Posted by gOdOfWaR

ok im confuzed did hurly find another hole diffrent bunker? and is the black guy,the chink and the other guy still on the same island or are they on a diffrent one? and the guys who took the kid are they on the same island as the black guy?(sorry i forgot names and i might have missed 1 or 2 episodes)

Posted by Klarth

Please don't talk about Lost. Bad taste is against the rules on these boards!

Posted by heyimhappy

holy crap! LOST is the best show on tv right now! have you even seen the cinematography. and the writers are amazing!!

ok: no, hurley did not find a different hatch. thats the same one from the very beginning. Michael (black guy), sawyer(hick) and Jin(chink) were on the raft, but it blew up so now they are on the other side of the same island from season one. "the others" took michael's kid and everyone assumes they are on the island. someone even mentioned that they were on a really small boat so there is not way they were from anywhere else. no one has seen them actually on the island though.... in the last few episodes you see mike, jin and sawyer find more survivors on that side and bring them over to where Jack and Locke are.....does this help you?