Chapter XVII-Rebirth

Posted by Arcadios

-Chapter 17-Rebirth

----Septero's fight----
"Let's go!" yelled out Septero
"Right!" replied Furigana and they chraged toward the Guardians
With swift moves Septero attacked Kasei, each strike hitting the guardians sword.
"Enough!." yelled Kasei, with a sweep of his Giant sword he yelled out "Devouring Flames!" the attack was tremendious and struck Septero down to the floor but he quickly got back and grasped his necklece and healed himself. "Nice move but such weak attacks wont faze me."
----Furigana's fight----
"Listen, You don't have to fight along side Septero, Furigana." said Mizu
"Stop right there!" yelled Furigana jumping towards Mizu thrusting her staff acting like it was a sword in the air.
"As if a little girl like you can beat me" said Mizu locking her blade with Furigana.
"Aquatic lunge!" water started to appear from Mizu's sword and it formed around Furigana, drowning her.
"See such power can be your's but you chose to side with these weaklings you call friends." said Mizu
Renai showed up and threw a Bomb at Mizu distracting her from Furigana and releaseing her from the water, gasping for air.
"B*tch! it's your turn now?" said Mizu running at an alarming velocity toward Renai. Renai ran and Lucem cut Mizu off.
"If you have a problem pick it up with me" said Lucem
----Lucem's fight----
Lucem had transformed into his angel form, he swung his blade at Mizu but Mizu did a backflip to avoid it.
"You should mine your own business, little man!" Mizu told Lucem
"Whatever afair you have with these atlantians, I Don't care for but if you wish to harm one of my friend then It will become your downfall." said Lucem
With such attacks at his exposal Lucem could destroy his opponent and he yelled out "Light-"
"Stop, Lucem!" yelled Septero
"Why?" asked Lucem
"Because then that isn't much fun, now is it."
"Your right." with all his might he ran toward Mizu and struck her, she fell backwards but jumped and touched her wound healing it with water.
"See, such foolish attacks wont hurt me!" said Mizu
"Well then how about this." Lucem looked at Septero and he ran toward him twisting their blades and yelled out in unision "Light's forgivness!"......Nothing happend, complete Silence took the room.
"What...What's happening?" asked Lucem....."He's almost awake."
"Who?" asked Septero
"Vecks." said Lucem and with that said he ran toward Mizu and attacked her, she swung her sword at him stiking him in his stomach droping his blade.
"Lucem!" yelled Septero. Furigana got up and fell again on the floor and swtched with Angela.
"Septero switch" yelled Mateo and ran to Angela's side.
"D@mn, what did you do to her?" yelled Mateo.
"Don't worry, You'll be with her soon." said Kasei.
He walked toward Mateo with sword in hand raised it into the air and Renai threw an item and said "Mega-Elixer!" Angela woke up but Lucem was still on the floor mortally wounded because of the attack to his stomach due to Mizu's weapon.
"Mateo, are you okay?" asked Angela.
Kasei interupted "Well such a couple should always be together and so you will die with your lover in your arms". Kasei and Mizu looked at each other's eyes and said "FUSION!"
"WHAT!" yelled Mateo and with a light coming from the bodies of Kasei and Muzu they merged together with the attributes of both Guardians and both of the Guardians pendants around their neck.
"You see now, both of you weakling guardian have not even awakened the power of Atlantis." This new being jumped into the air yelling "Flame tsunami!" and a tide of flames eclipsed the room attacking everyone.
When the flames dissipated the floor was filled with fire but the bodies werent in sight.
"Where did they go?"
The fused being looked around and saw a barrier full of light.
Renai had used a transmutation circle protecting all her friends in need.
The Guardian ran towards Mateo, breaking the shield and struck him down into the floor with Tide falling across the room.
"Mateo!" yelled Angela but by the end of her cry she had been attacked and she feel into the floor unconscious.
Renai screamed "Mateo!"
"Such resistance is not needed, little girl, just go along with your friends into the after life"
with its sword raised in the air it was about to strike Renai, until a man in a dark cloak showed up and destroyed the beings weapon.
"What....What justed happaned?" screamed the being. With no weapon the being had jumped into the air and opened it's mouth ready to say a spell but before it could say a word the man jumped into the air and struck it down with "Oathkeeper", and the fusion split and Kasei and Mizu fell on the floor.
"Heal your friends and make sure that guardian destroys these two."
"Your voice...let me see your face." asked Renai walking toward the man in the black cloak. The man backed away and created a portal of darkness behind him.
"Wait, Eiyuu!" yelled Renai the man had disappeared into the darkness, leaving Renai behind. Mateo started moving, Renai ran toward him and healed him and Angela with a potion, he woke up looking at the bodies of the guardians of fire and water. "Who did this, was it you Renai?"
"No, it was Eiyuu." she replied
"Really where is he?!" asked Mateo
"He went into the portal and disappeared."
"Did you get a good look at him and made sure it was Eiyuu?" asked Angela
"No, he was covered with a dark hooded robe but I know it's him, my heart wouldn't lie to me!"
"Well you know it was him and thats good enough for me" said Mateo
"And so we now have two bodies to carry now." said Angela
"Hey, we healed Vecks so he should wake up soon." said Renai.

----The Realm of Dreams----
As Vecks laid floating in a realm where complete light was everywhere they woke up.
"Vecks?" asked Aurie. "Yeah?" he responded.
"I wanted to talk about what you said before."
"What about it?"
"Vecks....I don't want us to break up. I want to stay your girlfriend. You're the only person in the world that really matters to me anymore. Vecks....I love you, nothing's going to change that."
"Aurie I just -"
"Please Vecks, please don't do this to me!"
Aurie and Vecks kissed
"Such things shouldn't be left out of the realm of dreams." a misteroius voice.
"I remember this voice but I can't tell who it is." said Vecks
"It does not matter who I am but we have much to discuss"
"A new enemy has shown it face who goes by the name, Tsumi."
"Who is this Tsumi person?" asked Vecks
"Tsumi was born on a planet of pure light. As he grew older he knew he wasnt like the rest of the children and he would conjure dark powers. In doing this, he defide the laws of the planet and was put in a prison and when word got out he was resented by everyone on the planet. He grew to hate the planet and with his anger he conjured up a being of pure darkness this being was his conscience and this told him that he was the chosen one of Darkness and that he would one day control the universe. He then taught him how to use his powers and with the knowledge he destroyed the entire planet from existance."
"But...." said Aurie
"Sorry we have no time for talk your friends are waiting." the voice said
"Our friends?" asked Vecks
"Yes your friend, all of them."
Both Aurie and Vecks thought of Eiyuu and the light got stronger and eclisped them into opening their eyes to find Mateo, Angela, and Renai looking at them.
"Hey whats up?" asked Mateo
"How are ya doing?" asked Angela
"I had better days." responded Vecks
"Holding up pretty good here." said Aurie
"Well then lets go please." asked Renai with haste
"Why, what happend here?" asked Vecks
"Well we fought these two Guardians, got our @ss kicked by them, I killed them off...let me see now.....and Renai saw Eiyuu in a cloak." responded Mateo
"Really, so he was right." said Aurie
"Who?" asked Angela
"Never mind and I'm guessing that Eiyuu made that portal." said Aurie
"Yup so can we go now, I want to see if it really is Eiyuu." told Renai
"Don't worry Renai, we want to see Eiyuu as much as you do." said Aurie
They all ventured into the portal of darkness without a second thought and we're actually comfortable while in the darkness.
"Does anyone else feel that?" asked Angela
"Yea the darkness is actually comforting." said Aurie
"It's his darkness." responded Renai
The dark road ended with a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel
"Where are we?" aske Mateo
"Where home, our home." said Renai "The Ocean of hope."
----The Ocean of Hope----
The sounds of the ocean were soothing as the waves moved into the beach and back into the water.
"Wow, so you and Eiyuu use to go here everyday when you were little?" asked Angela
"Yea." responded Renai
"How romantic....How come we never do that, Vecks?!" asked Aurie
"Hey I took ya to the realm of dreams, isn't that romantic?" Vecks told Aurie with a panicking tone of voice.
"Well, you didn't take me on your own free will!" yelled Aurie
"Okay guys enough fighting, someones coming." said Mateo
In the distance a being came closer toward eveyone.
"Eiyuu!" Yelled out Renai but she quickly saw it looked like Eiyuu but with blond hair.
"Where is Eiyuu?" demanded the being covered in light
"And who are you? asked Vecks
"You don't need a name because you don't have long to live." said the being unleashing the Oathkeeper and the Oblivion.
"Why...why do you have the keyblades?" yelled Mateo
Without a word the being ran toward Mateo locking blades with him, pushing him down.
"Shut up, there is no reason why you should know."
Vecks put Lucem on the floor and yelled "Firaga!"
The Misterious Blond haired kid jumped toward the sky, Mateo swung Tide at the blaze of fire aiming it towards the being, the being struck the fire which went toward Renai, the man in the black cloack appeared and unleashed his keyblades "Absolute darkness" and "Absolute light" diminishing the spell.
"Eiyuu!" yelled Renai embracing him by his back. Everyone looked toward Renai and Eiyuu and the blond haired kid landed on the ground.
"I knew you would come back." said Renai
"I missed you too. said Eiyuu he looked toward the Blond haired kid.
"Exiyuu!, why are you here?" taking his cloak and throwing it into the wind.
"So we finally met all I had to go by are memories of you" said Exiyuu
"What do you want with me." asked Eiyuu. The sky was filled with clouds but light was still coming from the sky bursting through the clouds.

"What I want is to truly exsits but without the other half of my heart their is no such thing." said Exiyuu
"But how did you come to be?" asked Eiyuu
"Well that is very simple with you willingly taking your heart away it was split into 2 halfs one became I and the other that you posses is where Kurai resides but as you said every heart has light and dark even half of a heart." responded Exiyuu
"Well in order to become whole I must take my heart back." said Eiyuu
"Well then we can stop this idiotic talk." with that said Exiyuu unleashed his keyblades and thrusted each one at them toward Eiyuu yelling "Strike raid!" the blades flew toward Eiyuu blocked them with his own thrusting them back toward Exiyuu, he caught his keyblades. They locked and pushed each other in the opposite direction.
"Let me help, Eiyuu!" yelled Renai
"No, if you get caught in my vendetta then I can never forgive myself!" yelled Eiyuu
"Since when did we ever listen to you, Eiyuu?" said Mateo walking toward Eiyuu
"Well....never" responded Eiyuu
"But why start now, Eiyuu?" included vecks
"Yeah, Eiyuu remember when I said you should depend on us more?" added Aurie
"Yea." said Eiyuu
"Well then why don't you, Eiyuu? asked Angela
"Why even bother fighting it?" asked Eiyuu
"You don't, you just go with it." said Renai
"I'll start this off" said Mateo jumping up into the sky with Tide in hand attacking Exiyuu
"I admire your valor but such attacks are useless alone." said Exiyuu while defending himself from the assult from Mateo.
"Well time to get to work." said Angela unleashing her staff the Petal Blazer still treating it as a sword jumping toward Exiyuu and fighting along side Mateo.
"I'll get started!" yelled Renai, she grabed a stick and started to draw a transmutation circle on the sand.
"Now it's my turn to lend a hand." said Aurie "Light Arrow!" the arrow shot toward Exiyuu and hit him on his back leaving him open for attacks and Mateo took the opportunity to attack him along with Angela.
"And now for my special touch." said Vecks "Ultima!" yelled Vecks Mateo and Angela move out of the way of the magic.
Then light came from the sand as Renai completed her transmutation circle which created a barrier around Exiyuu and the magic had hit him inside the barrier consealing Exiyuu. The explosion hurled Exiyuu toward the ground creating a ditch.
"I.....sti...ll.....r...ise. said Exiyuu with a weak voice while getting up from the hole that was left. With Exiyuu only lifting himself by his keyblades Eiyuu walked toward him, Exiyuu looked up into Eiyuu's eyes, he summoned all of his keyblades including "Oathkeeper" and "Oblivion" and were floating behind him which were taking away from Exiyuu and leaving him to fall onto the floor.
"I pity you, Exiyuu.....You never chose to be my Nobody but you can only find yourself once you've become one with me." said Eiyuu but during his time of weakness Exiyuu sprung in front of Eiyuu stabing him with the "Oblivion".
"Now You will drown in the darkness!" yelled out Exiyuu
"Eiyuu!" screamed Renai.
Eiyuu grasped the "Oblivion" pulling it toward him.
"The dark has no grasp on me, The light has no grasp on me....I control the light and the dark, they are in my heart and no one can take that away!."
The "Oblivion" disappeared and return floating on his back.
"Angel's Tears!" with those word Eiyuu assaulted Exiyuu with all his keyblades each one hitting him 15 times before launching him into the sky then Eiyuu created a barrier around Exiyuu leaving him in the sky.
"Fallen Grace!" "Absolute light" "Absolute Darkness" "Oathkeeper" and "Oblivion" circled Eiyuu causeing his power to rise, he started to glow with the radiance of light while the floor was dark with the circle made from the keyblades. All the Keyblades fell into the ground standing up firmly, Eiyuu raised his arm into the sky toward Exiyuu and yelled "Angelus!" with light emitted from his heart, an energy wave of holy formed into Eiyuu's palm and was released with incredible speed destroying the barrier around Exiyuu and piercing his heart.

Exiyuu fell from the sky and into the ground defeated, as everyone looked at Eiyuu, he walked toward his nobody.
"Why can't I become complete?" asked Exiyuu with tears falling from his face.
"You will be complete..." Eiyuu extended his hand toward Exiyuu " just have to trust me."
Exiyuu lefted his hand with all his strength taking Eiyuu's. His body was glowing with light and the light disappeared into Eiyuu, completing him.
"Well now what?" asked Vecks
"Yeah, how do we get home, Eiyuu?" added Mateo
"You forget I'm complete I have the light and darkness" he replied he opened
"So why don't ya open a portal already? asked Aurie
"Why not spend the night at my place?" asked Eiyuu
"Thats sounds good any objections anyone?" yelled Angela
"No!" yelled everyone
They all went to Eiyuu's house were Vecks and Aurie spent the night in the guest bedroom, Eiyuu slept in his room with Renai and since there was no more rooms avalible Mateo had to sleep on the couch in the living room but being the gentlemen he is gave it to Angela and he slept on the floor.
"Man, why do I have to sleep on the floor?" asked Mateo
"Well, your not alone." replied Angela with her arms around Mateo sleeping on the floor.
The sun had risen and everyone got up to find out that Eiyuu was gone.
"Not again!" yelled Aurie
"Wait Renai isn't here either." said Angela
"Well were do they usally hang out?" asked Vecks
With everyone showered and fully clothed they went to the beach were Eiyuu and Renai went as kids.
"There they are." said Vecks
"HEY! Eiy....."
Aurie slaped Vecks in the mouth "Shut up, Vecks!"
"What!" he asked. Aurie grabbed Vecks hand.
Everyone ran toward the jagged rocks in hidding.
"What are we doing?" asked Vecks in a low voice.
"We're spying on Eiyuu and Renai." said Angela
"O!' replied Vecks
"Bro, you are so clueless." said Mateo.
"Shut up Vecks." said Aurie
On the beach Eiyuu and Renai where sitting on the same rock they sat as children. Looking toward the sunset.
"Eiyuu, did we ever kiss?" asked Renai
"No I don't think so." responded Eiyuu
" to?" asked Renai as she blushed.
Eiyuu looked deep within Renai's eyes as if he could dive into their light.
Eiyuu pushed himself toward Renai and she did they same.
"Eiyuu, you sly dog." said Mateo
Eiyuu quickly looked toward where he had heard the voice.
"MATEO!!!" yelled everyone and as Eiyuu's head was turn toward his friends Renai pulled his head toward her direction and kissed him.
Eiyuu's eyes closed as if he feel asleep and went into a dream and she moved her head backwards.
"Man I missed it thanks alot, Mateo!" yelled Aurie
"Well then, is everyone ready?" Eiyuu asked
"Yea." responded Vecks
"Okay then......" Eiyuu opened a portal of light "....Let's go!"
Everyone entered into the portal to appear in Atlantis.
----To Be Continued----
Hope Everyone liked it, now since its 2:00 am in New york time to go to sleep.
PS: Mateo you chose if all the guardians can fuse even Septero and Furigana.

Posted by Sak

Good chapter. It has a downside though. There were a lot of gramatical errors, and the Petal Blazer is a staff, not a sword. And stop using Roman numerals for the Chapter title. Just use regular numbers. Otherwise, the battles and the overall story were amazing. Great job! :rock: :rainbow: :rock:

P.S. Great job on the kissing scene. That was the best part. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

Well I was tired cause I did it over night so cut me some slack.
kairi what time did you wake up?

Hello Kairi ya there?!

Posted by Wally The Weird

Kewl, I like the chapter, but agree with Kairi on its flaws.
Lucem will be more powerful then he was when his power suddenly dropped, but no where near as powerful as it was when he first showed up.

Like this
First showed up:10
Power dropped:2
Average power after recharging:7

Got it memorized? *Cackle*

Also, going to redo the character who will cover for Vecks in the next story. Still giving him magic, but in a weird way.

Posted by Arcadios

whatever I tried to fix the errors but I think some were left.

Posted by Sak

Hmmmm. You didn't notice me being the nosey 13 year old that I am yet?

Posted by Arcadios

not really
Whatcha do? change the numbers on the title?
O I see you UNDELETED the post I deleted. *Wages finger* Curiosity killed the cat.
kairi you keep on poping in and out.
I started playing 10-2 today and I almost got close in beating shinra on break sphere.

Posted by Sak

Omg. Shinra's unbeatable. U only get Lady Luck for winning though.

Posted by Arcadios

I know I saved it before I faced him so I'm gonna keep trying I just got so close I had 46/50 quota

Posted by Sak

lol. I just started a new one yesterday, and I can't get past Luca - Chapter 1. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

look at this the people who made this site say there look a likes

Posted by Sak

The Rikku one is completely wrong, but Lara and Yuna are kinda similar. Though they aren't look a likes.

Posted by Arcadios

thats what I thought.

Posted by Wally The Weird

lmao, I love things like those. I saw one that was
Majin Buu: Fat pink thing that gains powers by eating people
Kirby: Fat pink thing that gains powers by eating enemies

Or consipracy?

Posted by Arcadios

wow wally finally shows up

Posted by Wally The Weird

Yup, was at church till aout noon, then ot some Arby's, and then took a REALLY long and very nice nap.

Kairi, did you get the PM I sent you?

Posted by Arcadios

sounds like a good time.
so who's next......Kairi?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Yeah, except I am still a wee bit tired.
Oh, I came up with a back story for my new character that I sent to Kairi. Yeah, he'll have magic, but it will be Sword Magic like. When you cast a fire/Ice/Thunder spell on him, he will gain magic based on that spell for a short time, but only one at a time, only those three, and only for a short time.
He'll primarily be a theif.

Posted by Arcadios

hmmmm........very strange combination of classes.....I like it!.

Posted by Sak

No, Wally's next. When it's my turn, I'm gonna introduce a new character - Anara. I was planning to introduce her much later, but I decided to do it now. She's a Berserker - Thief and an old friend of Aurie. I'll do a prologue for her later.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Yeah, my idea is to make him a Doro, a personal creation of mine. They are a race of bird-like elves with feather hair, talon feet, hawk eyes, and wings on their back (Not in place of their arms). However, Kayne (New guy) who is the adoptive son of a theif, only has one wing. As a result, he can glide and float, but he cannot truley fly. He has a long dagger that he can legthen to the length of a long sword.

Doro can fly because their wings are magical in nature, which is how he uses his magic with someone elses help. When you cast fire, his wings become fire, ice makes it ice, and thunder makes it thunder.

Has high speed and attack and Dex, but low hp and def.

Theif with sorcerer like abilities basically.

Posted by Arcadios

well let me see how many chracters were made by the following people:
Riku:how many ever garudians there are plus Mateo,Septero,Angela and Furigana

Posted by Wally The Weird

Lets see, Vecks, Ryth, the Wizard, Kayne, and Lucem. Of course, only Vecks and Lucem are in the party, and both leave before Kayne shows up, and Ryth dies, and The Wizard is..............Himself......

Yeah, thats me for you.

Posted by Arcadios

Eiyuu, Renai, Kurai, and Exiyuu.....That's it I think.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Yeah that sounds right. What do you think of my new character?

Oh, I gotta do some stuff, do their may be some lengths of time beween my posts for a little while.

Posted by Arcadios

I like the new guy who isn't insanly powerful. What I like best about him is that his sword become what ever element gets thrown at his weapon.

Posted by Sak

Riku made 12 characters.....I think.......wait no 13 - the kreps. I made 4, Wally made 9 if you include all the characters that were in Vecks' subchapter. (his version of Chapter 10)

Posted by Arcadios

wow so me and you are the ones who made the least chracters, how self-less of us. lol jk

Posted by Wally The Weird

I decided to make it so that Doro naturally have an affinity for magic, and Kayne is no exception. He even had vast reserves of MP. The porblem, is that he cannot use magic on his own. When you cast an element on him, his wing changes, but his sword doesn't. He can then use the magic cas on him freely through his sword.

So you cast fire on him, his wing becomes fire, and he can use various fire spells and abilities through his sword.

He can choose to switch, if he has fire on him and lightning is cast on him, or whatever combonation. However, he does not have to switch. But when a spell is cast on him and he doesn;t have one, he WILL gain the atribute, even if he doesn't want it.

He can potentially have insane amounts of power against certain things, and be on his own against others.
The facts that he has one wing and cannot use magic on his own, make him an outcast in Doro society. Luckily they live on a specail world, and live high aboe the clouds, so he doesn't exactly need to see them any time soon.

Posted by Arcadios

the name Kanye reminds me of.......well Kanye West, he's one of my fav musical artist

Posted by Wally The Weird

Nah, I got Kayne from an alternate spelling of Kain, the dragoon from final Fantasy 4.

Posted by Arcadios

I have ff4 for gba but I got to the last boss and he kicked my *** so I stopped playing.
did u beat it?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Yeah, but FF4 is awesome, so there!

Again, I want to make him a theif, and a **** good one at that. Something like being able to steal the armor off a soldeir heartless' back.
Gotta go again, laters!

Posted by Arcadios

kinda like anti-form but on command.

Posted by giminius

So when is the next installment?

Posted by Arcadios

its up to wally and I see you've been on vgc for awhile, can I ask you a question?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Oh yeah it's my turn next!
So, any reccomendations or suggestions? Or just wing it?

Posted by Arcadios

let me see.....action for Eiyuu.......wally can you make some new techniques for him?........and the rest just wing it.

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

really good i liked it kinda confusing at times but other than that it was good and but at least i havent made any insanely powerful people but it was good i liked it

Posted by Wally The Weird

BAH! My brian hurts, and I have been bussey. Thus, I will get around to writing the next chapter soon, but it might be a little late.
Hopefuly tonight, but no gaurantee.

Posted by Arcadios

And you hurried me up.....but do what you have to do to make it insanely long.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Ok, so they all arive in atlantis. Is there anything for them there, or are they just grabbing the gummi ship?

Posted by Arcadios

I guess their just getting the ship cause riku's gonna do a chapter later when the go back but that won't be for sometime.

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

yea dont i get to write the chapter where we kill Tsumi

Posted by Arcadios

why don't
or am I wrong?

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

no youre right thats how it is going to go

Posted by Sak

We're gonna split up after Tsumi's dead right?

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

nah im not going to write that because i mean were a team we cant just leave unless all of you want me to write that

Posted by Sak

Well Wally and I had a plan for splitting up and not splitting up would ruin it. I think.....
Yeah, it would definitely ruin it.

Posted by Arcadios

How about I write it?

Posted by Sak

Write what?

Posted by Arcadios

Chapter 20 or do u got it covered cause riku dosent want to do it.

Posted by Sak

Huh? No Riku's got it. He just doesn't want us to split up.
Hey, wtf is taking Wally so long with this chapter?

Posted by Arcadios

o okay never mind I got it confused but hey want to check myspace I change it some more and you may want to pause the rap music. :) and how come U don't make a myspace, Kairi? There are actually alot of people that use the name Kairi as a profile.

Posted by Sak

My parents, Duh! Ever since that girl got killed cuz of my space or whatever, I'm lucky they let me go on forums and play mmorpgs.
I took that KH quiz and got......KAIRI! lol.

Posted by Arcadios

O well my parents don't know about it. And if anyone is stupid enough to take my identity or life then they wasted their time and bullets or any other type of weapon.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Sorry about the next chapter being late. I'll try to stay up and do it tonight, but I have been REALLY bussey. Today alone I went down to the Collage to sign up for Math over the summer. Sorry again, I'll get it done though, don't worry.

Posted by Sak

Oh, and I took another quiz and got.....ASSASIN! lol. And for Inuyasha......SANGO! And for Champloo....:crying: I got Jin somehow.
Wally u spelled college wrong. I learned how to spell college in 3rd grade, I mean cmon man!

Posted by Arcadios

doing bad in math.....NO u like math so u would go to it, right?

Posted by Wally The Weird

HAH! I am insane at mathematics. Hey, where is this KH quiz of which you are speaking?

Posted by Arcadios

go up and go to the site I posted It's myspace and go under the big sora image and take the quiz.
hey kairi can u do something with this and did u ever see pics of kairi little she looks cute.

Posted by Sak

you are Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII! You are loving, and helpful. You have no goal and would like everything to stay the way they are.

Posted by Wally The Weird

I got Roxas initally, then Sora. Weird. Not the best quiz I have take for KH though, cause it's only 3 questions!!!!

I've taken longer!

Posted by Arcadios

me too but I like the artwork for myspace.
hey kairi can u do something with this and did u ever see pics of kairi little she looks cute.

Posted by Wally The Weird

What, is there a final fantasy quiz there too?

Posted by Sak

There r THOUSANDS of final fantasy quizzes on quizilla.

Posted by Arcadios

most of them stories thought.

Posted by Wally The Weird

OH YEEEEAAAAAH! I forgot about that!

Oh well. Still gotta come up with some stuff and junk for the chapter, with luck I'll have it done tomorow.
But who am I kidding, my luck has been real ****-like for a while.

Posted by Arcadios


Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, one thing keeps popping up after another. Wouldn;t say it's bad luck so much as it chews up my time like a nun in a baseball game with five turkeys and a chicken!

Whatever the hell that is!

Posted by Arcadios

WTF??? Whatever......

Posted by Wally The Weird

I'll get the chapter done! And I will be sure to get it done before I leave for a convention this weekend too!

By the way, did I mention I will be gone for friday-early monday?

Posted by Sak

He's just.......being Wally. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

well wally its monday so we have awhile to go.

Posted by Sak


You are Paine, you can be a fun person, when you open up, but you like to be careful of what you say.

Posted by Arcadios

did you just put what u wanted?

Posted by Wally The Weird

*sigh* we never should have allowed Kairi to play with photo-shop!
It's like, putting me in charge is nuclear war-heads or something!

Posted by Sak

Nope. It had weird questions though. Like favorite dressphere, favorite color, and what u want ur outcome to be.
Um, I don't use photo-shop Wally. lol. And what do u mean by that?

Posted by Arcadios

I don't like the out come question.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, we never should have allowed you to play with any art tools of any kind then! You will be the death of us all when you get a shikon shard and start bringing your stuff to life, but they need livers to live, so you start sacrificing villagers, and then you have to be stopped, and we have to cut off your supply of magic but you will be too far gone and end up loosing yourself ot your art litteraly!

Or maybe that was Inu-Yasha?

Posted by Arcadios

Inuyasha would never do that noob, lol and she uses paint shop 7...I think.
U know what the funny thing is I have paint shop 9 but don't get it at all I should give the program to kairi, it'll be in more useful hands.

Posted by Sak

Wally, that sounds like something you'd do.

Posted by Arcadios

but with bombs and grenade launchers.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Nah, I don't rely on my artistic abilities.
Cause they're basically non-exsistant.

Just gimme Odin, or Alexander, or maybe Leviathan, and then I'll wipe the floor with my enemies souls when I use the great summonings to do my bidding and find a way to harness their power into my own body!

THEN Canada will be ROYALLY boned.

Posted by Arcadios

arent thise summons non-exsistant. de-de-de

Posted by Sak

I think Wally forgot to take his afternoon nap today. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

or his bottle of warm milk. lol

Posted by Wally The Weird

Nah, I did that in english today.
Oh dang, I gotta go. See you alls tomorow, hopefuly with the next chapter!

Posted by Arcadios

c'ya laters.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Wally The Weird: Nah, I did that in english today.
Oh dang, I gotta go. See you alls tomorow, hopefuly with the next chapter!
Really? I take mine in Soc. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

what is Soc?
Social studies.

Posted by Sak

Social Studies, duh! lol.

Posted by Arcadios

Kairi, plez respond.

Posted by Burning Inferno


Posted by Arcadios

yea for u guys I got 3 FU*KING WEEKS!!!!

Posted by Sak

gtg - dinner time.

Posted by Arcadios

kairi which town do u live again?

Posted by Arcadios

inferno its been awhile.

Posted by Burning Inferno

man I love living in Texas (:

Posted by Arcadios

where are ur parents from Inferno?

Posted by Burning Inferno

Lubbock, Texas (:

If you mean my heritage im mixed with spanish and mexican.

Posted by Arcadios

o cause my mom is from Guatemala and my dad is from El Salvador.

yo inferno what does "mwa"? I got it from this girl in myspace.

Posted by Sak

Mr. N, this is the LAST time I'm warning u about double posting.

Posted by Burning Inferno

i think its kinda like on online kiss lol
--------------------------------------------------------------------------My internet is running really slow im gonna reconnect brb

Posted by Arcadios

It might be "man was away" and kairi will u ban me if I double post again?

Posted by Burning Inferno

I think maby this summer I will write my own storys in my free time (:

Posted by Arcadios

How about this u make a character and I'll add him on my next chapter.

Posted by Sak

Yes, I will ban you. (first I gotta figure out how to ban ppl though.) lol. Wtf is taking Wally so long with this next chapter?

Posted by Arcadios

hey thats kinda mean cause then what will happen to my guys?

Posted by Burning Inferno

I wanna make a story that will expose the darker side of Kingdom Hearts, all the death, corruption, Hatred, malice, etc.

Posted by Arcadios

whats ur guys name?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Ok, the next chapter isn't done, but I have started it. I have nothing planed, so with a lillte luck, I will have the next chapter up by 9 tonight, just in time for house!!!


It's gonna start off with a boring talk mostly involving Lucem, and it is going to actually weaken Vecks while at the same time give him a new power that is neat but won't exactly help in battle.

I plan to make up for it though, they'll crash on a new world, not because of engine troubles, but because they get shot down for once!


Posted by Burning Inferno


Posted by Sak

Mr. N, I've warned you about it like a bazillion times. This time, if you double post, I will ban you.(if i ever figure out how to do that.)

Posted by Arcadios

Inferno: Demon I'm guessin
Wally: Why does everyone like House?
Kairi: did I double post on this page?
r u jokeing???
is she jokeing

Posted by Wally The Weird

Read the above post for chapter progress.
Oh, I am going to have them crash land on a Doro city (Kairi will know a little about them) and then they are going to leave and not come back to it. Don't worry, you'l understand when you read it.
Gonna keep a tab open and check in every now and then, but I gotta finish the chapter, so going to work on it now.
House is a great show and everyone loves a TV show where the main character knows everything, is a total jerk, and has a sick sense of humor.
Like a medical C.S.I

Posted by Burning Inferno

Chech this out! go to

Posted by Arcadios

never watched house. csi, law and order, prision break, that 70 show, etc.
they look pretty plasticy-keyblades

Posted by Sak

Quoting Mr.Nintendo74: Inferno: Demon I'm guessin
Wally: Why does everyone like House?
Kairi: did I double post on this page?
r u jokeing???
is she jokeing

Mr. N, you ALWAYS double post. Everytime u do I have to merge them. I'm really getting sick of it. I'm not kidding.

Posted by Arcadios

I know but I try to delete them.

Posted by Sak

Whatever. The most important thing to do is to nag Wally until he finishes this ****ing chapter. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

well aslong ur not nagging me.

Posted by Sak

Well I'm off ta make a video game. Toodles. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

make a videogame???? whatever c'ya later.

Posted by Burning Inferno

Im writing a story about the keyblade war (:

Posted by Arcadios

rit now?

Posted by Burning Inferno

yupp the first chapter is "THE LIBERATION OF TRANSVERSE TOWN"

Posted by Arcadios

wow sounds cool. r u an anti hero or regular hero?

Posted by Burning Inferno

Right now im a regular hero/Soldier in King Micky's Royal Forces on a mission with Cloud, Vincent, Yuffie, and Cid to retake transverse town from the heartless.

Oh yeah theres a bunch of other namless soldiers, im trying to draw a picture of a Normandy Invasion (You know what D-day is right?) type setting with lots of battles to retake Districts 1, 2, and 3 then eventually the back ally to help the transverse town militia who are recovering from their battle with the heartless.

Posted by Arcadios

sounds hot.

Posted by Wally The Weird

THE CHAPTER IS UP! It is short and boring and THE worst one I have ever done before but it is up ****it!

And house is awesome! A guy bled INTO HIS EYE until it got big enough to pop out of it's socket! It didn't explode, but it popped right out!

Posted by Arcadios

Sup jesse?