hours, using a variety of weapons and techniques, the man in the robe had killed everything in the town, and left nothing alive.
------------------Two hours later-----------------------------
"Where am I?" Greg thought to himself. He had quite a headache, and was feeling numb through his body. Upon opening his eyes, he could see that the bar was in flames, and the man was standing in front of him. He tried to say somehting, but his voice failed him.
"Looking for this?" The man asked as he held up an absolute horror. With one hand, the man held up a headless body. Specifically, Gregs headless body. Greg looked down with his eyes and a portion of the neck he still had, and could clearly see he was now a single head. Laughing, the man approached Greg, and held up a mirror. Greg looked and saw, on his forehead, was an odd symbol.
"That keeps you alive for now. I have been killing for such a long time, I haven't had a decent chat with someone. So you are going to listen, as I explain, not the exscuse, but the reason, why I kill, and still live, Greg." He said as he sat down across from Greg. Greg could only watch and listen in horror as the man began.
"Did you know that Matrix means mother? I cannot recall which language, I beleive egyptian though. Thats the name of this as well." He held up his mysterious keyblade, which looked like it had been forged with blood. "It is also the closest thing I have to a name. I am project Matrix. Why they chose such a name, I can;t really say, but I will say it is quite ironic. When I was a boy, I found that I had an unusual gift, two of them later actually. From very early on in my life, I found I possesed psycic abilities. This is how I knew your name earlier." He started his tale. Greg was sure to pay close attention, though he doubted it would help him later in life. The man admired his keyblade for a moment before continuing.
"When I was only 13, I found something. Or rather, something found me.The keyblade, in it's simplest form, known as the kingdom key. Through it, I aspired to become a great warrior and swordsman, and so it came to be. However, when I was 14, I was taken from my Matrix, who I loved so dearly, and forced into, ironically, the matrix program. The matrix program, was designed to make a human entity, idealy a psycic for one reason or another, an indestructable, or at least infinitly maluable immortal." He continued his tale, his tone gaining anger as he continued. He walked over, and put his face right up to Greg's.
"And they sicceded apparently. Enhancing my mental and physical abilities beyond measureable peramiters, I became a monster. My mind became sharp, and I became brilliant! My skill and dexterity shot through the roof, I could soon catch bullets. My strength, contrary to my size, became so great, I could crush solid steel. They even empowered my keyblade into what it is today! However, I became a broken monster. My mind filled wiht hate and anger, and rage and despair and sorrow, but not fear. I became suicidle, and tried to take my life a number of times. Then, I became homocidle, and began to take the lives of sinners and righteous alike. Very soon, the monsters who made me a monster perished under my awesome and terrible power." He said as he paced back and forth, Greg watching his every move.
"Now, I kill for a reason you see. When I kill, I can feel their life slip away from my fingers, and that leaves me with such joy, knowing, even if only for a moment, what the sweet sweet taste of death is. Oh, but you cannot understand this, not now. I refuse to allow you to die now. I have much to show you, new freind, yes." Walking over to greg, the man picked up his head, and carried along with him.
"Let us walk the cosmos together for a time. When I show you the face of deaht, and allow you to slip from me, it will be when I say so, and no sooner." The man said, as he began to walk out of the town.
"Let us see what there is to be seen."


Now mine.

The story of Kanzen
Kanzen was born to a powerful warrior that was a Keyblade master and to a priestess. His father was a Emperior that ruled the majority of the territory of the planet he was on and his mother was a high priestess you had spiritual powers higher then most holy men and women. Ever since the birth of Kanzen he has always been rejected by hus father for not inherreting a keyblade of his own to weild. Kanzen would lways be looked down upon from the rest of the people under his father's rule, the person who only cared for Kanzen was his mother. Since the expainsion of his fathers empire Kanzen had grown futher and futher from his family to the point were his father hated his own fleash and blood. The only way to ezcape such troubled time was for Kanzen and his mother to go to the lake they have gone ever since his birth, the lake was a peaceful place where him and his mother would reflect upon life and it's beauties. With the Empire at the highest peck of power it can obtain it had become corrupt with the emperor wanting divine right and lying to the people who were under his rule. The people rejected the emperors new claim of power and revolted for such blashpemy. The only thing the emperor would do is sent his army to attack the people and vut the people had their own methods of overthrowing their emepror with the rage built inside him the emperor blamed his son for not being strong enough to take the Empieor into his own rule and as an act of hatered the assaulted his son. Kanzen mother jumped in the way of the keyblade that was going to stirke Kanzen with the devistating attack, Kanzen's mother had died. His father didn't show any emotions toward his wife's death he could only set his sights toward Kanzen and struck his own son leaving him for dead in the court yards of his castle.

As kanzen awoke he found his monther lieing on the ground, motionless, Kanzen couldn't beileve that his mother had dies at the hands of his father. Kanzen picked up is mother and walked toward the lake they went ever since he was born and went toward the middle of the lake as tears ran down Kanzen's cheek he let go of her and took one last glimps of his beautiful mother falling into the water were he laid her to rest. As thoughts of hate ran through his mind all Kanzen could think about is revenger for his mother's death. He ran toward hs father's room and contronted his father who was staring out into the full moon on his balcony. "Why, Father. Why did you kill mother!" Kanzen yelled while trying to hold back his tears. "It is not I who killed her but you." responded Kanzen's father.
"What.....What are you talking about?"
"It was you who killed your mother if only who were stronger then she wouldn't be at the bottom of the lake."
"But.....but I would never kill mother."
A light came from hid father's hand and the keybade appeared
"That is what you tell yourself but you have already commited the act!" With the keyblade in hand Kanzen's father charged at him ready to strike his son but then a light came from Kanzen's right hand and a keyblade appeared.
"No....You killed mother I only tried to save her!" yelled out Kanzen while stiking his father in the chest.

Kanzen looked upon his father's face as he was held high ontop of his newly obtained keyblade.
"Father...I'm sorry. It wasen't suppose to be this way."
"No....son...this is what.....I've...always wished for..."
"My son you have final obtained a keyblade........the power if yours to command.....follow in my foot steps......and revert the empire I onced had and built off of it....make it stronger......." Kanzen's father deied with those words as his last, now Kanzen looked out into the moon and saw his mother and knew that such an empire can only bring hatered and more death. With his new keyblade and a vessel he had for transportation, Kanzen went into the air on the same night of the deaths of this parents, he looked upon the people in a civil war and saw the plantet's inhabatiens destroy the planet Kanzen once called home. With no perpose of living all he coulfd do is go from planet to planet as help to the less fortunet that are being plaqued by terorr. As the years went by it was 7 years since the death of his parent's and Kanzen was now 19 years okd and has liberated many pepole with corrupt empires and goverrments. Until he went into a planet that was comletely forgotten of a name thus they called it the Forgotten Planet and traveled there to find that the world has alreay been liberated from the clutchs of darkness.
He looked upon the center of the broken down city and saw the floor was stained by the darkness of the heartless.
"Excuess me my friend what happened here?"
"Hey you can't take to the major like that, mister!" yelled a girl next to the man that Kanzen wanted to talk to.
"A pease don't mind her she's just young. Hi I'm the major of this city how can I help you new comer?"
"Yea I was wondering what happend in this city"
"WEll to make a long story short a group of youngsters came here in search of something and ended up saving us."
"Can you tell me what they used as weapons?"
"Well let me see their was this girl that was a white maged and had a staff, an atlantian boy with a necklace and a sword name "Tide", a black mage with a staff and rookie magic attacks but he looked like he had Potential and then there was this young lad that carried a key sword of some sort."
"Key! Sir do you mean the Keyblade?"
"Yea that what it was called the Keyblade he knew how to use that thing up until it was destroyed."
"Yea it was destrpoyed by his darkness here but what we've heard from the Na-yeh's he's regained it and has obtained evern more of them."
"Do you know were they are?"
"Well I've been getting messanges from other worlds and last I've heard he went to his homeplanet after they defeated the Empire of Darkness that plagued our planet."
"What is the Planet called?"
"Well I believe it was callted "The Ocean of Hope"."
"Thanks alot for the information. one last thing whats was this persones name?"
"Well if I remeber correctly his friends called him Eiyuu."
"Thanks for the info."
"No problem youngster."
As Kenzen navagated towards Eiyuu's homeworld he thought in his mind.
"Eiyuu...huh.....If he had his keyblade destroyed once then he isn't fit for such a powerful weapon. I better stop him before he becomes corrupt like my father."

Well just tell us what you think of the stories and which one you prefer.

Posted by Ant

I love them both! I CAN'T DECIDE!

Posted by Arcadios

Super speed reading?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, at least Kairi is reading it as I type this.
Remember, vote for the story, not for the author everyone who does. If you really like me (For some sick twisted reason) but like Mr.N's story over mine, vote for him. If you really like Mr.N, but prefer my story over his, vote for mine.

At least lets get more then 2 votes >_<

Posted by Sak

Kanzen would definitely fit into the story better, but Wally's was written better....but then again Wally's gave me the creeps....I'm goin with Mr. N's.
And what was the point of writing the stories?

Posted by Arcadios


Wally and I were making new keyblades and thought that who should be it's true master but it isn't Eiyuu it's Kanzen, who will show up later on.

Me like the spirte.

Posted by Sak


Posted by Arcadios

Look up to my last post but it's hard to find. lol

Kairi....should I put another girl that loves Eiyuu?

Posted by Wally The Weird

AWESOME! Mine was well written AND creepy! This calls for a celebration!

Oh, and I happen to agree, I think mine was better in every way :)
Just kidding, just kidding. But I really do agree that Mr.N's fits in better then mine.

I offered to do it again, but he said no.
Also, this comp doesn;t show extra images, I'll check it out later.

Posted by Arcadios

It's cause I didn't wanna bother you so much.

Posted by Wally The Weird

It's summer, I don;t have a job (yet) and I enjoy writing, it's no bother, seriously.

Also, on a different comp, kewl sprite! Now make one of Vecks :)
Oh, and the new sig, who is that of?
Note: Playing a game right now, so there could be huge gaps in-between my posts ftm, just so you knows.

Posted by Arcadios

Okay and Kairi can you make on of Eiyuu and Renai?
And Wally thats the same mutant as the last.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Meh, not familiar with many of the new ones.
However, I just want somehting clarified;
x-23 (I think that was her number), is she Wolverines clone?

Posted by Arcadios


Posted by Riku Dark Badass

i voted and im still working on the chapter sorry if it takes a while

Posted by Arcadios

Well my story wins.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird: Meh, not familiar with many of the new ones.
However, I just want somehting clarified;
x-23 (I think that was her number), is she Wolverines clone?
Yeah. Good old Laura's a clone of James (Wolverine). If ya want me to go in depth with it just ask.
Wally wtf do u mean ur not familiar with the new ones? Psylocke isn't a new character. She's been in the X-Men since the 1980's I think.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Nah thats fine, I know plenty about her now. Comes with the territory of reading wikipedia for a few hours :) (The stuff is addicting too)

Oh well, mine lost. Like I said, I think mine is better, but Mr.N's fits better.
Yeah, read up on her too. That was my fault, got her mixed up with someone else for some stupid reason.
Favorites are still Gambit and Jubilee though

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird:
Yeah, read up on her too.
Oh really? If you read up on Psylocke, then you'd know the answers to these questions...
What is her FULL name?
What are her powers?
Who is her twin brother?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, I can't recall her full name, but I remember it was Elisabeth, sometimes mispelled Elizabeth or something.
Her powers vary so freaking often. Started with telepathic abilities, then gained telekineseis, pschic blades, martial arts, bionic eyes, purple hair (It was black initially) and I think there might have been a few other I missed. I know she is skilled with the psy blades, able to cut open a helmet and then only harm the person mentally in a single strike.
Her twin brother was Captain Britain, possibly one of the worst names. An alternate of him from another dimension is Captain UK
And she was a part of psy division of S.T.R.I.K.E, the uk sector of S.H.I.E.L.D
But, I am not an expert on her.

Posted by Sak

Most of the stuff u said weren't powers. lol. You missed precognition and how she's currently immune to telepathic probes and atttacks.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Telepathy, Telekinesis from pheonix (in one version anyway), gained martial arts and an asian body from a mind transfer, precog I did miss. Mind blasts.
Basically, another psychic, who was actually smart enough to use her telekinesis to strengthen her physical abilities.
Here's one for you about good ol Nightcrawler.
Name for me what may be the deadliest part (If he chose) of his teleport.

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

heres Chapter 22 guys