Film in 2004

Posted by Dexter

Since 2004 is basically behind us now in the film world I thought it would be pleasant to go back and discuss some of the material of the year. I narrowed my list to a simple two best films that I currently hold as my favorites of the year, along with some other thoughts on the year.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Charlie Kaufman and Jim Carrey really pulled off an excellent film here. Charlie Kaufman has got to be the best screenwriter around. The more times I watch this film the more I appreciate it. There is just so many things done right in this film that put it far above anything else I have seen this year. I already posted my deeper thoughts on this film in another thread, so I don't feel the need to go into detail about them again, although someone could easily drag me into a conversation about it, as so many people seem to do, weather it was unintentionally or not.

I Heart Huckabees. Yeah, I adored this film, whereas everyone else I watched it with didn't much enjoy it. Probably because it doesn't have the simple ingredients that so many films follow these days and people are used to. This is definitely my favorite David Russell film. Jude Law and Mark Wahlberg gave excellent performances and the profound questions brought up about reality and existence were intriguing. The lighthearted way the film brings them up was something special, too. The pleasant mix of the fun slapstickness with the intellectual dialogue went nicely together. I imagine Charlie Kaufman would be scratching his head after viewing this one.

Other great films that I can currently think of that I think might fall into 2004 are Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Million Dollar Baby, The Notebook, and Before Sunset.

Jersey Girl was probably the biggest disappointment, but far from being anything close to the worst. I just expected more from Kevin Smith. :bowser:

What are some of your thoughts about movies from 2004?

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

AVP. 'nuff said.

uber hawt sig dex

Posted by Mixhael

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is probably my favorite movie of 2004. Other notables are probably Saved!, The Terminal, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Garden State.

I havn't seen Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Kill Bill 2, Million Dollar Baby, or Napolean Dynomite, but those are probably the 4 most recommended movies to me from 2004. I'll get around to them soon

Posted by sniper

Kill Bill V2, Saw, Harold and Kumar.