Volt Catfish's intro

Posted by CS Ryan

I was watching Volt Catfish's intro and it looked like Auto (Classic series) was watching TV.

Posted by Zeta

Didn't you know? Auto was the real villain of the X Series. He'd give Sigma orders while sitting in that room watching his favorite programs. But after the colony crashed, all of his shows were cancelled. He went berserk, and turned into that thing you fight in X6's intro stage. SRSLY!

Posted by CS Ryan

You don't have to be that sarcastic.

Posted by Minesweeper

Nice, Zeta, very nice. XD

Oh, uh, yes, that's Auto. ^^;;; It's just a shameless plug. Either that, or Capcom is starting to enjoy driving the hard-core fans nuts by putting a character somewhere they, by all rights, shouldn't be. (*imagines the hordes who start theorizing about how and why Auto is there* ... *promptly dies*)

Posted by Zeta

Quoting somewhat117: You don't have to be that sarcastic.

I'm not being sarcastic. There's nothing to oppose that theory, right? So it must be true!

BTW, out of curiosity: Has anyone started saying 'Bilzzard Buffalo' instead of Blizzard Buffalo after playing the PSX MMX3? I know I have. And I called Zero 'Zelo' for a while... Silly typos.