Sequence Breaking

Posted by Stalolin

Is far more fun than doing speed runs. And for those unfamiliar with the term, you all know that Metroid games are fairly linear, you collect one item, use it to get to the next, fight a boss, get another item, so on so forth. But it's all in a certain order. Sequence breaking it when you change up that sequence, for example, notice anything I shouldn't have in this image?

Who else enjoys the awesome that is sequence breaking?

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Eh, it's fun for the second time through. Adds a bit of variety. Otherwise, I don't think too much of it.

Posted by Zeta

I don't do too much SBing. All I've really done is skip the Power Bombs and Screw Attack in Zero Mission. And getting **** in SM earlier by using awesome wall jump skills.

EDIT: And I get the High Jump and Varia before going to Kraid in ZM.

Posted by Pit

Metroid Zero Mission:

Morph Ball, Missile, (no charge beam, no long beam), bombs, i go for the varia then using bomb jumps, and then I get the power grip, go after ridley, then kraid, then yeah!

Posted by Zeta

Just remembered one time I went to Ridley before Kraid in ZM. That's about as extreme as I get.

Posted by GameMiestro

[quote=Stalolin]Is far more fun than doing speed runs. And for those unfamiliar with the term, you all know that Metroid games are fairly linear, you collect one item, use it to get to the next, fight a boss, get another item, so on so forth. But it's all in a certain order. Sequence breaking it when you change up that sequence, for example, notice anything I shouldn't have in this image?


Who else enjoys the awesome that is sequence breaking?

If it didn't take an a huge amount of time, patience, and an absurd amount of knowledge of the shortcuts in the game, I would probably do it more often.

Posted by Sk2k52

I once sequence broke sooo much that I only had 9% of the items in MZM :D

I havent really sequence broke in SM much other than getting a few items alil early.

Posted by MetroidPrimeMan

I'm the type to to play a game through first, and then after seeing everything it has to offer then I try to sequencebreak.

So far my fav is in Prime- when you first land in Talon, there is a visor trick(origanlly designed to be in the game, but for some reason they took it out) that allows you to get the Space Jump Boots. Then After that you can get all sorts of other items WAY early using Visor and jump tricks.

I haven't found too many for Prime 2, but I don't mind playing it through witout the tricks.

Posted by andrewg

Who else enjoys the awesome that is sequence breaking?


Yeah i really enjoy that in metroid games. :)