I weep for the young generation. *fowl language warning*

Posted by PWND_U_IN_MK

I was playing "King of Dragons" on the SNES wiht my younger brother today, or rather I was going to but when i tried to ring it I realized he was out of credits and that I could not. I said to him "I can't play your out of credits" To which he replied "what in the hell are credits?" I explained that "When you run out of lives you need to use a credit to keep playing, and avoid a gameover" To which he replied "OH, you mean a continue?". "No not a continue" I said "You use a credit. This game is based off an arcade game, so it uses the credit system" To which he asked "The hell is an Arcade?" I was shocked and has only one reply "Tomorrow I'm takeing your ignorant *** to Tilt. GTFO my SNES, and go play your burnout" Needless o say he threw a bit of a fit and then resigned to the upstairs. WTF is wrong with the young generation?

Posted by Domino

That's actually funny how uninformed he is. I remember the day I was first introduced to an arcade. It was called 'The Twilight Zone'. Good times.

Posted by ZEN

Quoting PWND_U_IN_MK: "Tomorrow I'm takeing your ignorant nad to Tilt.

There's a "Tilt" near where I live (Champain, IL). They don't have all the classic type games anymore, but it's still around after about 17 years.

Posted by PWND_U_IN_MK

Quoting ZEN: There's a "Tilt" near where I live (Champain, IL). They don't have all the classic type games anymore, but it's still around after about 17 years.

Mine has a little "classic" section in the back near the skiball. :)

Posted by NES Queen

reminds me of the scene from Back to the Future II when the kids are shocked that you have to actually use your hands to play the video game in the coffe shop.