Rivals names

Posted by GameMiestro

What are the names you gave your rivals for the different Pokemon games? This should be fairly amusing.

Posted by Zeta

Red: Grunty (Named after Gruntilda from Banjo-Kazooie. My char's name was Banjo...)
Silver: I don't remember :/
LeafGreen: Saijo.

Posted by GameMiestro

My Leaf Green rival is named Sheldon. Hey, I thought it was funny.

Posted by Mystic Hero

Yellow- Gary
Silver- ????????(yeah I really named him that because that's what he said his name was)
Gold- *******
Crystal- Gay Lord


Quoting Mystic Hero: Silver- ????????(yeah I really named him that because that's what he said his name was)

The percentage of people who did that reflects the percentage of people who voted Conservative in the UK. True story.

I tend to name them after another person I know who got the opposite version. Red was Rick, because he had Blue and got me into the series. Blue was Craig, because it belonged to him before I bought it from him. Yello was James, because I bought it from him. Silver was Martin, I think, although that may have been Gold. And this is where my memory breaks down. I think that Crystal could have been Jack... but again, I forget.

Fire Red was James, I remember that much. Different James, though.

Posted by sabre

I'm pretty sure that my rival on Leaf Green was and still is called HITLER. Ruby I'm not so sure about. I'll go check.

[edit: I do not have a rival in Ruby.]

Posted by Zeta

Imagining Hitler saying 'Smell ya later, Gramps!' makes me laugh.

Posted by GameMiestro

"You defeater HITLER! You get $3000 for winning!"- possible scene

Anyways, an 8 year old cousin of mine named his rival TOASTER. I thought that was hilarious.

Posted by junior senior

Gary for Red, Yellow, gold, and silver.

and I forget who was for the rest. I think it was their original names.

Posted by giminius

My friend named his main character in saphire (who was male) GIRL, and his rival was named A**HOLE.

Rather vulgar of him, in my opinion.