11,000 Questions for Miyamoto


Well, not quite. But he answers a fair few in this European interview, such as why you move to play the Revolution, and everything we've heard before. But there's a bit about how the developers' experience is, too, especially for independent houses, how awful he is at MKDS, and why Mario is still fat, given the amount of sports he does. Also - stuff about the European version of ACWW and Wonder Spots in Europe.
Not only that, but his knighthood, and how it's not really his.

http://www.webchats.tv/webchat.php?ID=260 - 25 minutes long. Enjoy!

Posted by Roger Smith

Wow, that was an awsome vid Wings. THere were a lot of good question.

Hurrah for Mr. Miyamoto!

Posted by VirtualRealityZone

Great video clip! I approve :D

Posted by maian

...Twilight Princess? :(

Okay, so I'll watch it later. Looks interesting. But for now, I don't have any time.


No, nothing about Zelda, really. Shame. But we know all that they're going to tell us until E3, anyway.

Posted by Vampiro V. Empire

Good video. Nothing I haven't heard before though.

It's funny because felt awkward for the guy and Miyamoto when they were just sitting there listening to the translator...