Chapter 9

Posted by Sak

The Blank Page - Chapter 9 - The End of Dawn - by Kairi Fan

-- Lord Nowkun’s Lair --

A man opened the large doors to Lord Nowkun’s throne room, and walked inside. “You wanted to see me father?” asked the man. “Yes Sean,” said Lord Nowkun, “I have word that our little group of rebels - Aurie, Vecks, Eiyuu, and Mateo - have been teleported to a new world. I want you to go kill them.” “Aurie….why does that name sound so familiar?”
“I can explain that. You see my son, you are her twin brother. You are not my biological son.”
“Then how did you adopt me?”
“Well…..your biological family was one of poor peasants. There was your mother, your father, your older sister, you, and your twin sister, Aurie. One day, while you and Aurie were still young, you came down with a terrible disease that could only be cured by a dark-hearted white mage. The only dark-hearted white mage that they knew of, worked for me, so they came to my palace for help. I would only have my mage cure you, if I was allowed to raise you as my own son. They said yes, and you came under my care.”
“If what you say is true……then why do you want me to kill my own sister?”
“Because she is the only one who can stop our plans.”
“Then what do I do?”
“You take this sword, and kill her as she is casting a spell in a cathedral on that world.”
“Why this sword?”
“This sword is a magical sword that can disobey the laws of the Grim Reaper Corporation. It can kill somebody before their time in this life is up.”
“With this sword, I will kill Aurie.”
“One last thing.”
“Yes, father?”
“Do not let her boyfriend get in the way, or you will fall.”
“I will keep that in mind.”
The mysterious man named Sean walked out the door. “That’s my boy. It’s a shame….” said Lord Nowkun. (read the rest of the chapter to find out why he said that)

-- Spectra --

After being cared for in the chapel, the group of five left it, and decided to explore this world.

-- Infinity Light --

Soon after leaving the city, the group came to a field. An army of heartless appeared. “Uh oh,” said Aurie as she drew her staff. They charged into battle…..

-- Vecks’ Battle --

Vecks took down heartless after heartless with his magic. “THUNDAGA!” he shouted. Many heartless in front of him got hit with the electricity and disappeared, but even more filled their spots. “This isn’t going to be easy….” said Vecks…..

-- Mateo and Eiyuu’s Battle --

Mateo and Eiyuu fought back to back, protecting Angela. Eiyuu ran towards a group of heartless, and continuously slashed them with is keyblade. He took them out easily. Mateo attacked one very large heartless. He swung the tide down on it as if he was going to cut it in half, and the heartless disappeared…..

-- Aurie’s Battle --

Aurie wasn’t having such an easy time fighting the heartless. “LIGHT AURA!” she shouted. Several heartless were destroyed because of that attack, but more came after her. “LIGHT ARROW!” shouted Aurie. The arrow went through several heartless, and continued going. Aurie ran away from the heartless. They jumped on her back and brought her down. “GET AWAY!” screamed Aurie…..

-- Vecks’ Battle --

The number of heartless in the army seemed endless. Even with that in mind, Vecks did not stop fighting. If he lost now, he would surely die, and never see Aurie again. “WRATH!” shouted Vecks. The elements hit heartless after heartless, destroying them on contact. “WATERGA!” he shouted. Many heartless were drowned in the water…..

-- Aurie’s Battle --

Aurie couldn’t get the creatures off of her back. “SHADE DESTROYER!” she shouted. The heartless stopped moving. This is only going to last for a few seconds, I better hurry up. thought Aurie. She got up and ran. When she was a good distance away, the heartless began moving. Aurie shouted, “MAGE’S VOW!” Several beams of light circles all of the heartless, and then crashed into them. Most of the heartless were destroyed, but a few of the bigger ones were still left. Aurie ran faster up a hill. When she got to the top, she saw something in the distance that gave her hope. It was a cathedral. Perfect! If I get to the cathedral, and cast my spells, they’ll be more powerful. The only down side is, if I cast Wrath of Heaven, I’ll have to repeat the incantation three times. thought Aurie. She began running towards the cathedral…..

-- Eiyuu and Mateo’s Battle--

More heartless appeared to fight Mateo and Eiyuu. “DIE!” shouted Mateo. He slashed at the heartless continuosly. They were destroyed one after another. “My turn,” said Eiyuu. He kicked several heartless, and then began running. Then he turned around, and slashed at them one after another…..

-- Aurie’s Battle --

One of the heartless began jumping at her. Aurie got hit in the back, and fell down. “LIGHT AURA!” she shouted. A beam of light shot from her staff, and hit the heartless right in the chest, and got destroyed. Aurie began running towards the cathedral again. She was almost there. Aurie ran up to the door of the cathedral, opened it, and ran inside. She closed the door quickly behind her. “Hello sister,” said a voice. “WHO’S THERE?!?” asked Aurie. “That’s none of your business,” said the speaker. The man who spoke the words came into view. It was Sean. “You will die here,” said Sean. “Oh yeah? SHADE DESTROYER!” shouted Aurie, “LIGHT AURA!” Sean was hit in the chest with the blast of light. “Not bad,” said Sean, “ For a girl. SHADE BLADE!” Aurie was hit by the sword made of pure darkness. It drained her energy. “Not bad,” said Aurie, “but I can do better! LIGHT ARROW!” Sean dodged the arrow made of pure light, and ran towards Aurie……

-- Vecks’ Battle --

Vecks had defeated many of the heartless. Few were left, and they weren’t worth fighting. Time to go look for Aurie. thought Vecks. He began running towards where he last saw her, and came to a hill. He climbed up, and saw a cathedral surrounded by heartless. Aurie must be there. he thought. “AURIE, I’M COMING!” shouted Vecks as he ran towards the cathedral.

-- Aurie’s Battle --

Sean was approaching quickly. Aurie brought up her staff in a defensive position. Sean kicked Aurie’s legs out from under her. She fell down. Sean brought his sword up, and Aurie shouted, “LIGHT AURA!” Sean was hit with the beam of light. He fell to the ground, and hit his head hard. He fell unconscious.
Time to cast Wrath of Heaven. thought Aurie. She went over to the center of the cathedral, and stood her staff up. She began the incantation -

“Chi toh ni roku chei ro nu kei……”
Sean began to stir.
“mei ro toh kui nei ki ro toh mi chan. Chi toh ni roku chei ro nu……”
Sean sat up.
“kei mei ro toh kui nei ki ro toh mi chan. Chi toh ni……”
Sean stood up, and picked up his sword. He began walking towards Aurie.
“roku chei ro nu……”
Vecks entered the cathedral, exhausted from fighting the heartless that were guarding it.
“kei mei ro toh kui nei……”
Sean is almost at Aurie. Vecks gripped his staff tighter, and ran after Sean.
“ki ro toh mi chan. WRATH OF -”
Vecks shouted, “AURIE, WATCH OUT!” Sean threw his sword at Aurie. It struck her in the back, and went all the way through her chest. “Heaven,” said Aurie with one of her last breaths. Aurie collapsed, the sword still lodged in her chest, with blood seeping out. Sevral enormous pillars of light appeared in the sky. The remnants of the heartless army were destroyed. Vecks ran over to Aurie’s dying body, and cradled her in his arms. “I’m sorry Aurie,” he said with tears running down his face, “I failed you, I failed you……” “Vecks,” said Aurie in a weak voice, “it’s ok. Somehow, I knew it would end this way, but it’s my time to go now. Goodbye.” With that said, Aurie’s heart stopped beating, she was dead, and her body was turning into dust. (that’s what happens to people in this universe. DON’T COMMENT ON IT!) “AURIE!” shouted Vecks. He picked up his staff, stood up, and turned towards Sean. “YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!” shouted Vecks. “Bring it on,” said Sean, as he picked his sword up. “OBLIVION FLUX!” shouted Vecks. The spell hit Sean, and he ceased to exist. Vecks left the cathedral, his heart broken in two.

-- Infinity Light --

After a few minutes of travel, Vecks came to Eiyuu, Mateo, and Angela. “Hey Vecks!” said Eiyuu. “Wait, something’s not right,” said Angela, “Vecks, what happened to Aurie?” Vecks told them the entire story. “Well, now that that’s done with,” said Mateo , “I think we should go our separate ways for a little while, to get over this.” “Yeah,” said Vecks. The team split up, all except for Mateo and Angela, and went their separate ways…..

-- Lord Nowkun's Lair Right After Sean Left --

-that Sean's going to die," said Lord Nowkun.

-- A Few Days Later --

Two men in black cloaks appeared at the cathedral…… (note : next author DON’T finish the guys in black cloaks part. That’s gonna be in Chapter 11.)

-- to be continued --

Posted by keyartist

Ok that was just fine, I was about to comment on what happened to the body but it turned to dust so I didn't.

Posted by Arcadios

you still commented on it

Posted by Wally The Weird

Good chapter though! Huzzahs!

Oh, quick comment, when hit by Oblivion Flux, whatever is hit by it, ceases to be. It does not desintagrate, it just no longer exsists.

Other then that, great job!

Posted by Sak

Ok, changed it.
Did anyone check the prologues lately? I edited some things earlier.

Posted by Arcadios

what about mine

Posted by Sak

Whaddya mean what about yours?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Normally, I would complain about him using the spell, because he just can;t use it, however, after seeing Aurie die, I would bet that he would cast it.

Going to start writing my section soon. But I gotta go ftm, be back soon!

Posted by Arcadios

never mind but i dont like the sound of this coppraration sounds like shinra even though they revived ya.

Posted by keyartist

I mean by not commenting on it I would of ask a long question. Sorry to comment on it. Oh dang sorry again.

Posted by Sak

The Grim Reapers Corporation is, well, A WHOLE BUNCHA GRIM REAPERS! When you die, they come to help your soul move on. Aurie's can't though because it wasn't her time to die, so they had to bring her back to life.

Posted by Arcadios

u can stop now

Posted by Arcadios

i thought there was only 1 grim reaper man

Posted by Sak

No, in this universe there's A TON! lol. I HAD to make up a reason for Aurie to come back ya know.

Posted by Arcadios

she could have had vecks learn a spell but that be too creepy.

Posted by Wally The Weird

How about, the grim reaper is the boss of the company, nad everyone who works for him does all the work?

Posted by Sak

*rolls eyes* You have no originality in u. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

how long do we right our chapters from like 2 months later or 8 months later and r u gonna type 2 chapters in a row??

Posted by Sak

No. You guys write chapters that happen during the time that Aurie's gone. Only one chapter per character. They should be really long though.....
Well anyways, that's gonna count as ur guys chapters for that cycle, and then we start a new one with chapter 11. Oh, and u guys write these BEFORE I write chapter 11.

Posted by Arcadios

okay if ya put it that way it seems fair

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

how about 2 or maybe from the time it happened to like 2 months that sort of thing and yea isnt it my turn to write the next chapter?!

Posted by Arcadios

well it went kairi-me-riku-wally-kairi-riku-me-wally-all of us-so i guess it goes to kairi since she dies and all.

Posted by Wally The Weird

From what I understand, the chapters should be a year in length, so if you need to abreviate, do so.

I could be wrong though.

Posted by Sak

Quoting Riku Dark Badass: how about 2 or maybe from the time it happened to like 2 months that sort of thing and yea isnt it my turn to write the next chapter?!

NO ESTUPIDO! This is what happens....
Chapter 10A - Mateo/Septero and Angela's Story - by Riku Dark Badass
Chapter 10B - Eiyuu's Story - by Mr. Nintendo74
Chapter 10C - Vecks' Story - by Wally The Weird

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

hmm makes sense ill try to think of what happens hmm

Posted by Wally The Weird

Oh yes, that is what I meant really.
Hmmm, I am not entierly sure what I am gonna do,
But I have a great idea.

Posted by Sak

D@mn, I probably can't write chapter 11 till I get back from that estupido camping trip.

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

i think im gonna put the Furigana purification on there

Posted by Arcadios

well ya gonna have ta unless we all do it tonight.

Posted by Riku Dark Badass

alright im gonna try some really fast thought

Posted by Sak

That's not gonna happen......Oh well, I'll keep u guys in suspense. lol.

Posted by Arcadios

have ta wait a while for mine

Posted by Wally The Weird

I figure I'll type my story tonight, or at least start it.
I plan on it being lengthy, and don't start 11 till it's up cause things shall happen, but it shall all be for the goodness!

Also, Vecks is going ot go through something based off of what Jack form the webcomic Zebra Girl went thorugh. Just making sure I mention my referance!

Posted by Arcadios

based off of what Jack form the webcomic Zebra Girl went thorugh. Just making sure I mention my referance!

what the hell???

Posted by Sak

Yeah Wally, wtf?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Oh, I am basing it off a story.
the comic is called Zebra Girl, it can be found here

Just to let you know.

Posted by Sak

Is he gonna become a zebra-man?!?!? lol. Your gonna put another girl character in there aren't you?

Posted by Arcadios

wow looks like a spider i dont like spiders

Posted by keyartist

Would it really matter if you had an a b c of chapter ten its the same as 10 11, 12, right? Whats wrong with a few extra chapters.

Posted by Arcadios

no cause it all happend within a year and its more organized

Posted by Wally The Weird

NO! I Shall not have another girl in Vecks' life. One will try, but fail, or something along those lines.
Also, no Zebraman.

Posted by keyartist

oh ok, I guess.

Posted by Sak

someone give me your opinion on this new design for Aurie.

Posted by Arcadios

i dont tihnk thats a good idea

Posted by Sak

The new design for Aurie or the new gf for Vecks?

Posted by Wally The Weird

Well, he is going to have a girlfreind, but it's going to fall through, to the extreme.

Posted by Arcadios

she looks good i like the staff

Posted by Sak

Well that spoiled it. lol.
Man u guys r really bad observers. Notice a similarity?

Posted by Wally The Weird

HAH! you beleived me!
That was your first mistake!

Of course, I meant other things I said earlier today ;)

Posted by Arcadios

yea girl for us guys but girls hitting guys is okay except those muscular girls theit creepy

Posted by Wally The Weird

BAH! You underestimate Kairi and myself, for you see, we're kingdom hearts fans. And kingdom hearts has FF7, therefore, we are greater then FF7 because we have assimilated it like the borg!
......or something......

Posted by keyartist

Hey kairi can you make me a sig using this?

Posted by Arcadios


Posted by Arcadios

kairi can u use cure on me.

Posted by keyartist

I don't know how to post pictures so I use links

Posted by Wally The Weird

Oh, and in response, I have not played FFX, or FFX-2. Despite the fact that I have both of them right next to me in a drawer, so this is why I failed to notice any similarities.

Posted by Sak

Key, heres the URL : to post pics, put the url between [img] and [/img]

Posted by Wally The Weird

Can't, too bussey. Playing Kingdom Hearts 2, still have to beat it because I do not get to play it too often, then I have to beat it on proud, then I'm still playing WoW, and I have to donate at least a portion of my day to Kairi, or she may very well set me on fire...
...Of course, I'd probably do that myself...

Posted by Sak

I gtg to bed. Gotta get up at 6 tomorrow. Cya on Friday. :crying:

Posted by Arcadios

She just deleted my last post i think Klarth stole her soul. we need to get it back *picks up Oblivion* come on wally lets go.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Meh, I have a simple solution.
*Posts another amazing an fantastic and overly complex theory to impress Kairi*

There, soul restored!
Well, good bye and good night Kairi, I hope to see you soon on Friday.
I shall write my potion of the chapter, and it shall be glorious!

Posted by Arcadios

I can only imagine what love you have toward her.
well kairi see ya friday.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Aye, this is true, she seems to be that which I care for most.
However, I think we will have to wait a few years for the wedding

I too am going to bed, G'night y'all.

Posted by keyartist

thank you kairi

Posted by keyartist

oh it didn't work

Posted by Arcadios

well may u see each other in your dreams and may your souls come together breaking the barriers of distance, cause thats what love does.

Posted by Wally The Weird

Wow, that would have been beautiful if not for the fact that Mario was starring at me and trying to hand me a controller :)

thanks man, and g'night

Posted by Arcadios

lol well see ya I'll change my avy then just wait.

Posted by keyartist

Night wally and kairi.It's only 7:27 here

Posted by keyartist

why ain't my siggy working?

Posted by Arcadios

how about my avy?

Posted by Arcadios

or now?

Posted by keyartist

oh, how sweet.

Posted by Arcadios

I anit takling to ya im talikng to wally but thanx any way. :-D

Posted by keyartist

I know that but he left so I thought I would comment on it.

Posted by Arcadios

i know he left but his name still on i hope he response

Posted by keyartist

Oh then I'm sorry

Posted by Arcadios

well he left and i only have 42 more post till 1000 hooray for me.

Posted by keyartist

Oh thats cool and dang I missed my 400th Q